Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/671

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657* TITLE 22.-——FOREIGN RELAS shell, when the eessiams of the ceurt are held at other cities than Shanghai, receive in addition to their salaries their neces- I

 e—e   wry actual GXDGHSBS during Such sessions, not to exceed $8 pm- _
,3,,;; each] (Feb. 27, 1925, c.~ 364, Title I, 43 Stat. 1025.), _ _

202. Fees ofimarshal and clerk; payment into Trchsury.——¢ 1 · filw tariff of fees of the marslml and clerk of the United Smtcs Court fer China shell be the same as the tariff tlxekl . ieier to July 30, 1906, for the consular courts in ___G11im1,_subjvvi te amendment from··time to time by order ot the President, ‘ em ell fees taxed and received shall be paid into the Trcastiry nf me United States. `(Juné 1906, c. 3934, § 9, 34 Stat. ele.} * l fllxegater 4.-·—PASSPOR'1‘S.

 Iesuaxzeclcf pr1sS{ th0riz<2d; manner of issuing,

. BE?. Wim entitled, to pass t. ‘ · 3}:;, Agzplicetien for pessp0rt;_ foes: for taking. ZH-?. }"#}{3S,_foQ' })§lSSps‘3I"(§ Q€l'S0l1'S vxvused {POD} p{1_y"li1€1lt.· _

215. Fees fer visa of ailexfs passport. ’ ‘ »

Eli}. Rvillffl GY f€>€‘S 013 !’i~*{t1S8I tevisa, a _ y»· ___, · ‘ 217. Time limitation as to validity of passport or visa; Lil-`_ Returns as to passports issued, etc. _ Kali!. Issxzazwe of false peeeport; ·pvm1lty. E Qin, False etateugent in application; use of passport obtained by false smtc—m<·nt; pezmityp · _ · ~' 2::. vumwfun use et pesezpm-ty; penalty. A

22::. le`er;.zine:,wzlieretigm, etc., of passport; penalty. _ ·
3:::, \\'a£·-t_ia;1<· 1··—stri<·tie11s generz11ly.‘ . "

1*324. l’:ts.·s;mrt reqtxired of citivgs. _ _

 Pmmlty for violation 0!_wa1*-time restrictions. _ `

iize, “United States? and "pe»rs<;m" as used in wawtlnml restriction , de£med._ = 5 __ . J t 227. livguletleus ae to alien passport requirements continued. Section 211,; Issuance of passperts authqrized; manner of V » iseeis1g.—-The Secretary of State may grant and iss;1e_passp0rts, end tiuuee passports te be granted, issued, and vermed in fo1·· eigzf eemxtries by meh difilomatic lor consular omcers of the {mixed States, and by’su»ch'_cl1ief'·0r other executive 0Ecer of/ the insular possessions ei the United. Statee, and undef such miles es, the President shell, designate and prescribe for and ee bt·lm1f( of the United-, States; Adm} no other person shall gram, isepe, er verify any sueh peeepbrt. Where an embassy cr e legeticm of the United Stetw is established. in any country, eo person other thmi the dtijslomatie representative ot the teitegi tates et such piece shall be permitted to grant or issue { my passport, except lu the absence therefrom of such repre- l e<·ntet°ive. (12..8. {4075; June 14, 1902, c. 1088, § 1, 32 Stat, 212. `Wheeetitled to passport.-··-No passport shall be granted ¤ cr issued te er veadiied fer may ctlger persons then these owing} allegiance, whether citizens GI rmt, to the Ifuited Stetee. Q (June 14, 135132, e. 1088, §_12,““32 Stat. 386.) ·‘ ( t 213,. Applieatien for passwd; fees for ,teking.——-——Bef<·»re_ at I; 1>ees;‘;e1tfie ieeued te any perse:} by mr mxdev authority ef. the United Stem each shell subscribe to and stxbmit et 1 written éeppiieetien duly v4·riHed_by his cetlx before a person . eutlgerieexl end ‘em;_wweretl, te administer mths, which said 3 epplieetieaa shall ceutei;1 a true é recital of eecli end every a exexter of feet which may be required by law QS: by any rules ,1 eethereized by lee to be stated as e prerequisite. to the ieee- : mice of may such peeepert. Clerks of {Suited States cimrts, ·* egeeite et the I}epm·tme11t of State, ex, ethef Federal uféciele eg eutlherieee, er xvhe may be aethexized, te take passport epplb · eatieee and ad1e1:1ie»te1·‘eeth,s thereen, shell collect, for all * services, cmmectien therewith, le tee! of $1,*8.11d no mere, 1 in lieu et ell tees prescribed by gay statute, at the Uxxitetl 2 $tates,§ whetheey the application is executed singly; =· in dupli-K cate, er in triplicate. (June 15, 1917, 30, Title IX, § 1,; 40 } Stat. · e , , ’ . ‘ , * » Q ,1 214. fer msemrt; excmed {rem, payme¤t.·—+· 1 There shall be collected and paid inte the Treasury of the 1 88279*--28--4-42 ‘ e ‘ *1

