Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/662

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l§ S6 TITLE zz.-soesrozé" sense l A ll oe meissable by imprisonment for not more then · year, er by at see of set were time $$39; sed shell bets- · moved 1’ro$ hisewre. (R. S. { 1715.) * l l S6. it v of wld ievelemé-—··’1‘ee Secretary of State in eetheelsed to »mese, {fem time to time, the destruetlee of is- l yelees that have bees wed io the ooeseler omees for in period of ssere thee §ve years. (Fee. 2-1, 1903, e. 753, ·% Stat. S5;} W 87. gs te eertiéeate for good; from hd-g ieeeet to United Statm.·————l¤lo eossoler e@oer of the Uolteid States shell gljest e certiseste for- goods, swelres, or merchéze elise slaiwed from eeeetries adjacent to the United Stet@, whisk heve eseseo t3 eoesulete after purchase for shipment. {R. S. § 1T1’§*.)_ v _ " t ‘_ 88. Retestiee of of Americas veswls lmtil payment ` ei demands and wages.-——.XIl console: osleers are authorized sod required to retain is their possessiee ell the pspeps of vessels of the United States, which shall be deposited with thee:} es lllreeted by law, till payment shell be mode of all de? y assess sed; wages oe 'eecoxmt‘ of such vessels; (R. S, §,1718.) 8*9. Fees for services to Americas vessels or seamen pro» hihitl@.e—-isle fees ssmed in the tariff of consular fees prescribed by osder of the President shall be ·C113l’g€a or collected by cousales _GmC€fS for the ewelsl services to Am€fiC81l-V€SSE1$K.~8B<] _ seamen. 4 j Coesselsr 0§(?E1°S lshell furoish the' master of every sees vessel with an itemized statement of such services pe1·— l foemed ee seeosot of said vessel, with the fee so prescribed- for ‘ ‘ service, sed make e detailed rep0rt»to the Secretary of { the Treasury of seek sex·viees and fees, slider such regulations gs the Secretary of State may prescrlbe§ and the Secretary of the Teeesmy shell allow eeosulaxi omeers who are paid in jwhole

 or in part by fees; such (‘(}E§€§1S§l;§i·0!1 for said services as they  `

would have received ‘ but for the above prohibitiouf Provided, Thst soeh services, is the oplnlonaof the Secretary of the Treasery have been oeeeswrlly rendered: (June E, *1884,. c. 121, ,§ 12, % Stat. 58.) V · ~ e ' 99. Pro§ts {rote dealings with discharged seems; prohibi·· ` ties.--——.No consular ollieer, nor any person under · soy consulate oféeerjslxsll make soy charge ori reeeive, directly or indirectly, any compensation, by way of co@lssioh or otherwise, for receiving or disburslng the wages or extra wages to which axlyt smmen or marine: is entitled who is diseharged in auygforeigu eeuetry, or for soy money sdvsneecl to any such seamen or msrieer who seeks {relief fiom 'mly consulate; nor {shall euy eesseilsr GQCEY, or may person seller soy eorlsuler o$eer, be interested, directly or indirectly, in any proht derived fromelothleg, l>osrdiug,_o: otherwise supplying or seeding home any sees sesmes or morloer. `Sueh prohibition as to prom, howl, ever, shell est be construed to relieve or ·pz·eveof any such 0m{?{’1' who is the owner of or otherwise interested lu any vessel of the {felled States, f1'01}1‘ transporting ·lz1_such vessel soy such seemss or merloer, or from receiving or being loterested in sseh ressosellle sllovvaeee as may be made for such transportsties hy low. (R. S. § 1719.) A l » - 91. Yaleation of foreign coinslie payment of fees.-Coosuls, viee eoosuls, one eosselsr egeets is the Dominion of Canada, l is the eolleetlee oi. oféclel fees shell receive i foreign moxieys st the rete given le the '1‘reesm·y schedule ot the value offereigll coms, (R. S. § 1722.) I 92. Exeetieo of excessive fees geeerallyi penalty of treble amoeet.—-—-·Whesex·er soy eonsolsr owzer collects, or knowingly. allows to be, collected for say serviee, soy other or greater tees than ere sllowed by law for such servloe, he shell, besides his liability to refund the some, M lloble to my to the persons by whom or io whose behelt the same are sold, treble the amount ot the unlawful charge so eelleeted, es e peeelty, to be reeojvered with eests, in sey proper form of eetioe, by such person for his owe use.! Ami is any such cose the Secretary of the Treasury mey retain out of the compensation of such I

