Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/839

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$2.3 www w.--1u2·1 flmad dee any each Eeedeiérmimtiuns and the bead herein %,we·;·11,»¤1 clmtain auch further caaditlena"ns the com-

g3iv2S§i}§3€*¥` E3? I . » G

W; The cmdita mwviéed fax: ia sahdivlaixm (g) at this atm may, at the option affthe; taxpayer aad_1r1·@=pectlve at ¤ m·;; a»a af ncecaatlng emalayed ia keeplag its baqika, he taken in the yeaxyln which the taxea of the fm·&@~eamm·y at thenceaeasieu at the United Stateé subject, however, te, the eamixiaae prescribed in sabdivlaien (b) at this &i0B, It the taxpayer elects ta take auch credits in the yar in which the ga Kes af the ¤!¤re@ ccuatry or the ··»~: »:e~x»: at the United smite mccréd, the medita fw all aammumt yum shall he Rakes upon the basis. _ · . “ ’. _· {tit? These civetlim ahall be allewed anly it the taxpayerefur, aiahes 'evidwce atiéactcry tc the cammimwer showing the wmaut at iac·ame't1eri=é*ed= {mar scamea witheat the United waxes. aad all ether intcrmtlaa aecmary for the verifica- Aim; and ccmputatica of swhcredlt. -` (4;;; Fesfthe paqmeact this section a clmestic.ccrpgm- {$433; which awna a majarity of the voting dock 0 a toreikm aurgmratienl {rm which it meeelvu edividmda (g deqactihlg mmepwtiea 9%) in any taxable yeaxyahall de tt ' imwe paid the gm -@crti¤¤‘ of any wa1··prc¤ta er ex<~eea·pre§t¤ taxes mid hy aaiii {weigh carpamtion to am gfqwéigu or to aqy pcmssiou af the Uuiteé;Stntéa agaia or with ;· t to the necuéulntekl piahta of meh 1fi;•i*· Utaim corpoiatlbu {mm which mich dividends were mid; which me- ammmt of éivideads heats to the aww of puck Vaeéutaulated mama: Provided, That the cmclit allaived tot any " fiumestic under this auhdivtéaa shall in no cas exveetl the 'aame prapcertgou of the taxes against which it is treqitedg the amount Qc! auch hw}-: to the ameaat at the atlas net lncw at the Hmmm ccrpefatio: 'ia which meh dividends are included. The gterm " acczmm lated pr0m•." whea used in this aubtlivwdou in .~!‘€{€l'€l\&§ tc _ a foreign means tx amount `ét its girls. P¤‘Q9t¤ or meme in uw` at the Q M me, wau···p:·0§ ta,` and éxcm Q_ praiits taxa t£m@B:l_ ¤p® 0:* with' t tc sxtch P¥9m58 01 mtyme: and the,Cmm@eaer _ ct ( Internal, Revenue wit! the agemval at the 86¢i'¢£$l‘]' at shall have; ful f power to atcrmim fw aecuxnilated p;·c§ts.e£ what Lyeaw at years ahch Mvidmda paid; "tmnting diviééads pak lathe Hm sixty &y¤ ot any year as been the of p i¤ yar afyeus (mites ai; his; mtidactiéa J ummm), me m mae: treating U he nsbsviag hear; mwffm@ the what remtl; aescumulated egnlm, preita, cr lh the ez Bef 1 fereiga mrwithm, the ;ih¢•~e, aaa »excw··pre¤t taxes at which are ¢H€l'Ei on the bada at an neemnhtih; varied at lan thaarcaa yea;. the w0rd·_‘*yeu" as in th} »ss.i3¤1izid·¤a he matmed to mah agecmtim periqd _(t; For tu pum@ at mis section a corporation-·entltle< te the beewtu rc! 1®0 or 1®1_sha1l·bb,treated as _:

 "(Jum 2, 1924;, e. 234, {Z3!

43 Stat. %.) 4 “ - . ` V 991. Tax rettuw; fail. nad emdta; v9r`f§¢iti¤p.--—(a] I-avery ecrpersum td taxation under this chnmer shal make 4 return, the item as lt: gmaa in came and tm deductions and @1ts aliased by this` chamex The retum malibe swam, tb by the premeat, vim #1 U idwt, a Mlm miedpai  :· anclby the treamrer or naalstaat trad: urer, Lt any mr@ earponéaa hss, ac a&ce ar was of had new lathe Uni@ but has an ia‘tha.Ua;ted State: the be by tha·¤g&t, In rc €f£iV€1‘¤. in a w 7; er are 6§\6l'&ti¤§·th property at at mm www or •&m¤ mts retmjns the th anna imma: nad farm aa eerpqtntkma an to mak

