Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/796

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§ 633 [ www 26.--Jzvzm or packed. Any person, firm, or corporation making, packing, or ropackiog mixed Eour hereunder, failing to comply with the provisions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdomonuor, and upon conviction shall be punished by n. Quo ot not loss than $250 and not more than $500, or bc imprisoned not los; than sixty days nor more than one year. (J uno 13, 18%, cI 448, S 37, 30 Stat. 467.) “ _ , 633. Sale and consignment: in unused pncksges.—All sales and oonslgmoonls of mixed Hour shall be in packages not before used for that purpose. (June 13, 1898, c. 448, § 38, 30 Stat. 4%L) — · . · · 634. Same; label and notico on packages.--In addition um the. branding and marking of mixed hour as provided in this chapter, there shall bcfamxed to thé `mckages- containing the some a label in the following words: ~ " Notice.-?-The (manufncturoé or .packor», ns. the case may bo) of the mixed flour herein contained has complied with all the , requirements ot law. _ Every person is cautioned not to use this package or label again or to remove Jthe contents without destroying tbo revenue stamp thoroou," under the- penalty presctibod by lnw in such·caéos."n ( ‘ ., n Every porsom? iirm, or corporation failing or neglecting to amx such label to any package containing mixed Hour made or packed by him or them, or who removqs from qnysuch package any label so nmxéd, shall, upon couviotionjhercof, be lined noi loss than $50 for each label so removed. J (Juno.}3, 1898, c. 448, 5 39, 30 Stat. 468.) » [ S { · 635. Same; penalty for violation of Inw.——+—Evcry person, Emi, or coz·poration—linowingly selling on offering for sale any `mlixéd Hour ini other than marked and branded packages, as réquiteh by the provisions of this chapter relating to tho manufictnre and mls of mixed H0\l1','01' who packs in nay package or packe ages any mixed Hour. in any manner odntfniy to ul€'.p1‘0#iSi0I1£ relating to the manufacture and sale of ‘-inixog . flour of thi; chapter, or who falsely marks or brands aiy package or packages containing mixed Hour, or_ unlawfully removes such marks or brands, shall, for each such oftenso,`bc:i>¤¤1shed by a nno of not loss than $250 and not more than $500, or by imprlsoomont not less than thirty days nor more than one your. (Juno 13, ·.1®8, c. 448, O 38,·30 Stat. iw.) l ' 636. T11;-·-·B¤l'l'§]S or other npaickagos ln lwhicb mixed Your may be packed shall contain not to exceed one hundred and ninotyoix pounds; and upon the manufacture band solo oi mixed Eonr there snail be- levied a tax ot.4 cents poi barrel or __ other pmxm oontntnlngooo hundred and 'nlnotyoix pounds or mono than ninety-oigbt pounds; 2 cents on ovory ha1£.bar1•oI,o1 wher package "contaluing nlnéty-eight pounds ‘o1···1noro tim: to:·ty-ni¤o pounds; 1 oont on ovary GUIPCQI barrel or omor package oonulnlng torty~ni¤c m· more than twenty-tom and ono·hnlt pounds y; and ono-hilt cent m ovary onooigbth barrel or other package twenty-fom· blond n hall pounds or lm, to be pnid· by tho person, htm, or corporation making or mid Mor. The tax lovlod by ooction shall be repruontod by ooopw stamp!. nod the pmvlslgnnm , laws osoveminx tho onsnvlog, mm sale, ncconothbillty, odhcbmont, ond dostrmtloo ot mmm routing to and sunk shall, so tar an npmlublo, bi nméo to amy to stimw Prqvidod in this (Juno 18, 1@8, n. 448, S .40, 36 Stat. 4%) __ 637, Sane; leur: kbd: Pm!¢1L···¥···WhQ¥¤ miiéd door. on the snnontncturo and, mlo ot which the tax by &IDI8·l? bu boé paid, is sold and than tepnckod without the addition ot any otba matorinl, mob rmokod dom- shall notobo liable to may addltionnl tax; but tbopnchnéo containing such remained nom- shall be blinded or maxim as mouiim by section @2 ot this tltlo, and shall oontnln tlp com provide? for in sold mtiou "; and in. addition thereto tho lpomoo, Arm, or corporation ropocklng mixed Sour sbgll p1.m‘mu»5p•¢x- ogos comaiqiug the same a label in tho following, words:

