Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/869

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5;,; TITLE 2'2'.——»INTOX mepter, his Péfmlt to mnnnfncture and sell such article shall ee rnveked. The manufacturer may by npproprinte proceeding in n court Gf Gquity have the action of the commissioner writ-x=»·e¢l, and the court may umrm, modify, or reverse the finding ot the commissioner as the {nets and law of the case may warrant, and during the pendency of enclrjaroceedlngs znny restrain the mnnnfncture, sale, or other disposition of seen article. (0ctL E, 1919, c. 85, Title II, .§ 5, 41 Stat. 309.) 15. Change Jef formal; of preparations being used as wvnrage er fer intoxicating. beverage purposes.--1t the eommiseiener snail End after henringnpon notice as required in seegien 14 et this chapter, that any article enumerated in sub! tlivieieus b, ¢. d. or e et section 13 of this chapter is being need ns n` beverage, or for intoxicating beverage purposes he may require sr change of formula of eueh article end inn the event that snch chnme is not made within a time to benamed by the commissioner he may cancel_.tl1e permit for the manufacture of such article unless it is made lclearly to appear to the commissioner use can only occur in rare er exceptional instances, but such action of the commissioner may by nppmprlnte prccwings in n conrt ef· equity éreviewed, ne provided fer in section 14 of tlxls. chapter: Rrovideck Thnt no tehnnne et formula shall-be required nnd no permit t0_'n1nn1i· feature any article nnder snbdiviéfon (e), section 13, ot this chapter, ehnll be revoked umeee the snle br use et such article js substantial!} increased `in the community by reason of ite use pes albevemge er lor intoxicating beveraKe purposes. .(3<4»v. %, 1921, c.`134;~ § 2, 42 Stat. 222.) n " ~ ` - 1 16t Peraits to manufacture, sell, pnrchnse, transport, or nreecribe liqmrs; exceptions; expiration of permits; wine for - sefrnmentnl pnrpcpu.-j-No 0ne’shall‘ manufacture, sell, purchase, transport, or prescribe any. liquor without Bret obtain- inn n permit from the commissioner so to do, exceptthat a r ·pernen may, xnitlwnt a W permlt,·B1;r=chese and une liquor for 1n¢·:ln·inal when prescribed by a physician ns herein l pmvided, and except that any person who. in the opinion .0f the T mnnnineiener is conducting a bqna Hde n-hospital er sanntorium engaged in the trentmwt of persons suKering_fr0n1 alcoholism, may, under snen rnles, rgnlatious, and conditions as the com- 1

niesie:Er prescribe, pnrchnse and use, innccordauce with I

'mn methods Qin nee in such institution, liquor, to be ndminie Y zvrnd to the patients et ench. institution under the direction of n dnl; q_nn1i§& phyncian employed by such institution. . — All manufacture, prescribe,} sell,. or transport liqner, my be imued for one year, and shall expire bn the Sint day nt December next succeeding the is@ce thereet: Provided, Thnt the _ m» t 1ge1¤m:· may without formal- applicatiun er new bond extwd nny permit granted under this rclxnpter er lawn new in tome utter re $1,-in nny yur -te’Dmmber 31 ct the year: Provided further, Thlnt permits te: pnrcnnne mw: ter at manufacturing er J selling ne previ@ in this chnmer shall not be in, fume te exceed ninety days treme day bt A permit to pnrchage liqncr ter any other ~¤ ·S mall net be ininrceto exceed thi-rt! days. News to marchnse llqnm: shell specify the nuantity and kindte be and the for·whlch_ it inte be Ne permit snail he lmned to any person wm within one to the nppllcatlen therein: or iesnnnee tberee! emu new vielnted the terms of deny permit issued under thin ®aptu er any law ct the Sum or et any Etate Qniatinz tam in tliqner. No permit ishsll be "ienned tn anyone in neil llqnnr at retail, nnlw tm mln is: tg be made tnreugn n desmnated in the `permit and duly n licensed unda the at his "Etate te eempenixd di@ee medtclm mmdhed by 1 duly lieenwd No one mall be given 4 permit to liqner umm be in •. physician duly =» to practice xedtclne and netljrely in the practice at pretmton. -Ever,y permit shall be in write

