Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/7

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This Cbdo is the cwgiivial restatcxnwzst in m>r1v<·r1ic>nt form of the generaijnd pemmnem laws of the United Stages in force December 7, 1925, new scattered in 25JYplumes———i. e., the Revised Statutes of 1878, and volumes 20 to 43, iixclusive, of the Statutes aa Lgrge. No new law is enacted mc} rm law . repealed. It is prima facie thai law. Itfis presuzmzd to he the law. The presumption.iS rebuttable by pmduction of prior unrepealed Acts of Congress at variance with the Code. Because of such poééi- hility of ermr in the C0de and of appea1`“i0‘1.;he Revised Staiutes and Statutes at Large, sg table of statutes repealed prior to December 7, 1925,1js published herein t0get he_r with the Articlesx\pf Con— federation; The De<2§h1ration——0f_ Indepe·ndenca; O_rd i11a.ncc of 1787; the Constitution with amendments and index; tables of hréss references to the Revised Statutes, the Statutes at Large, the United States `(`¤mpiléd\St&”{uteS; Annotated, of the Wést XPublishing C0., and the Federal Statut cs,_ ;&hn0taied, of · the Edw&rd Th0mps0n C0.; an appc11di$ with the general and permanent laws of the first session of ’ the/Sixty_;;ni11th C(mg[;·ess ; and finally an exhaustive index of the laws in the Coda and appendix. Twlxe official ccdification of the general and permanent laws of the United States was made in 1874 Endifollowed by`11 perfect ed“cd·ition in 1878. From 1897 to 1907 a commission \V&S`BI1g&g€d in sm 0H`0tt to codify the gréat·mass of accumulat-’ing"legislation; The workgf the ccmngission ixivclvcd

 »m_.éRpc¤ditu;·c of ovcif $300,¢000, but was uevér carried to  completion. More irecently thé task of

codiiicaticm wzxsundcrtakcn by the bite Hon. Edward CJ Little as chairman of the Committee cm the Revision of th&QL&Ws of the House of Representatives, who labored i1iHcfat»igably‘ ‘fr0m 1919 to the day of his death, J uné 24, 1924Q * The volumes which represented the result of his Igbozjs vveréembodiod in bills whiéhpasscd the Home of Representatives in three successive Congresses suuanimoxxély but failed, of action iii the Senate. ‘ _ ,, _ I Thé_ C0de now set for‘th has resulted VfI;O_H1 the hearty cooperation of the\C0mmitteé of the House of Representatives pu the Revision of the Laws, and the Skglect C0mmitt.ce of the United States Senate consisting of Richard P. Ernst, ciliairmari; G c0rgeyWhart0n Pepper, and William Cabell Bruce. Under

th0,&uspices of the committees of ch e 1—I¤use and t, he`Sen&tc»the actual work of assembling and classify-

ing the mass oi material has been done by the West Publishing Qc. and.,§-he Edward Thompson Co. These two houses havcsubordinatéd their private interests t0~th¢ `public gqod ax1d havc produced a resultywhich wcqjuldjhave been `imépossibla with0;rt them. Acknowledgment of valuable assistance is given to `Wg _McCle”nc>11, of th§_*iLcgislatim Reference Division of the Library of Congress, and to the “l&Wk`OH`iC€9l`$ and Jther re ppes¢ntat‘ives of the scvér ixI—§dapa rt meuts, bureaus, and commissionsbf the Gc*v¢ri1nient . A Appreciation is also axpre$segl 0if the iixtcrestixi the Wbrk .takc¤' by the Cymmittée 0n_the Revisi0u of the Federal S_tatutcs ofAthé‘ A1 n cri;Eau_Bar Association. _ ·» — ·

 V Scrutiny of this  Cbdcris invited. Constructive criticism is solicited;  It~ iswthe ambitioniof the
C0mmitt;g`c 011 th © Revision of the Lalws of the'House of Represéntativéégradually to perfect the Code  

by »cq1·;¥éc ti11g errors, él_imiua¢ i”ug obsolete nm.§_te r) and`restafing thejléw w*ith. 10gic&lkzampléteness and with precision, brevity, and uniformity of expre§sion,3- -%. · * ‘

     Address criticisms to Chairnmn `ofg the Committee C11 the Révisiongbf the Laws of .tha House •;>f  

Representatives, Washi¤gton;, W `_ 1 ` Wwumcrox, J uue 30, 1926. . — .

       R0Y G.` B`1TzG1~:i<AL¤,  Chairman.
 ” ~v

j § W . * v

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