Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/889

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$*;*5 x h TITLE 38Q—-JEBICIAL 00 Sfjimst him,__direct@é to lhe marshal of the districtln whiny g {gp I‘i•Sld€$; S· S 741; M8Y·.3, ·'¢·' · 38 SCSI. UE · ‘;g_ W _ Y ‘ , . _. _ _ 8

 (Judicial Code, Bectim: SSL) Préperty b di§ercut dip ¤

{wists in same State.-Any sult_ of a iqcal nature, at law cr ln .1: {.,;;;*1y, wlxcre the land at btlier subject mgtter ctn fixed char- p w.p·r lies; paffiy in one dlstriqt and partly in another, within ·t

 mma State, may be brought in the district cfmrt ot either E

igwgpictg and th wart ih which it is brought sham have juris- A <1§11imi ga hear had decide vit, and to cmxsg meme br tlngxl n $;11—1§·e~§.< télbe issued and ‘exw·uted, asjfully as ifthésajd subject j· master were wlmlly within thedistrict for which sucgh c0i1rt_ is { wustimtod. (R. "S; § -742;* Mar. 3, 1911, c. 231,. § 55, 36· S $1:11. HG2.} V f · “ i , . ‘ .· 1 l1'I.i(J¤dici•1 Cade, sccyiem- 56.) l Pmperty in different t States in game citcvit; iurisdictimrcf receiver.-—W1iere -in any S ¤}_1s`s~ —iu‘whlch a receiver aha}!. be dppolnmd the._1and;0r othe1·_ v

i~1»;1m·ty cfla fixed chawcter, the sulijcct of the suit; 1im* within L

_<!i£1`cren: &mtes in tl1a·same·judiclz1l· ci1ic1;it,·the receiver so 3 sxppainted tshallg upon giving- bond és requiyed by the court, ilmzmwliateiy be `vest with full jurisfdiction and grontrol over ‘, $11 the pr0péi·tyQ.f§¤bject of `the_ suif, lyiugbr being withju e sum <?i1‘{·\lit.Z'S\lbj , h05vever;'t0° tlwdiéapproval of such ordér, 8 wimin thirtj days thereafter, by the circuit cmitt of appeals 5; {11;- such citbuit, or by n cir-gait judge tbéreof, aftmf reasonable S 1w1iv<·c· ic adverse `[IBYUQS and an cppcrtuuityto be hearq upon C !§1Q*Hl0[l(!H for such ·disa§proval·; and subjcivt, also, to; the C fixing audléutering in the district churt for eaéh ¢ll$trict of me t v(‘l1‘1‘llit in whiclr any portion of the property may lie or ,be, S ·wi1lain" ten days thereafter, bf an duly ·_certi¤ed cojy of the bill -11 and of the crdcxjauf nappcintments Thé disapproval of such. va

z;»;¤»intme11t·within such thirty d&y8,`0I‘ the failure to me such. t

1—¢·r1i§`ia<l copy of the bill and cérqlcr oi appointment within ten I 1l;¤3·¤. as h€!f€l!1.1°@q\lll‘éd, slmllqdivcst such receiver of jm·isdic· 1 mn mer all such property exgaebf that portibu thereof lying dr 1 _b<·i:ag within the State in which the suit is bl.lQ§ght.· In gmy .1 <·::»=1·_p¤•;nix:g within the provisiéns of this séction, in `Twhich A 1 m'·<·ivei· `shall lla appointed, process may issue and? he executed l within any district of the élrcuit in thé Szmie manner mid to, ga me same .extsm1; as ii. the `property wgfc wholly within. the 1 snmp district; but _0!‘d~€1fS affecting such pmmrty shall be t ¢—:m·:·¤~<l of re¢—m·d· in each distxjict in ivhiclx the property aEe¢te<l c ximg- lic or m. 4 (Mur.'3, 1911, c._ .231, Q 56, 36, Stat,1102.) - * .` a H8- (IMk`hLC6de. I¢¢“0¤ 57.)= dcfenddats in stilts .< to euférce in any suit mmmencga in gmy districf mu"rt of the United Statm to é11i0i·cg__n.ny legal or eqditubla _1 lieu umn mj claim tc, or tp temmfc &·¤yaQii1cumbrauce ·0¤ lieu s slr cloud upon tile title tc wl or pexfsqpal property yvithln "thé__ f di:~=1.rict where such suit is bronmhbt, or more of és defex1d— < ants thereié shall not be gu iulmbi1;gut_ of or found within-the ` said di or shalt uc;. voluntarily ainpaa; 'tlxémtc, it qhall be 1 lawful tgt me court to make an order mréctihg puck dbsent 1 defendant or defendants to plead, {shaver, :0:* éenmr J by ¤ dhy certain to be designated, which order shall bé served s G4? wth absent de!¢b¤t· qt de¢enda§m,_if prnctimble, whgmver .1 fcluixd, and umu um. param os:. pgi·sq11s_i¤ ssi0¤. or i wzhame atmid pmpgrty; it were bé; afwhers §l1Gh_Péf°-. E semi service upim such swam d&c¤@ or defwdgnts is noi » v¤i»icéhl¤; such ordm shall be. lm . sum mmnet as {

