Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/77

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53 TITLE 5.———1§.\’P,$tt’b’fl"1$‘1iF DHI’Alc1iAIi§)i‘1'S, is t A Q Q ,,,,,,_,_ mn] establish re;=:ulntions forbjifcoxillixct of persons! 1;, P.

 my receive.appointments inift civil service. (lt s, sl;
 1;;:,,} ; p p oflici

i 6;;;, Civil Service Commission; appointment; removal,-The any Z,l____:,;,.;,y is authorized to apinolnt, by and with the advice and 7, AN ,,,,,,,i,,l~ of the Senate, three persons, not ~1Il0l'() than two ot so ,,.;,,,,,, ;nnl~l he adherents of the same party, as civil service prop ,.,,,,,,,;sci4»iiers, and said tllI`,0€"COmHllSS·lOll€‘l‘S shall constitute do I gi,`. ynitctl States Civil Service Coinmissiioiig Said pcominis- oft]

 shall hold ono other oflicial place under the United gem;

Sl:·i~·*: _ ’ I t J '_ c ? i · 8.,.2l ·;i;l.» lwcsidciit lllily remove zury coinmissionerp and any- va- . ,.,,,,,—_t- in the position of commissioner shall hose filled by the Ei y,-,.`l.1l»nt, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate] - DOW, at yn conform to Said Conditions for the first scloctlion of com-y

l<~l»HIl(‘]°S. V `. _ Q A, 5 Y
{ _ Z _ tau]-il
·;;n··h of said co,mmissioners‘shall be paid, in addition to his *_ ,.958

,;;l;n·y, his llO(‘0S$!U°§' traveling €XD9llF€S·illCllI"l`€(l in the dis· wsu ,·lt;n·;o of hisgluty asgacomniissioiier. (Jan. 16, 1883, c. 27, § 1, Ord Q2 Sant. 403.) v l _ _ » , - l e . l Gssa 4,;:;:;. Rules.——It shal-the the duty of said comniissionersi · _ ; ytho , l l Preparation o_i’;——Firs_t, To aid the"Pi·esident, ashe may {the

a,?;~z, in preparing suitable rules forncarryiug this section Ill?
 ~·;·rions G32,~63§,—637, 6:‘38,* and 640 to 64:2 of thisS_title‘, l Q
 (·n‘l··~t, and when said rules shall havehccn promulgated it com

will hc thegluty of all omccrs of the IInltcdTStates in`the`de- Pre:

i;z2·*2m~z1ts_{1a1tl offices to which any such rules mayrelate to aid, exa.1

l in all proper wayspin carrying said rules,-·and ang; nioditication 'shal r,l;l·r·l·ol`,_, into effect. _ Q · , _ ( » ·» said •2»jProvis`ions of.-—e—Secoud. Among other things, said rules (4 shall gwovillc and declare, as nearly asselhe conditions of; good may

l¢iYl£lilll'SiP$ltiQl1 will warrant, asmfollows
i A gpo]

1._¢‘o»n;)ciitive c.z·amiaation.s.;~\, t ,4 F V t rule ¤—¤i:·~¤. l*’·,·r erilwn, coi¤¤petiti»‘€ Y¤¤a¤¤i¤¤=1li< ·n$ fcrltestivs the li? ,l¤¢? news of applicants {or the public \.service classiiied on January own lo, 1->:4:, or thereafter, or to be classiticdhereunder.? Such toitl mlminatioins shall he-practical in their lcharacter, and so far and as may he shall relateto those niatters which will fairly test i (F5 uic rclative capacity and fitness or the persons examined to mm- •lis<·h:u·; the duties of the service int0‘w·llich_ they seek to be ·. ghm

l;>l•<•imcd. W .' i ,. i t __ w f cept

J. S¢·I4·¢·tion of ojficcrs, ctc., according Io resuIts· of eaéamina- "sugl A fiom ..-, l v i c ` i_ l linen _ Sl·l·oll<l. All the offices, places, and';eixlplliiylncuts so arranged to 6 or to hc arranged in classes shall be iilled hyselections accord. N 6; in; l43,$.;I°}1(,l0 from among those graded hil:hest es' tllQ;I'€S\llC§ of lgnlgg syl: <·ompctitlx·e_exemi11ntit>l1§. ° i · l tok el. lpgaortioumeni of bppointnzentp; applications for e:vom€n_a· béfc i tions, _ y v J ; , p i i t * 1 ., A 15 Tl, 'l`hh·<l. Appointments to the public-service llfol‘9S&lCl.lll_(ll€' de? X 5; wtlnxioaits at Washington shall he apport.-tonedamongpthe. sev- am; will iitates and Territories and thewDistrict, of Columbia upon egg; liao basis ot population as ascertained at tho., lest preceding to 8 <·¤·l¤<2is. Every application for an eiaxgninationshnll contain, at QV illlllllll.‘{‘.0tilfé[ things, a statement, under oath, setting forth his {0;-; p <·¤‘ hor actualtbonaiilde residence at the time of innklng the all 5 lll*l’lli(.‘tl[l(iB! as well as how long he or she has been aresident mm of such place. _ T . ·‘ l the l. 1’robotion. before absolute appointment; t _, tor; ‘_ l·`··m·tli. There shall he a period or probation before any iahso- ein; l¤‘il_<· appointment or employment gxforesald. `” i i Bt `

 fonh·•'.bu¢ioa.•; for p0Iitfcol,pu1$p0s@8. Tor

l·‘il‘th. No pcrsonin the public service is for that reason nnder~ scle mn- obligations to contribute to any political fund, or to render omg MN political service, and that he will not be removed or other; Tcl? xi. iso prejudiced for refusing to do t 1 in

