Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/700

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—fITL.I 84.-—···HOSPITAL.S, Ai aMtoc¤amthe‘same‘tobepatd¤~atoftla¤a‘1‘reamry¤!@¤ calmed sum. (B. 8. {eau; me 4. ¤·.%.l1.¤¤ Stat..1e1§.) 1 _ . · — 5d. Hauer •£¥pn7h{ el {blu! fl’¤§_D$!id.-·—OR&h&lY of {hb ¥ ~ é tail user we e. abil {Q fity fer the instruction of the i®@t NAM af Dbtrlct of Columbia, formerly l ed in the wlumbia Institution fer the "l)&f,'sh¤l1-be Bild oat.of the revenuu of Disuict of Golumbln and the other half out of the of ~ the United Statm; (Har. 3, 1&9, c. 424, Q 1, $9 Stat. 1101; Briar. 4, 1911, c. @5, Q 1, Stat. HE:) » Chapter 6.-·THE FREEDEQ H%PI’I‘AL. gx; Direction; expenditures; limitation oa appropriations. 2G2. Admission of pntleum; charges for., _ · · 263. Care and treatment of ‘per@’1’rom District of Colombia. 264. Ueclalwed money of deceased mtleats. ~ _ Q . l

 261.   cxgitures`; limitation om appropri-

» atiens.—The Freedmerfa Hwpltal in the District of . Columbia shall, until otherwise ordered by be continued unda the direction of the Secretary of the Interior vqhonshall submit wtimates" for expenses and = maintenance. No ·part of ·· my appropriation shall be used lll support, of, or to. pay. the ex- ` penses on account of any person to be admitted to such hespltal, unless of persons removed thltlcier from some other Gorexjnment hospital,. (R. S. { June 2, 1874, .c.j 455, § 1, 18 Stat. 223; Mar. 3, .1%3. c..199, Y1, 27 Stat. 551_;.Mar, 8, 1905, c. 14%, § 1, 33 Stat; 1190,) ` 1 _ » 262. of pntimts; (charges :fer.—Patiéuts may fbe admitted to Freedmeels Hospital for care and treatment on the payment of snch reasonable chargw therefor as the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe. “All .mo,aeys so collected shall be paid into the Trwsury to the credit of Freedmerfs Hospital, ‘ to be disbursed? under? the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior for subsistence; fuel and light, clown;. bedding, forage, medicine, medical and surgical supplies, surgical instruments, repairs, furniture, aud~ other _ absolutely necessary ex-

 iucid—ent to the management of the hospital.-A A report

as to the expenditure thereof S1l8u'b€·m&dé· annually Ito Congrws. (June 26, 1912, c. 182, ’§ 1, Stat. 172.) * l 263. Care and trcatmmt of mmm fw District or Columbia.-=’I‘he Secretary of the Interior (is authorized to enter into coatract with the s Board of Charities of the District of Columrbla for tlae care add treatment of persons from the District

 of Columbia admitted to the Freedmexfs Hospital; andif any

`nloney that may be received, from this source, shall` be paid to the Secretary of the Interior, to be applied to the asm and purposes of the hospital. (Ear. 3, 1905, c. 14%, § 1, 33 .Stat. 1190.) r ` ' 284. Unclaimed money ¢ deceased pntlents.—A1l.uac1aimed money left at the Fremmenb Hospital by patients _sha1L after a period of three-iam. be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of miscellaneous receipts. (July 1, 1916, c. 209, Q 1,,39 Stat. 311.) J ` Chapter 7.-···-·-NATIONAL CEMETERIES.

 Sec. I `

, 271. Man¤¢r'o£· acquisition of lands. 272. Appraieement of real estate. 273. iwyment of appraised value. ° 274. Saperintcedeets of cemeteries. 275. Selection of sapalatenmts. 276. Feel and quarters for sand-latcedents. 277. Saperlateedeetet Antietnm battle Acid. 278. Care and analateenace of ccmtcrles. 279. ieclemro, he¤dst&, and reglatus, 2SO. Headstloacsla private cemeteries: records. . · 281. whe may bcburlcd in eatloaal cemetery; evidence of right. ‘ 282. Beriai of Contederate veteram~ _ ‘ 283. Cemetery near City of Hexleo, 281. Berulanoea mr meter; la Mexico, \

