Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/711

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697 yu es.- tlle enrdled or the Choctaw and Chlekamw Tribes ot indlsns ot Qklahonxa, entitled under exlstm law to share in thetnadsdsaldtrlbes,ortotbeirlawtalhelrs,otalltbet available money held by Goverment ot the United Stalm io: the b@&t;oi aid tribes lnexeen ot that required for expenditures aatb=o@d by annual apprmlationa made tberetromr or by exmlag law. (Feb.`14, 19m, c. 75, Q 18, 41 Stat. 4.26.) 121. Payamt d share of trial iw to belphaa Indiana.- The pro rata share of any Indian who is mentally or physi- {dny incapable of manning his or her own azalrs may be withdrawn from tw Treasury in tm discretion of the Scoreta ry of the Interior and for the beuedt of such Indian under such rnlw. r%¤1a¤¤¤¤. and c@ltlm as the said Secretary near prescribe: Provided, That said lands ot any Indian shall not be withdrawn from the Trmsury until meded by the Iudianand upon his applleadou and when approved by the, secretary ol the Interior., (Mar. 2, 1907, e. 25%, 8 ,2, ‘34l gmt. 1221; §iay.,18, 1918, c.*i%,—§’t,_$1Stat. 1§.) . o ,122. Limitation on applicatim of tribal f¤ds.—No funds belonging to any Indian with which treaty Lrelations exlst shall be applied in any manner not authorised by such treaty, or by eww provlsions ot law; nor shall money appropriated to execute a treaty betransferred or applied to any other purpose, unless expr®ly authorized by law. ·=(R. S. { 2097.) » , 123. kpaditare fren tribal. faadswwitmut speeiie apprepriatiena.-—No lnoney shall be expended from Indian tribal · funds without apecldciapproprlatlou by Gongrws. (May"18,_ 1916, e. 1%, `§ _27, 5 Stat. 150.) Z , _ ~ · ` 124.2 Exmditares from funds of Five Civilised Tribes witheet epic é—-No money shall be expended from tribal funds belonging- to the Five Clvlllzed Trlbm without specldc appropriation ( by Congrm (May 24, 1922, c. 199, 42 Stat.J575.) · · · __ . ‘ , 1%. Expenditure of moneys of _ 'bea of Qaapaw Agency.~—¥ " No moneys shall be expended trfthwl or individual. funds belonging to the Qnapaw or other tribes of Indians of the Quamw Agency ln the State not without wecide authority otlaw. _(June w, 19134:.4, 41_Stat. 20.) ’ .‘ · S ’ . 126. Payateat of clalna for Indiaa dem·edations.—-No part of the macys which may be appropriated ln any general act or bill making appropriations for the current and y Wcontlngent expe&"lncurred in Indian altalrs, to my auuuff ities due to orto be md and exmded for the care and beuedt of any or trlbesgot Indians, shall be applied to the pay-` ment of any claim in depmedationa that may have been orrmay be committed by auch tribe ortrlbes, or any member or membersthereot. Hoclalmstor be mid until m e shall make special a rlation therefor. _ u(R.s.|2m.)_ . A _ · A { 12% Money: er annuities of . hostile IMiana.·-—-No moneys or annuities stipulated by. any treaty with an Indian tribe for whloh agropuationa are made shall be tor, or paid, or dellsmed to tribe which, sence next pay- ment unda snob treat!. lm in hoetlllties walnut the United Statealor against its pmmtully or lawtully sojournlug N"(t1"V¢u¤.| lts juwlction at the tim ot meh homlldea; nor ln snob caqesball sad; stipulated Abiywents or deliveries be until new appropriations shall have been Qade therefor by C¢¤¤@· ‘AM_ibe Commlv slemrotlndlanpataclrsshallreportto G ateach may sion. any usenet bmllldw. by a¤y·ltrlbetwith,.whlcb the UnitedState•haatr&atlmladouwhlehhuoeeurreddlnm his next (R. 8. S 2106.) . M =1%. war with United Stata.——None.ot.the made for the Indian Surteeahallbdmidtoauybandoilndianaoranyportiontoti iv Mad while at sarlwiththe Unltd States or withtlm

