Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/81

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GY TETLE 5.-··—·.E1EOUT1l'E DEPA RT.l1E§7‘ eau?. lncreasm in cor¤pcna•tlo1l.-Increas& ln compensation I pr: Until he allowed upon the attainment and malntononm; ot the wi: HW¤npr; nae emclency ratings, to the next higher. rate within jus me salary range of the grade. In no case shall the compensa- at

in or any employee be increased unless Congress has appro- cm
i»;;ltt·rl money from which the increase mnylawfully be paid, dec

new shall the rate for any employee be increased beyond the ( omxtmuln rate for the grade to which his position is allocated. tio rowing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the pro- {Erosion of an employee from one class to a vacant position in a timer class at any time in accordance with civil service rules, C nm when so promoted the employee shall receive compensa· or than according to the schedule established for the class to which ° vis iw is promoted. (Har. 4, 1923, c. 265, { 7, 42 Stat. 1490.) the mss. Existing preferences in appointments, etc., not elected.-- rec mollixlg in this chapter shall modify or repeal any existing to

»z~t~z‘·»s·<¤nce in appointment or reduction in the service of honor- of

Qtzogr discharged soldiers, sailors, or marines under any existing 4 gritty or any Executive order ln force March 4, 1923. {Mar. jam 4. wzil, c. 265, § 8, 42 Stat. 1490.) _ gu 669. Emciency ratings.-·The board shall review and may re- vis \l—e* uniform systems of emiency rating established or to be my t·gznl»1islaexl for the various grades or classm thereof, which no shall set forth the degree of emciency which shall constitute q p··»u¤nl for (a) increase ln the rate or compensation for em- Sh:

l2(»yl·l=s who have not attalnm the maximum rate ot the class ’ <

zo which their pwltions are allocated, _(br) continuance at the ass existing rate ot compensation without increase or decrease, tic lop decrease in the rate of compensation for employees who at gc! the time are aboye the minimum rate for the class to which Sm lm: positions are allocated, and ·(d) dismissal. t me p lhe head ot each department shall rate accordance with a 1 tml systems the emclency qt each employee under his control _ , or dircntion. The current ratings for each grade or class sh; zl..—l·l·of shall be open to inspection by the representatives ot the · ( l·<•::r4I ond by the employees of the department under ci5ndlti‘o“ns"“‘ ‘‘‘ in so he determined by. the board after consultation with the as? tll*§•lllfl.ll.l€ht heads. e ’ · · " * . · G0 ltcductions in compensation and dlsmissals for lnemclency a * shall be made by heads ot departments lu all. cases wmnever vis o the clliciency ratings warrant, as provided herein, subject to ml me approval ot the boanil. s ° E -— l ’ Bio Tlloboard mary requlretnat one copy,of such current ratings Q: sllnll be transmlttedto and kepton me with thelboard. (Mar. * 4. 1923, c. 265; 5.9,42 Stat,1490.) . A ‘ . 4 asm 670. Transfer or promotion ot onnploycepe-~—Subject to such,— ‘ I'Uli‘é·i and rgnlatjons as Ythe p1’r®ident may from tixno to time mul A }>l`€‘¥··¤fl‘lb€,, and regardleqé of the department or independent tm t·rml»lisl1ment in which the position is located; an employee H" may be transterredo from a position ln one yrade. to a yacant PN zmrieion within the same grade at the same rate of compensw the lion, or protracted to a yamnt pmition in a higher grade at u *9* l.ll:her‘ rate ol! compensation, `ln accordance wltnclvil service @(3** rules, any provlsion ol existing statutes to ·the_contrary not ,7 witllsmndlng. Nothing herein shall construed to'autliorize» shi or permit the transfer ot an loy 3 of the United States to unl if position under the·n1unlclp nment of the District of ·( columbia, or ran. egployee of the municipal government or the sen !•i.»u~ict of Columbia to scposlmm under the United States. the {June 22, 1906,}:. 3514, I 6, 84 Stat; 449; Oct. 6, 1917, c. 79, fen lt 45, 7, 40 Stat. _ o li Mar. 28, 1918,Mc. 28, { 2; 40`Stat. 459; hea r»m¤·. 4, 1o2:—1, e. ros,} 0, 42 fats 1491-) * A d ~ ·. as 671. Temporary a menu _ not made perrnanent.——Noth· ser iw: contained. in tilts chapter shall be construed, to imalw Def-» {S6, lrmuent any . temporary appolntmonta under existinx law. moi illar. 4. 1923,,;;. 265, { 11,42 Stat. 1491.)‘ g s . ‘ _ Q. l· · ‘J 672. Readjurtnent ofrptea of compensation.-—·lt shall be the sha <l¤¤ty.oI thelboard to make a study of the ratoso! compensation r•.t