ICATING L1QlU.OR$ 18 ing, dated when issued, and eignedby the commissioner or me authorized agent. It shall give the name and address of the mrson to whom it is issued and shall designate and limit the acts that pre permitted and the time when and plnee where z such acts may be performed. No permit shall be iseued until a verfiled, written application shall have been made therefor, setting forth the qualification of the epplleant and the purpose for which the liquor is to beused. ' The commissioner may prescribe the form of all permits end applications and the facts to be set forth therein. _ Before any "permit is granted the commissioner may require a bond in such form and amount as he may prescribe to ineure compliance with the terms of the permit and the provielonsof this chapter. ’· In the event of the refusal by the coznmlmloner or any applica- , tion for a permit, the. applicant may have a review of his decision before ar court of equity in the manner provided in section 14 of thiselxapter. °. · — ‘ _ Nothing in this chaptergshell be-held to apply to the mmmfaétnre, sale, transportation, importation, poswion, or dlatribution of wine for sacrnmental piirpows, or like religions rites, except this section (save as the same requires n permit to purchase) ., and section 22 l1ereoI,_and the prevlalene of this chapter prescribing penalties for the violation _ of either of said sections. .No person to whom a permit may be imned to manufacture, transport, import, ol sell `winm for eservmentel a purposes or like religious rites shall sell, mrterjexchange, or furnish any such to oany person not a` rabbi, · minister: of thegospel, priest, or an o$cer duly authorized fer the Pi\l’ by any church or- congregation, nor to any meh exam upon an application duly subscribed by.; hlnx, which application, anthentlcated as regulations may prescribe, shall be Qed and preseryed by the seller. The head ot any conference or diocese or other ecclesiastical jurisdiction may dengnate any rabbis, iniuister, or priest to supervise the manufacture of to be used for the purposes and rites in this .wction` mentlened, `and the person so designated may, in the discretion ot the sioner, be gre ated a permit to snch manntaetnrg (Oct. 28; 1919, c. 85, Tltlell, § 8,- 41 Stat. 310.) - _ ~ 17. Physicians prescrlptiens.—·5-·No‘ one but e physician hold- `lng a permit to prescrlbe·llqnor shall lesne any at on for liquor; · And no physlclan shall prweribe liqnor nhl afta careful physical examination of the pereen for whoeenee such prescription .is_ sought, or if such examination le team lmpnee tlcable,. then upon the b&t information obtainable, he in good faith bellevm that the use ot snch liquor as e mtllelne hy snch person is necessary and will ahem relief twhim {rem aeme knoam ailment. Not more than a pint of splrltnmllqnor to he taken internally shall he prmerlbeé for by the wme person within any period of ten days and no email be filled more than once. Any pharmacist p g _ prmrlptiee shall at the time lndorse; upon lt over his ownidgnatnre the word " cnnceled," together with *°the dete when the llqner was delivered, and then melce the Mme:. part ot the that he is required to keep as herein prevlded. _ , Q ~ _ a Every physician who lmues a prescription for llonor shall keep A reeord, elphebetlcally arranged in ej heoh prmrlhw by the commimloner, which shell show the date ot ima, amount ypreecrlbed, to whom laenee, the pnrpme or ailment torwhiéln lt lla to be used and directions for um, stating the amount endl [ frmueney of the done. (Oct, 28, 1919, ·c.;` 85, Title Il, { 7, 41 2s¢¤t¤11.>‘ _ o t_ F · o

 18.   of llqaorwhieh may be prescribed; pereentage of
  M   ln; quantity permitted to be prmribed,-=-·-Only eplrlt-  
 none   vlnons liquor my ho opreeerlbed lor medicinal purmes, and allopermlts to prescribe and prescriptions for guy

other lliiileenhnll he voltll No physician shall prwcribe; nor shell any person or tarnish on any prescription, any vlmma , liquor that eontalns more than 24 oper ceatum ot alcohol by viol-