mann unv%*mn ·· § 993 xieturns. Any tux dm onitfiéebqis of smh returns made by — reeeieets, trustees, mr assigueex s1z§¥I;e‘be`_e£:lIeeted in the eeme manner as it collated trgm the cm·peretic§`§ tnn¢\sg§Bwe business g 6: meperty theyehnve cwtcdy and _ I E, . (b) Returns made ¤ndm· tm; sectien g1: n“l1_·be subject es _ t [}1’0ViS%i0@_U{ section 9® of this mile. In theeasw of a return — made for s trhctiennéf piart of a year, é£cep·t n remrn made E- under sumivtsicn (¤)’0f mcttem %, tm credit provided in sup ¤ division "(b) of wtion 988 sham be reduced te an mzwmtt r t which beers the same ratio to the fell credit theeein provided {as the number of months in the fer which the retrn is s made bears to twelve months. _ ’ ¢ ) (c) There shui be included in the netnm or appendeé therete · ga tatement of meh facts as wit} enéble the C0mmi&i0n~er ef r· Internal Revenue to determine the pertien of the eemingn er E } pi·0Hts of the corporation (ineluéing gaing; ments and ineome · not taxed} accumulated during the taxable yen: fen, whwh the , return is made, which have disttilmteé nr erdemd in be j distributed, respectively, to its shareholders énim web ymr. l (June 2, 1924, p. nn.; c._ 234, § %§, 43 @7.)

  • 992. Same; time {er xakbg; tewheé nie.-——(a), Return;

F ___0f corporations shelfbe matte ht the mme ee pmeided . `in subdivision (:1.) ofecetiim 967 of this tide, except &at in the '_ _. use of. foreign corporations net having any 0% 61; place ef , Qbueinegs liu the Unitede Statw returns shui.}; be mee at we ·· as prcyided in mid .$ctien‘967 in the df n- mm·e§&t \ alieziiniliyiciual. _ _ _ t . ‘ ’ _ ». n_ ( b) Retnfngjelgall be madefto the eznllectcr of the distticti in Y Which iq lobatéd t vt ., incipal piece of bu§ne$ er pr®ip§I B Ieifiee or agency of the » s ~·»¢tien,» er, jfit has ue ¤ place ot business or principal we 'égency in the Uniteé ¥_ Stat&; then to the collector at Bsltimre, r~ »»— lend; (Imc 2, F ]_924,_ {01 p._-m., ez. 234, [241,,43 Stdt. ®.) - · 993. AElisted mrporatiegg; gpgrgtg “· > fume; ccrperatimts.-——-(a) `whieh the s§li·t

  • » atm within the meaning et this section may, fer any angeles
  1. · year, make . separate returns ei-; unda- @1;:inm bed

k' by the Gem T Vzieneii ni Intternenl Revenue - the akmevgi 1'—0f the Secretary dr the maie z Y of jnet income for `the puznose of this chapter, in ag F the tnxges, thereunder shelf be ecmputed and éetermineé 3 the basis of such getum, It return _1s ‘m&& en either nt meh ¤ hams, all retni·ns· therea£tm··_ be umm 9 t basis iznleén germimen to plunge the is granted by the B ccmmimiemwf V ‘ ·, _ ‘ T ·‘ ?' ·-_(b) In-any casein whichn tax npen the basis Fi ·ct_ i eenmlideted return, tlie total thi shall {be eempnteé in B the mst) instance as'; unit and shall tlien be upon { the reépective emlinted éerpcntiens in such pwrtiennn ne 3 may? be agreed upon gmeng them, or, in the gbwnce of any L inch agreement, thexf en the basis_ of the nu incenw pmw1·¥y· 5 qssignable to each. There nljtall be atkowedjn eemmting the RY income tax only end apeeinc credit cemented as pretided in K subdivisiqn (b): et section 9%. ` · · ‘ » (c)‘For the putpm of this secticm two 0: more domestic )' cexipoxvntiem shall be deemed te be emlieted (1} em eerper¤· li me . at 1e¤ec_e¤»p¤·$ mmm cx the mum stock or me kr other- er ethers, or ‘(2) it at ieast:95 per cmtem of the voting f· stock ex · tm: 01: more corporations e is ewned by the same tr 1 interms. A ccrpemtinn erganized endo: sections 141 to 162 ty et Title 15 (ther China 1`rade Act,—1922), ehailenet be deemed I- to be ewieted with any other éorpcretinn within the meaning L of this pection. _ , ‘ a- (6% In any cme of two er more related trades or businesses ee (whether unineerperated er incerpcrated and whether prgan· 5,; in the United Stateé or net) eiwnecf or controiled directly e of iuéirwtlj by the seme interests, the eumnxiwioner may end se at the request of the tnrpye: shall, it neeeésary in erdexnto