BRNAL REVENUE { 782 “ Notice.-·——~Tho contents 01 this packago have been taken from l a regular statutory package, upon which the tax has been duly · paid." l ' Any person violating the provisions ot this soction shall, . uporfconvictioon thereof, be punished by a ana ot not leaa thm; l .5250 and not more than $500, or by imprisonment not to oxcooll ono your. (Juno 13, 18%, c. 448, { 40, 30 Stat. 468.) r 638. Assessment, of tax oa, Sour md without stampg,. » Whenever any person, Erm, orcorpontiou sells, conslgus, or l removes for sale, consignment, or consumption any mixed tlomupon which the tax required by this chapter. has not been . paid, it shall Ho the duty of thé Commimioner of Internal n Revenue, for a period ot not moré than one year after such

'salo, .c0¤sigumcnAt, or removal, apoa satisfactory proof, to ea

timato the amount ot Lax which should have been, paid, and to make an- amessmeat therefor and certify the mmol tc; the e collector of 'tlre prop`ér$,district.` The fax so • d shall M z `in addition to` the penalties imposed by Qthla chapter for an

unauthorized sale or removal. (June 13, 1@8, c. 448, { 41,

· _30,Stat. 469.) · _ _, — I A ~ » 639. Imported mixed Boar} impodtioxf of duty and tax.-- » Alrmixed`B0urs, imported from fo?¢iK¤ countries, shall, in r addition to any import duties imposed thereon, pay an internal g l revenue tax equal in amount to the tax ixppwed andor motion

_636' of this ;ltlo, such tank to be reproscntcdiby. coupon stamps,

, and the-Wpackagos containing auch imported mixed Boar shall bo marked, brandeii, labeled, and stamped asia the gase of , mixed Hou; made or packs? in tha United Staioa. l Anyiporsoa, r L ilrm, or corporation purchasing or receiving for? sale or rel packing a any such mixed hour which "haa act been branded, s labeled, or stamped, as raouirgd by this chapter, pr which is , contained in packages rvihich have not been marked, branded, s labeled, or stamped, as .req¤irod_ byjzhis chapter, shall, upon n conviction, be 1in ed‘ not leaa than $50 nor morwthau r `(JIIBB 13, 1898, ’c; 448, 5,4% 30 Stat. 4w.) , . ¤ .649. Purchasing mixed Soar from nsnafsctarer who he r pot jaid tax; po¤•lty.~$¥Aay {lin, or corporation `kaowr ingly purchasing or receiving for sale; orrtor . resale, any mixed iflour from any maker, packer, or importer, who haafnot paid thé tax provided, andér this chspwr shall, r for each ommso, be mmd not loaa- than $0, and forfeit to tho I United Statéa all tgg artlclw so purchased or received, or the E full value thereof. (Juno 13, 1&8, c. 448, { 464 30 St¤t.¤4&.) r 841. hpoqatior regulation; mrking wcla;u.·—·-·-· r Mixed tlour may be removed from the p4ao€of manufacture or ri from the place where packed for export to ~a` foreign couatry n witlxoat, payment of tax or `aaxiag stamps or label thereto, r undor sud: regulation and the mia; lot meh _-bond and orher rt security as tho Comm}, r ot Internal Revenue, with the i_ approval, of the ot, the 1‘r&ry, may pmcribe. , E Every person, J am, corporation who ahail oaport mired » Boar shall plalaly mark oa meh m&ngw ooa the sam n tho words " miid 8oar,” and new of th` iuredkats E composing tho same, tho namofot the maker or packer, and - théxwaco whoramade or paokod, ia accordmcowtth the pro·» 3 `vialona of soctiona 210, and 632 to 543, iaclaeivo, of this title; l (Juno 13, $$8, o. 448, l 44, 36·Bta.t."4&.)·  » l GGZ. Dc¤¤•¤% M stamps ow emptied psckagm.-·—-When- L over any package coataiaing mixed mar iaamptiad, it shall. l ‘bo the duty ot tlxo person ia whom io¤ it is t:o•deatroy

the stamp thogoon. Any poison 1di8D0a£¤g ot auch package

t withoat first having destroyed théatamp or mark or marks

thereon shall, xipon coaviction, be punishéé by a' fine, not or
   tho sum of   (laps 13, 1898, c, 448, 5 45, 30
 Stat. 469,) ‘ · _ W

, · M8. Penalty for accom! oHe¤se.·-·Any pqraon, arm, or cor- · poration found guilty of a aocond or any auliseqaout violation of any ot plio provisions ot séctions 210 ahd @2 `go 642, iu-