Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/803

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gw TITLI 88.-—-JET} pmm, Prov!é¢th:tmcss¤cett¤not¢n&sothm&¤¤u

meisg1·•d•§eGem¤edor&&1 i¤s?¤&to£swch¢o¤·

? me; me dutemmsn abou or bmw the ewtract price wmeh

gygéa emu be the actual mmmsmial dotermm ga eere w e t P!'°YM& E » o Fifth. Frovidn tent oottoa that, of me prsaemo cd egteeneoxxs matter of my chungryor irzuuhdum or detects, ig rmoced in vslae bww that low or cotton that ie below the Quia ot lowmiédling, ot, it dated, cotton that is eww the mee ofstrict midmiag, er, it yeilow named, cotton ms: is mow the grads ot good me grades mentioned lseixeg et the emeini cottcm standards ot the United Ststw, or carton that is lem wvweightuoot in inch in length oi smpée, or comm ot perished staple or ot ipmaturo stspie, or (exten that is ":in cut" M rmuned, or eotton thstsis "n- packed ”` or “ {sine mcked " or " mixed packed " or " water pscked," shall not be deliverg on, under, or in settlement ol such cisutrléh y _. . -.1% Sixth. Provide that ali tenders ot cotton under such contract L sixsii be the {ull number of bales involved therein, except thas sock variations ot the nwbsr ot bales may be permitted as is necessary to bring in tom! weight of the cotton tendered wsmin the provisions ot the contract as to weight; that, on the sim business day price to delivery, tm person msking the tender shall give to the person receiving the same writtw notice of the date of wives, and that on or p¢>r_ to the date sc xixcd for delivery, sud in advance of Bosl settlement ot the com tract, the persm mnkingstho tender shall timnlsh to the person receiving tm same a written hotles or cextmcate statins the grade of each individual bale to be delivenegi sud, by means 01 marks or numbers, tdeutitying ack bale with is grade. Seventh. Provide wit all @dmjs ot cotton and settlement: therefér unkr smh sM1l bes in gecordauco with the e1s¤¤s§¤cation— thereof made uudeai the rgulntiozxs ot the Secre mx-y or Agdculture by mh o¤cer or omcers of the Government use shall be for the purpose, and the costs-etsucla

 shall be sxed, nssmd, collected, and paid as pro

vided in meh "All moneys cotlectedss such cost: may be med as • revolving fund-for carrying out the purposes of this mbdivisioa, t · 1 , ” · Thehprovidous of the third, fourth, Mth, sixth, and sevmth sumsivmws ot this section shall be deemed fully incorponted into any such there be written or printed thereon or on the .mmo1·¤¤d¤.m evideudixg the same., at or prior tx the time the same is d¢¤®. the phrase “Subject to United Stem cotton {unites Act, section 5.* t~ “ The M Azficuiturcis authorized to prescribe mtu lotions to: carrying out puxtpmes ot- the seventh `sufbdxvisioi of this section, and the certiécstos ot the GEOBPS ot the Gov vmmeatv as to the ciassihcatieneot ani cotton for the purposea uf mid mbdiiision shall he weeptedjn the courts otftho Uniteai States in ill suits thepsrties to such contract, or theh Privies, as prim hehe evklsues of the true elammcstion of the cotton invoked, (Au:. 11, 1916, e. 313, 39 Stat. 478; Mar. 4 1919, c, 126, ( 8, 40 But. 1351.) » . 78& {Sodium S.] of allowances on deliterlu V diferiing fron gr•dc.···——F‘or 11h•3_¤$l‘1§0m ot section 735 o1 this chapter ttm dmermem above or below o the ooiatrsct price which the receiver shall my jo: cotton of groom above or below the basin game in me mmmmt ot n icontrsct of sale for tm future dwyuy of cettw shall bs determined by the Actual eemmeréal ju value memo; mam the sixth busi nmdsypx·io:to thedsy¤xed, inacc40rd@withthss1;tl subdivision of section 735 tw tho delivery of cotton on tha contract, ostahkished by the sslo ot mt cotton in the mgrkeq _ wmre the future tr&ction invoked oocmso ésnd · is co mstedi£•¤ohmgrketb•¤bopn¤de@otmarket;•¤dtgth<