Q1·’I·‘1C1;:IéS, AND EMl’L()}'IJ13S G35 vliticqfl coercion by ojjicers. xtln. N0 person` in Said service Ima any right to me me Cal authority oriniiuegnce to coerce the pelitivzexl {l(‘£i03”1 ni person or body. * mzcompetitive é.z·am»fnaHmze in ccrtmhz ces·ee._ t . · . P e rventh. There shall be nexaeexnpetxtive exmxmmzatiexxe in ::.11 »er eases Qnefore the commission., when competent »p;·1-sem xet compete, after notice has been ·given·e of the eutistenee he vaeaneyf under sueh rules as ziiay lie prescribed by the miseieuerg as to the manner of ~giving_m>tiee. _` t ‘ Felice of app0in*tmcuts , rejc·ctimzs,jtrmzsfere, ¢·e;s·ig2i@t’i0a.<:, end rcmoziale; execptiens ie be set ferth with rul¢;·:§. lghthi Notice $11:111 be given `in`writing‘ by the appointing Bl‘.t0 said cexmnission of the persons selected for appointt or employment fiom among these who have been exhed, oft the place of residence of such pers0ns,l0f»t»he etiuu of any Such persons after probation, of transfers, gnatikms, and remeva}S, and of the plate thereof, and a recof the Same shall be kept by said commission. Any. necry exeeptions from éaieleigbtg fundainental provisions of rules shall be set forth in ccmneetien with such rules, and reasons therefor shalltbe stated at the annualir ports of cemnxission. * _ ~ ” t · 5), Regnilatiimsefor examinations, and rec§rd{s.<——Iliaird. Said missieutshalel, subjeetate the rules that Qay be made by the sidelm malge regn1ations»`for, and have centre} ef, such minationsy and, th1·0ugh its_ members or `the examiners? it _1 sgfmrvise and preserve the records of .thee.·same; and ncemmissien shall keep minutes of its own proceedings, _. L) Investigations and reports.-+·FeurthQ Said cemni§s:~sion ’ make invest1g_atiené“eencerningthe faetsoand may nfepert nal} matters. touelxingthe euforeement-and effeetsaef said’ s 3 and regulations, Y_aml_·eoncerning` me aetien et anyf examt eeeeleeetsi of 餤mi¤¤¤·S 12_ezi¢i¤¤ftere12r¤~ii¤e<1efe,¤; eeeee¤s¤ its e eubordinatesflanilr theeetiii the public serviee, in respect heeexeeution efthis seetiennand sections 632, 635, 637, 638, 6401:0 of this title. 1 I h _ “ 5) Annual feperta.<-·—y§`ifthe Said: Cemnnissien shall. make an ual rep01jt_ t0~the President for transmission te Congress, wing its bownaetien, thefules and regulations and the exy lens Qthexjete in fereegthe practical eieets thereof, and any gestions itfymaj approve for the me;·e·e_Hectu¤I aecomyislr it Of ’the purpeSeS of sectieiw 632, 633, 635,837, 638 and 640 42.` {Jan; 16, 1883, c.__27, Q 2, 22 Sta·t.`403.) ’ · t B4.;_,*Dath$` to ivitneéses;—4Membere of the Civi1_Serwice Cem- ` sion and its ¢l_gly‘ahtlm1¤izedrepresentatives are authorized administer hogthe to ~witn‘esse$ in jmiy matter depending me the"Civjl—_Service Commission. (Aug. -23, 1912, c. 350, »3C(jStat.i3,T2,) t xg ‘ e e ° 35. Chief cxaminet; sedetaiyi employees}- boagdshofnexf t\&!‘S.··*····S&i_d"COi1lhliSSiOIl tis authorized te enipley a chief miner, a part of whose duty it aha4l—~ be, under its direction, et with the examining beards, so far as practicable, whether h Washington er [elsewhere, and to eeeurev accuracy; nnii , nity, and justice in 'all their proceedings, which shall be at times open to him. The ehfeiexaminer enhannpepasa in addi—· » to his salary, his neeeeeary travelingexpenses incurred in discharge et his duty. The eem mission shall have a_seere— r, to be appointed by the President. It may, when neeeséary, xley a -sten0gmpher_,, ant} a messenger The commission shall Waehin`gten, and i in 0ue.0r*m0re places in each State and rituryn where examinations are t0·take·‘plm·e. designate and ·et u suitable H\l?l1b€\‘4e0f.e,QQ?SO!lS, rmflesas_ than thfee, in the rial"_set·viee ofethe·United, States, residing in said State or ritory, after censulting the head et the department er eftiee which such persons serve, to be ¤¤em»»t·¤·S mf Lmaxwie et