Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/95

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Ti  »»· · ‘$Qd;——,»»,—l;l;l'!;*€*if LlI;iI’.l}:T.3.IEj . if \x"\. . g¤.;c:_ Sggnm; camgzllaliml;l,_x‘cr0v‘cry of ccmpcnsatisjix paid.~»~·— §

   mmgttmstztitsll   p:2i<,l"td3<.§rr :1 mismlw of law (lr of fmvt, 1
 ,i.t,,;;mi>·1»lt¤zl slmll lz:;mc1ll£ttel;1* cmlml may mvzlrd uzltltljr  
   gi tml; wzlzglrsaslltielzl has lycra ptrltl and slmll rcccvcr, tls t

2., M ;;mt·;i··:1ll§c, :1113*5t1ln<¤1lli\Q»vl¤i1.·l1 has lltfijll sr: paid, Any , Qlrazli stl l*vt·<sx‘c1’c1l Shall lac plzltrtétl to the crvtlit of the cm- ,

 tet>m;>l>m<:1‘t§<m fund. (S<.§}t\ 7, 1916, c. 458, § 38, 39 

Q xl. ?»i$tl.3 S ll S gsiil. 1’€§1&i;l)’ far p~crj1lr3,*.———Y\’la¢>a~x·1;>r malkcs, in may :u‘ll1luvit

Qztétllttl umlcr scctiuxl 7.34 of this title or ill amy claim for 1

,.,..l,,;r>;;>=;z1il>l1. ally Sttllcmcllt, knowing it to bc false, sslmll bc

igjs tl; prrj`ur5’ and Sllall bc punished by :1 tint} of not more; t
 All Sitliltlt {ar by imgsristmlncllt for not more than tmc ;§’{321I’, _
 tlgr with sur}; iizlc and imprismlmcut. (Sept. 7, 1916, c. 458, i
iiil, Iii? Slut. Mil.) o _` · A

Tilt). Tvrms dc§r1ctl.—\¥'l1crcx·cr uS$c1l in. this ch:zptcr——·-· . ~ ’l`§lt· ~s:§saa¤;z1l:zr lllCl.ll{l(*S the plural uml the inas<;ul"i:1c_ illclmlcs 1 » lbzaiislillc. ‘ S .. _ _` °£`l;t» tz·rm_"0mpl1iy1_·c." iricludcs all civil employees of the i‘;1é2t·:l`_Statc>: and ·~tSf‘tha Pzmamzl Railroad Comptuxjxt . ’l`ltt= {crm "<:tm1missi<m " shall bc taken tt} refer to the Uylltcd ,>—i;;.tte.; IT:l!2}$l*l§’Ql`S’ Cllmpcalszltiogz. Commission provided Mfor in 1 > Niall} WS of this title. _ “ ‘ · `· 1 '2ll»· tcm; " pllysiclzlrl " includes surgcolls. 1 ’;‘%.g· rrrm ,"m`<mtl1ly pay " shall be tal;<=11 t0`·rcl`cr to the 1 }%2·>i‘llll}' pu}: at the time of the injury. . _ I , " 'Ylsr term ‘°illj%il!`}"” inclmlcs, ill addition to injury_by acci- 1 lltézlt, tjlll}’_{HS-(?&%*13'}}i°0Xi11l{l["}l§’ caused by tllc (}II1[ll0}`1H(‘l1t.f j 'l`l¤;· {crm " cmupclzsllticn " iucludcs the nwllcy allowancé pny— 1

tl1l~ m tm cmplpycc or l1i:;·1l0pcndcHt·S and any other btmcfits -;
l;1§tl—fl»r txutw of the cdmpensatiou fu¤tl
,·1’::m.·idcd, lakmzevcr, ,

Tim tlaité shall not in any V»’H}’“1‘9dllC€ntll€ amouxxt of*tl1c> . mualtllly cmzagscxlsatlcn payable in case cf. tlisallility or death. 1 {:~ét·;;1. *11316, c. 458, § 40, 339 Stat. 750; June 5, 1924, c, 261, ‘_ . 43 Slat- 389- - .  ; W -1,- -3 791. Iaiurica which mcurred prior to September *7, -1916; ‘] iuiurics for which Pahnmi Railroad ‘Cémpa;1y liable.-¥-For ip- 1 5¤;l·lt·:»z vrlzicll 0~ccm·rcd prior to Septc·mt>»er 7,, 1916, cdmpcusa- E S dwg: slmll bc paid mldcr the lhw llama in force. Sli an injury -1 <•r,1l1·~ath far which ct»mpensa.t.i0u is __pa.yableAu¤1;ler this chapter , it 1·;lmt>d mstlcr fll`Ci11Il%S{8llC£S cmatirag a legal liability in the _] l·_;lmlma_ llailwml Company to pay damages t.l1emfor`—m1der the ; lrmw; of may State, Territory, orpbsscsrlugl of the Unfltéd States HY llf the Distritzt ofpolumhla ur of ally foreign ccmltry, xio l · t-··m;»t·matlml slmll be payalslé until the person clgtitlcd tc cam- _1