\ » . 'ISNS ANI) INTERGOURSE 648 e§eer, the emeeet ei meh 0T&i’('!}1§Y$$» and of penalty, ee:} charge eetee to meh 0&cer its eceeeet, and rue; thereupon

 such eeievytul eherge, and my seem penalty to the pereee entitled te tm same it he ebelt   prosper se te de. (B., `

S. j 17%.) ‘ I , , , c 93; Lisbiiity ‘fer {een--—-Every eeeeel geeerel, eee- » eel, er vice consul aweiuted te the duty oi my seek e§cer, ‘ whe, emits "`t0 collect any fm which he te titled te? charge for euy e@cie1 service, shalt be Relate be the United Stetee theretcr, as it he hed collected epee , seed cease ehown gtheretor, the Secretary et the Treasury shell thiekpreper to remit the same. (B; S. {1724,) 94; Returns as te tm by te ky f€%~—¥-·—·.:\}I consular egeete, es are ellewed for their cempeeeetiee the whole er any part of the ieee which they may eeiteet, eee}! make returns in stick rxteuner. as the Cemptreller Geeerei of the United States, shell prescribe, of ell; such as they er may pereoe m°th‘eir behalf se collect. (R S, S 17%; Iely 31, 1®4, e; 174, §_6,2e-s¢e:.2ee.) l . T r 95. Receipt for fees; rmmberitag receigs.-—-Every ceeeeier officer ehall give receipts for eil tees eetlectui iter his ewiel services, expressing the perticéder eeryicm {er which, the seme were collected He, shell mtmber all reeeipte given by ter T fees received for o§cieIl services, in the order et . their dates, beginning with mrmber one et° the cemmeecememr of the period; of his service, and on the first day ot Jemtery ei every yeer thereafter, (R. S. §§ _1726,'fI2'{.) " ~ ._ , ,96. Registry ef. fees.--Every ceumler officer shell else regiei ter in ·a book to be kept by him (er that purpose all {eee ee ~ received by him, in the erder in which theyeere receiredkepéei- `fyiug each item ot éeryfce end the · s e ent received tlierefer, from whoni, and the dates wbeu received, W and if ’ ter {guy service connected with any rewel, the same rthereef, and iudicnb itng what, items andeememets are embre.c& ie receipt given by him therefor, and ¤g1mtieri¤g_ the° tame eeeerdteg to the T number of the receipts, respectively, se that and negister ishell correspond with eee}: ‘ other ;_ md he shall, in geek ‘ register, specify the name of fthe pereee for yrheém, eee tw dete when he shall grant, issue,. or verify any we e eerttfy any invoice, - or perform; any other e%cleli wrvtee in the entry of the preceipt ot the-*1*ces therefor, end else rureber eeek consular act so receiptedi for ~with the emu r er seek receipt, engl es shown by secu: register;. (B., SQ G 1727.) · _ E9'!. Account of féee;.__vcr·i§cstien; `periery.-—Every ceeseiar officer. in rendering his account of fees received, eee}! furnish a full transcript of the register which he is required, to keep, and make oath that, to the best of his keowledge, the mme is true, and eogttgius e full and accurate setetemeet of ellfeee received by hilit,*Q1' for his use, forhis `edieiel services as each coenetxlar officer, during the. period for {which it ptirports te be rendered. Such oath may be taken before any person beting authority toedminister oaths at the port or place where the

 consular: cmcer is located., It eny such eeeeelerc ohicer with
 fully and corruptly commits perjury, el ee: such oath, within

F the intent and meaning ot, any Actsef eeegrees nerr `er hereaftermede, he may He charged, proceeded egaiust, tried, end convicted, and deelt with in the eeme manner, ie ell reepcete, es if such offense hed been committed in the United States, before any o@cer duly, autherhsed therein to administer er take such roeth; and shell M subject to the same punishment ` and dieability therefor as are `or shell be prescribed for such ,oi!’enee., (R. S, § 1728.) d " - 98. N etarial acts, oaths, a§rmatie¤s, ¤§ds.vits, md depositiens; feee.——·-Every coeeuler officer of the United States is hereby required, whenever epplicetietr is mede to him therefor, § within the limits! of his consulate, to edmitiieter te or take from any person any oath, edirmatloe, e§davit, or depmitiee, and to perform any other eetariel act which any notary public is