SYLWHB, AHB CEMETERIES 686 E x E Q. hrlal of Zaehan Tiybr on mntlouel cemetery. W,_P•u¢lt1_!e»r cometerlev. , s Jazmleuea or Umm Kata. _ ~

 R8.   approach to‘@m·lu eulhorlsed.

g m. coewymuee to State or mntelpellty 4 amour me to notion; ( M. Euereschwt by ou x-lat: er way. , . ’ @1. Arlington Remodel Amphitheater; eammhden to mute 4-ew* » ; menoatsm for tacrlption, mtmmm, et:. · g 232. Chairmen nd e ee Eve and &iqr£¤g ¤@ew at conumw, _¤3.· Speddc swwrlzatlou fred (wen for inscription, eutoeae 294. Bentrlcttoas on luecrlptlous, eutmbneuts, etc. ` 295. Charaeteret Inscriptions, etc. =’, , S Ham: •( neqddtlu •! lalse-—·-’Ihe S ry ot Wsr_sh§Il purchase from the osrmra twreot, at smh, priee as mybe mutually upm betww the Seaetnry aud such owners, such moe as in hli _£u’m and uecwrylor of lute wed the m·ov · for uatioual from the’tlt.le . Ju tee simple for the same. Aodln the 8 ry of War · is not able to agree withauy ovmerupon the prlee to be paid

for any reel estate needed for sum or to obtain

· such owner title lu tq’ dmple for the 5l%, the Secretary is - authorized to enter upon and appropriate uy real wtatewhleh, s lp hisjudgment, is `sultebleand ngexryt for such · · ‘(n. s. 5. eovoiy " o V t . ‘ ‘ -- , P 27—2.— Appralsement ot real estate.—-—The Bequury of War or , theowuers ot any reel estate-thus entered upm and unregu- Q ated. ure authorized to make opplleatiou teryau appraleemeut { of real eétate thus entered upon sw . to any dis- » trict court within any State or distrletwhm Q6 real `enate

  • els sltunted; und such court shall, ® ind lu ‘

l' such mode and ueoeék such rules and aa it may , Veoopt, make at just and wultable eppral thet the ash p » eot the several interests ot each and every owmr of · estate endl improvements thereon; .(jR. S; { 4£71E;`;Iar. 3, 1911, ·c.231,§291,36Stat.116u7.¤). _' Q ·._ __ 4 273. Payment of appribed value.-ywhm · eppreleewt or

me real- estate uma entered upon oooluuieropriatm has been

. mudeuuder theorder aud direction of the court, the feedmph thereof shall, upon payment to the of `appralued _ .` value. or ln ceee ouch owuer or'¤@ects for thirq . 'efter {the appreleemeut ot the cash value of the reel es¤te or .· improvements us aforesaid, to dmaud the sam tm Seo-

rotary or Wer,. upon deptmtlug the opgphed value in tw court

» making such apprnisement, `··to the ot _ such owner; he , _. rated lu the United Stutesgl its jurisdiction reel . eotote shall beexcluohfe aud the aameslts j uses or lcueu over reel , wtete purchesed, ceded, or a lated for the —'@owe of navy yards, forts, and arsenals. The ‘Wor R _» . euthorieed und required; to per to the sereralowuer or L respectively, the appruléed vueelor the or mrcels » ot reel estgte, as wedged in the sppr•l t of any of such P courts, or to wr into any ot hydepeeit; as mvidd in. this section, the `appralsed ralueyaud theeumt he e lor men pu may be taken from aug p muon appropriated tor thepurpoeesofuationzl cewerles. (B. S. 8 4872.) ·,_- · 274. of em&hs--1*he Secretary ot Wet shall eauae to be erected at the prlnciwl entrance or each uetiousl cemetery a building to be as a porter’sQlo<lge ; Loud shall .appoluf e merltorious and trustworthy superiut&deut' to rwlde `tliereiup for the purpm ot guarding ‘ and protecting the cemetery sud {giving information to parties visiting the same. (RQ S; {4878,) __ » ”` e 275. Selecéw of guperlnte§deuts.—’1‘he superintendents of the notional ehall be ndected trom` meritorious and trustworthy. solmers, either cmmlssloued 0Q% or eullsted I men of the Volunteer or Reiular Army, who have been houor· . ably mllSt8l'% out or discharged from the mrvice of the United