nyu. xovmrvs § 739 o :3* » c»y¤ttherebenobo¤a ¤dospot@kot at or in the pleco · in whi& so& foturo tranmctiona occurs, then, and in that case, . th• uid above or below the contract price which l the receivw shall pay for cotton above or hdow me basin grade » shall be dotermined by the avenge actual mmerdal differ-

 ln value thereot, upon the sixth boelnws gay   to

F the day nxed, in accordance with the sith snhdlvfdon ot l eec§on 7% for the delivwy of cottm on the contact, in the

spot markets of not less than Eve places ¢l ted for the

&purposefromtimstot.imby theS :yofAgrten1ture,ns. { such woes was msbIi@ by the aiu of spot cotton, in 2 such designated Svc or mrc msrkem: Provtded, That for the · purposes ot this section su& mlm in the mid spot markets T be based upon the stnnglnrds for gram of cotton esmblishcd · by the Secretary of A.gricu1tm·e: And prooidod futher, That · whenever the value ot one grade is to M dctcrmmed frm the · s¤lo0x•salés0fspotcotto¤.o!¤¤ot1te::raéoworgr¤m,s¤ch 5 tnluc shall be Hxcd in accordance with mlee and regulations which shall be prmibcd for the pmpmo by the Swctery ot

» Agriculture. (Aug. 11, 1916, c. 313, 5 Stat. 41*8.)
737. [Section 6 A.] cl "s¤tisn.6 A contncts`;’

s from tar.--No tax shallbc levied under this chapter on any coet tract ot sale mentioned in section 733 hereof it thecootmct pm-

vide that, in ease cotton of gredc or gradm other than the '

» grade speclhed in the contract shelf be tmécred in perfox·m· a ence pt the contract, the to mw contract may agree, » et the tlme of the tender, as to price of the node or graoos - so tendered, and that itthey shall not spec as to egfch l· price, then, and ln that event, the buyer ot said contract shall r have the right to comma the specmc mmllmmt of. smh con- E tract by tho actual delivery of cottm ot the bam? paste named

 therein and at tho price spociiedv for   {asm grade in aid

r contract, and it tho contract; also comgiy with all the s anal conditions of section Tw hmroot not meoné@t with ·` section: Provided, That nothin in this section shallhoaso cout ttrued he to ;·~elievo·from we thx levlod by l 7¤ of r title any contract in which, og in the ot or in -~ t to whlchynny device or nrran@o¤t whatever is m~· 1 sortedtonornnyngtoewtishsdqhrtheéemrmlnntlmor s adjustnnent ot the price of the grads or grades te¤d other thamthe basis ggadc specmed in the by any "¤xeo n difference " pystem, or by arbitration, or by any other method I not provided for hythischnpter. ‘ — · n a v t , Contracts made in compliance with section shall who n known as “Bectioné A Gontrecm;”· The ot this occl tion shall be deemd fully incorporated into any such econttact · it there be writtenvor prlntw thereon; or on the memorandum · e cvidenclnzt the same, at or pzioarto the the same io signed, n the phrase “Sob1ectlto‘Uni£cd Stota cotton mmm Act, ecc- -.tion6A.”“ _ K . ~ n Section 741 of this chapter shall not be construed to apply I, to any contract ot. ale made lncomplianee with v this section. r (Aug. 11, 1916, c. 313, ®eStat. 478.) _ · · _ . _ ` a . 7%.; [Section 7.] Edo not nnrkcta dc§ne¢l.—-;Fox· the , purposes oi- thie chapter the oil}! which shall be con~ leldercd, bona Edo spot éarkcts shell those whichothe n retiry of Agriculture shall, time to time, after invostigf tion, determine and-dodgmtoto be such, md of whlchhc shall a give public notice. (Aug. 11, 1918, c. 313, @ Stat. {(8.) _ r 789. $@11 8.]` Method of determining hon §de snot a wnarkefll Pwlty for false t%¤ony, sed so f¤·th.+—In deter-” l minix, pursuant to the provisions ot this clmpter," what mar- » kets ere bona Hgle mot markets, the Secretary of- Agticoltnhe x is directed to consider only pmarkets in which spot cotton is a sold in such volumo and undeir such conditions as customarily t to rodcct accurately the vglue of middllng cotton and the dit- » ference: bdwccn the wicca or values ot _ mldclling cotton and r of otha; kudos ot cotton Io: which standards shall have been '