B;} OF1¥‘1¢.’ERS, AND EMPLOYEES § 673 ‘>v&ed in this chapter for the various services and modes. th a view to any rendjustment deemed by said board to be rt and reasonable. Said board shall, after euch study and such subsequent times esit may deem necessary, report its aelusions to Congress with any recommendatioris it may em-advisable. (Mar. 4, 1923, c. 205, § 12, 42 Stat. 14m.; $73. Compensation schedules enumerated:-—ifhe compenszr n schedules be as follows: rrormseroeznr, Ann scmwrxrre ssnricm Phe professional and scientific service shell include all elnssos positions the duties of which nre to perform routine, adoory, administrative, or research work which is based upon 2 established principles of n profession or science, end which guires professional, scientific, or technical training equivalent that represented by graduation from a college or university recognized standing. ` Srode one, in this service, which mer be referred to ee the 1ior professional grade, shall include all classes ofpositiens a duties of which are to perform, under immediate super- .ion, simple and element-ary" work requiring professional, entinc, or technical training as herein- specified, but little or experience. -• · Phe annual rates of compensation fogpositiohs in this grade A 111 be $1,860, $1,920, $2,000, $2,100, $2,200, $2,300, and $2,400. Zirzide two, in this service, which may be referred to_as`the sistant professional grade, shall include tall classes of posins the dutiep of whichare to perform, underimmedinte or zernl supervision, individually Mor, wit.h°n» smnllenumber of Jordinates, work requiring protmionai, scientihc, or techeal training as hei·ein”speci¤ed,__preriou.s experience, rand, to imited extent, the exercise ot independent judgment, I · Phe annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade 111 be $2.400, $2,500. $2.600.0$2.700. $2.800. $2.000. wid sraoegrthree. in this_ee_rxiccr.nhl,<;h,,_;¤eefz-heerc£errcd;to_,es.lthe sociate professional grade, shall include wot posins the duties of which nre to perform, indiridhally or with small number of trained,. under general, super-. =ion but with considerable latitude for the exercise of indeadent judgment, responsible work requiring extended profesnol, scientific, or technical treiningand considerable previous oerlence. ~ l he · ’ p· r » ['he annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade all be $3,000, $3,100, $3,200, -53,300, $3,400, $3,500, and $3,600. Sredefour, in this service, dhich may be referred to as the l professional. grade, shell include ell classes of positions n duties- of which nreto, perform, under general administrw e snpervision,_importent specialized work requiring extended ifessionnl, scientldc, or technical training and experienoc. s exercise of independent judgment, and the assumption of aponsiblllty for results, or for theeadrninistretion oh: smell entihc or technlcnl organization. ~ . t ‘ _ Phe annual rates of compensation for positions in this grnde nil ik $3.800. $4.000. $4.200. $4.400. $4.000. $4.800. and $5.000. less a higher rate is specihcally authorized by law; Tvrade dve in this service, which may be referred to as the dor proteselomnl grade, shell include ell classes of positions e dutiwot which ere to act es awistqnt. heed of a- large prodonal org sclentlllc ·orgenizet,ion, or to act as `odministrdtive td of s major subdivision of such an orsrsninntion, or to not head of n smelliprofmionnl or scientific organization, or to re as congulting specialist, or. independently toplnn, organ- , and conduct investigations or erlsinol research or develope nt work in n. professional, scienti¤c,,or technical ileldf i Phe annual rates ot compensation for positions in this grnde L1! bi $5.000. $5.400.*%.600. S5;800. end $0.000, unless e iiixébcr e is specideally `authorisad by low. `