PIONS AND INTERCOURSE § 220 United States quarterly S1 fee of $1 for executing each application for a passport and $9 for each passport issued to a citizen 01* ·D€I.‘S0ll gwlng allegiange; to or entitled to tha pm~ tectiou of the Uéitédt States: I’mm1deet, That nothing herein contained shall be cons-trued to limit the right of the Saera tary of ”State by regulation to autherize the reteatien by State gtllcials-of the fee of $1 for exeeutiag aa applazatian fm: Z1 passport: And provided: iurzitcr, That no fee shall be c0l· lécted for passports issued to officers or employees of the United States proceeding abroad in the discharge of thelp official duties, br to members of their immediate familiea, or to seamen, 01f_ to widows, children, parents, brothers, ami alaters' bi? American soldiers, sailors, exgmariaes, lizrlgd abroad whose journey is undertaken for the purpose ami with the iateut of visiting the graves of such soldiers, aailgra, or- marines, which facts, shall bemade a part of the abplication far théapassport. Uuue 4, 1920, c. 223, 41 Stat. 'Z50,) a 215. Fees for visa of aliexfa passport.-——Tlzére shall be eellccted and, paid *int0’hthe Treasury of the United States; quam tgzrly a· fee Of {$1 for, ekecuting each application of an alien far a visa uml $9 for each visa of the passport as an alien: I’ra— vided, That no `fee shall be collected from any amaer af any foreign Govcrximent, or members bf his immediate iaaxlly, its armed fdrces,.0r 'ofany State, Ydistrict, ormmxieipality thereof, traveling to 01*. through the United. States. (June 4, 1920, c. 223, 41 Stat;»750..)° ‘ j ‘ 216. Returxrcf fees_0n‘refus§al to visa.-—-—\Vheneve:· the appra— priate Qflicarwithin the United States of aay {amiga eaaatry refuses to visa: a passport issaed by the United Statea, the Depaxhncnt of, State is hereby anitlxqrized upon request in writing and the return of the unused passport within, aix maatha frqm the date of. issue to refund teithe. p€IS3H ga when: tha pasaport was. issued the fees which have been pam ta Feaeml oflifials, and the money for that parpcse is hereby; aaprapriated and direcjted tb be paid, upon the eirder af the Secretary ef Sthta, .°(Jm1.e 4, 1920,. c. 223, Stat, 751,) " 2l'Z. Time limitation. aa. te validity af pasapart at viaai.—i——Tae validity _ of a ‘paaap0rt az? visa shall; be limited ta twae years, unless thai Secretary at Stale shall by regalatiaa limit tha validity of such passport or visa ta a shm.·tex*· peaiad. ‘(Jaae 4, 1929, c. 223, 41 Stat. 751.) _ g , t 218. Returns aa ta passpm·ta_isa;1ed, etc.--All `persons whe shall be authorized; te grant, iaaae, at verify paaaaerta, shall make 1’ét.lI1`l1`0£ the same ta the Secretary of ;Sta£e, ia aach mauaexj and as often., as he ahall require; aaa meh refaraaa shall specify the names and all other particulars af the.peraaaa to walxom the aameaalxall ba granted, laaaed, er vexiiaed, as aaa ` braced in auch paaaport." (R. S. § 4977.) _ l _ ° a 219. Issuance af false p pcrt; peaalty.-——-If any param: aet-· lng or claiming to aét la any effica ar capacity aadar the United States, `its$poaaa·aaiazia, ar aa; of the Stataaaf tha United States, { t who ahall not be lawfully_ax1tha‘raieed ae ta deaalaall graat, iaaaa, , or i:erify_aay paaaport ex: -atl1er_”i;1atraaaeat iaith? aatara of a passport to or far any peraea aelmmaaever, er if any caaaaiara

aicer wine shall, be autlnariaea ta graatia iasaa, ar verify pasaperta shall kaewlxxglyx and willfully grant, iasae, as varify aay, {

sinch apaaalwrf to; or fo; aay peraaa act awiag allegiaaea, whether a cltiaea or. act, ta the Haited Stages, he aaall ba izaprlsoaad far act mare than ehe yaaa er Saad act xaere tllaa $%, mr 'licth ;b and may be charged, praeaedw agaiaat, tried, coawlcted, ami, dealt with thessatef ia the diatrlet where he may ba am-.-eated er la caatédya (June, 14,.1962, c. 1%8, 5 3, Stat, 228. False statement ia laaplicatiea; use of ahtaiaed , < by` HM iatntemaat; peaa.!ty,--—-Qwhceyear shall willfally and kna*F'i¤§!? make any false atataziaeat la.; an -aa;aicatl,aa far

 with iateag ta iaduce ar aecara the Issuance at a pasa-
>c·rt‘under the authority of the, United States, either fe
his x