—-JNDIANS § 135 white- citizens of any of the Stetu or Territories. (Mar. 3, 1875. c. 132. { 2. 18 Stat. 4Q:) _ 129. dna Indians bowing csptivw other than Indian with&—The Secretary or the Interior is authorized to withhold, from my tribe ot Indians who may hold any captives other than I , any moneys due them from the United Stem until aid captives mall he surrendered to the lawful aethoritiwlot the United States. (Mer. 3, 1875, c. 132, i 1, 18 sm. 424.) Q 138. Withholding of noneys •r goods on aeeonmt of intoxicating liqeors.-—No ermuitiw, or moneye, or goods, shall be paid or distributed to Indians while they are amen- · the i¤· duence of any description of interimmng liquor, A nor while were are good and sumcient new lading the omen or agents, whose duty it may be to make such p¤sy@ts or dietributiou, to believe that there is any species of intoxicating liquor withlh couventmt rmch ot. the indium nor until the chiefs and hendmeu of owe tribe shell here pledged themselves to all their iniuwce sndto make all proper exertions to prevent the introduction and nie of such liquor in their ‘ couutry.__.(R. SJ2087.) . V . 2 · ` . 131, Advsnces to disb¤rs&g eéoers-No seperietmdeet ot Indian aitairs, or Indian agent} or other disbersing omwr in slmh¤se1'viee, have 8d¥Ih08d to him, on or wblic aecountwsny money to_ be disbursed in future; until such seperintendentg agent, or omoer in arch service · has wttled his accounts ot the preceding year, had has satiefsaorily shown that all balances in favor ot the Goiemmerxt; which may eppear to he in his hands, are ready, to be paid over oe the order of the Secreteryeof the Interior. (R. S. I RW2,) ‘ 132. Mode of L distribution. of goods.--Whenever goods and merchandise are delivered to the ot e tribe; for the tribe, such goods and merchandise shall be tamed ever. by the agent or superintendent of such tribe to the chiefs ln_ Milk, and in the original package, as nearly es — precttuhle, md; in the presence of the hendmee ot the tribe, it practicable, be distributed to the tribe by the _&iets in such meeeer as the (chiefs may deem best,} in the presence ot the agent oreuperiutendent. (ILS. § 2090.) · p ‘_ v e . 133. Rolls) of Indian entitled to eepNies.5—=-·Fe:· the purpose of 4· properly distributing the supplies apmopriated for the `Ihdian Service, it is made the duty ot oooh egmt in charge of Indians and ohsving supplies to distribute, to out. at the commencement ot each Real yeengrolls of the Indians entitled to_ supplies at the agency, with tm names ot the Iedians and ot the `headiot families or 1o@$, irlth the number in enoh family or lodge, and to give out eepplm to the heads or families, enduot to the heads ot trim or ha¤&, sed not to give out supplies for a greater length of ¤m than one week ih advsnce. (Hs:. 3, 1875,, tz. 132, { 4, 18 Stst. 449.) 134. Apprwristims fw applies avsiteble iqnedintely;. time for distribution.-—-—So much ot the appropriations ot soy annual Indian Appropriation Act as may be required to pay for and supplies, for ekpensee incident to tm: phrchese, and for tramortetloq, of the same, for the Ascel year for which such. are mdo, shnllthe i@diately available, upon tm approval ot such Act, but no auch goods or supplimr shell be distributed or delivered te any. ot said

   to the  ¤1¤¢ of such fiscal yur. (Mar. 1,

1967, dc. 2285{ 34 Stat. 1016l) _ .. e 185t Snpphes dixrthted so ss to prevmt deécienolmr-It shall be the duty ot the Secretary ot ·the Interior, and the emcerl qharzed by lu; with tm distrtbution otg supplies to the Indians, unda approprtnttorm made by law, to distribute them· and Pi? them oht to the Indi§¤s entitled to them. in such proper proportions ast that the amount ot appropriation made for the current year not be expended betore the