 may di!‘®€t, act lm than cme n week for six l3Ql1B¢(3\}·. 1(

tive .weet¤. -'l In cam alum! detaudgstwshiu not appear, ; Blend, answer, or damn: within the so llmimd, 9: within 4 som tux·thm·_ tlmto be gllcwsé by the mutt; in ltsrdlscmtlcu, 1 andpgxm of the as pnblimtiw of war and .1 _¤f the lli. cdc! we dtmctim =~»—·. — . . . thq Mma it 1 Shall béjluwml. tb: mit tp j¤t@£etl0¤,` and pm- 1 cwd to @9 hurling and ndjuldilcation at meh mt lama {name 1 maauefafli ouch ahsmt had bm: with pme· 1

rDEAHD JUDIOIA)¢Y § 121 oss. within the saiid- district; but said adjudication shall, as “ egxrde said absent defendant or defendents without appear- ,nce, affect only the property which shell haive been the subject - rf the mit and under the jurisdiction of the court therein, vithin such district; and when a part of the said reel or »ersom11 _ property against which such preceding shall be 5 alien shall- be within another district, but within the jseme Btnte, Such Suit may be brought in either distriet in said State. my defendant or defendants not factually personally notided as lbove provided may, at any time iwithin one yeer after deal‘ nny suit mentioned in- this section,-enterhis ep- »earance_ in said shit in said district court, and thereupon the laid. ilcourt shall make an ‘0!délf_ `wtting aside the judgment herein and permitting said defendant or defendants to plead . herein on payment by him or them ·. of snclreoets as theeotxrt ahell deem. juet; and thereupon tseid suit shall, be proceeded vit1Lt0`iinal judgment according tolaw. (R. S. S5. 738, 742; Jer. 3, 1875, c. 137, { 8, 18 Stat. 472} Mer. 3, 1911, c, 231, S 57, no sm¢.11o2.) _ T ·‘ y _ i · ~ .. — 119.. (Judicial. Code,-section-58.). Transfer of civil causes to mother division of `district.——Any civil cause, at lew or tn >quity, . may, on written stipulation of theparties or ‘ ot their nttorneye of record signed- end died with the papers in thelcase, n mention or inqterm, and on the written order of the- judge , rlgned and illed in the case in vacation orion the,o·order_ of the rourt duly entered of record in term, be ~tren§ei·red ite the eourt of m1y_ other division ot the same dietrict, éitlrout regrd. o the residence of the defendants, for vial. Wbéht d eanse lhall be ordered .to be transferred to a court in any other livision, it shall be.°thet duty of the, clerhot the court from vhich the transfer is mode tocarefgy tra&itito the clerk of he court to which· the transfer is made the. endre me of supere in the cause and all documents and depmtsein bisicourt rertaining’thereto,`·together_with_- e transuipt of the records of all orders, interlocptory decrees, or other entries in he cause i- and he shell certify, ender the seal of the that ihc papers ·sent are all which are on me in said eourt belongng to the muse; for the performanceof which duties mid nclerk`, so transmitting ondfcertifying shall receiye the same fees eee were allowed on March 3,.1911, by low for similar- services, to »e taxed in the bill of coete,_and regularly collected with the_;` nther costsjn the cause; and such.tre¤m·ipit;'whe¤ so certihed and received, shall henceforth eongitute a part ot the record »f the cause in the court to which the transfer shall be made. - Phe clerk receiving nneh. yhnecript and orlyual papers shell; ile the eame and the eeoefbhell then proceed tohnal diepoeition ie other. ofa like-nature.. · (Feb. 28, 1887, cfl, §.4, 24 _. Smt. 425; June 2, 190Q c. 25@,' §—‘1, 34 Stat; @6;** 81, 3, 1,911,

..231. 5 58, 36 StatA1%.) ·_ - 2 ·` i - -

120. Chanie'. of vemie from one divieion to hnother in Indimt.--·-·Elther'i;perty in a eeivll 'or_ criminal proceeding in the listrictfjot Indiana` may apply to- the court in term or to a Eudge thereof in vacation for e change ot venue from `*the divislou where zi suit or proceeding hee been instituted to an edl0inlng_—dlvlsion` and the eourt in its dleeretionmor the jndge in his discretion, .1118.}* grant such a change; (Jan; `16,_ {925, e. $3, 5 6, 43—·Stot. 752.) - ‘ . _ _ , . . 121. (Idiots! Code, section 59.) Creation of next distriet pr division.--Whenever any new district or division has been xr shell be mtubllshed, or any county or territory hse beentor ·— shall be transferred from T one dietrlet or division to Y smother iistrict or division, prosecutions for crimes and odeneee committed tiithlh ouch district, division, county, or territory `prior

0 such unneter, shall be eomnieneed end proceeded with the

same ns if such new dlxriét or. division hadfnot been ereotedp arj sinch eoimty or territory had not been transferred.- nnloee ` the court, open the epplieatioifof the defendant, shell or•ler the house to be removed to the new tlistricgr division for