>;:iali¤za rr.·ll··~t0 the Pmlmxxa Railroad Ccmpsmy tiny right 1

M5 a·.·ti¤tl rvlalch he may lmvg to gnforcc such lilzllillty of tht: *1 rtilliiillil Bllllrcad Company, or 1.mtll~hc aszsiglls to the Unitedr ] _ _ St.::t·1.·$ any right wlnltéll he may lmvé to share in any mozxcy cli 1 jmlwr i3§'19}}t‘l`l.§»’ rrtstzlrcd in satisfaction of Such liability of the `I Yflinllllii Jlullrtlad (flmzpzlziy, (Sept. 7, 1916, c. 458, § 41, 39 1 E—1·;1»·. 7Z»tl.l" - .1 ‘ g. :1 S 792. Transfer of administration of chapter as ccxzwrning 1 -· l-x12;:l<.r5·r·es ol Alaska iz3i11‘Q§.d.·····<Y¥l£3 l’r®rltlc11t lmcy, from .tim12, 1 lll tizzw, trzllllssfcr the atlmislistrtltitm elf tblls cllslptrr, solar as ‘1 t*I}l§ll1}},'i*§.*5 of the Alzlslta llzjlilrmld arte t·tilmst.·rilctl, to the cfllccr 1 1ll_·r··3l§..’§1ltilQd l.;y,lxlm as the sm.·t;s:.¤tl;»tlr ttf tim rllzlirxnma of the ] >»`§l2l>~itli'23!.i Eslginnrrizag C1313lI§i%§$di£¥3§, lxlutlirsg the l[l·0\$Y'&I’Si mid ·2· of ttm clugirzxmxl of said ·.;;~t;l;l.zs:@.rit:;rl, prcrillctl in {section 3 QMS? of thig; title ; in wlalrll card {ltr;. grlrrwxlllrrslts tmtll1::rriz@d_in said 1 _, ~..(,·1·¥l1111 to 11211110 rmt {li zlpprtlprigtirrtzsz far the AL§Sk3.ll§E,11gi·- M1 z1·—ra»·m;r‘Qnlalzaaisgsloxa slmll be mmlrl mst of gywdltllllriatlcrls for tile c .lm:·;lt:: fliailrcatl, .é11t·h appmprihtlitmr to llc mirxxbursccll for $11:::11 ] }}'1lli‘!it$ by the tmmsfcr at {mms frum tm; cmplcyccsf c0.m· 1 pt·zza.;ztl1>;l ftmd. (Mar. 4, 1925, c. 561, § 5, 43 .Stat.`13€i6.) a $132*:u*i-~::0——-—»8· “

$3*15, Gi~“?*I{§‘i§i€S, AA`;) 1i’5I1’1,£}}’1£’1£;€.; § °}`Q§ . it

 Transfer of edmieietretioe of chapter te other bedies;

regulations ee te payment; employees of Panama Camel ami ef Alaskan Engineering C0mmission.WTlie l*reeitleiit;~ iiizzjt, ileiili time to time, tr:11,t;<;·iYer the eteliiiiiiietmtioe ei tiiie t:lie;_¢tor s·>’2"ee as employees of thett1·’2m;t1nt1 (ftxziel time of the lltxstgumi Etoil- Broad Goniptmy are eoiicernetl to the gmseiteer of the lwsieeizt Camel, and so fmt ee; eiuplriyees of fil&’;Xi&r§k$%i} }·§s;;eititi~i·t*iti;; Commission are concerned to the Clltlilgllliigti et tliet eoeitziie—;§ii:·ra,, in which eases the words “(3¢`i1I`lllll%Si{}l}” 'zmd “its;°’ vslieeever they {l[)[}(}2i1°’fill this chttpter elmil, so fair as eeee~;-;m·;; to give efteet to such transfer, be reed goremer of the iieezmte Camel" or “(5htli}'1IlZil"l’ ot the Alosksm Engioeerim; Cormeiesio;i," as the case may `be, and "his"; and tliep expexteee of medical examinatione itmder sections 771 and 772 of this title, and the resxsomible trziveling and other expenees extideieee of wages payable to employees umler section 771, shell he peitl out of appropriations for the Ptmame Gene`! or fer the Allis? ktin Engineering Commission or out of ftmds of the Pzmeroa R21ill`0il‘t]? as the case may lieginsteand of out of the appropriation for the worlr of the commission. Y . ’ T In the case of eolnpeeszitiou to employees of the Panama Cimal or_‘of·.the Ptlllillell2l‘1{&liY0tl(1 Compeny fer texnporaryt dieaibility, either total or partial, the Preelcieet may eetheriee tee governor of the I’anem:1 Canal to waive, etehis cliscretiexx, the makixigof the, claim required ljyieeetion 763. Ire the eese of alien employees of the Pzximma Canal or of the Peoetzee Rz1ilro:1d'Compa215*; or of tiny cless_or classes let there, the President emey remove or modify the mieimem lireit este!} lished by section 756 of this title on me ieeethly·eom;>t·11eetite1 for disability and tlxe minimum limit established By eleuse (K1 af section 760 of this utitle on t]l€»»I1l0Ilr{Ili}’ may on which {teeth compeueatioxi is to be_coi1iputetl§ The President may eethorize the `g0\’€l°I1G1° ot the`1’e?ama· Camel ami the cheirmerl of the Alaskan Engineering Commission te my the ceegpeeeetioe epro- £§tIeQWbyret&-teceIe1}zter,,Qisee¥;;;ljr1 gN__tbe méilieel, sergicel. semi hospital services and snptilies provided ey seetiee 759 of this title and the tmnsportation and lmriel expeew proeieletl lay sectioaie 759 and Till of this title, otitlot the egitlreorsietioes for the Panama Camel and for the Aleeltmt Engieeeriegr Cemteie sioinsuch appropriations to be reimbtirsed. for seek payments by the transfer of fumle from tile emple;;ees’7 com/peesatiee i fniml. ( Sept. 7, 1916, c. 458,·§ 42, 39 Stat. _7€30.} 9 794; Chapter applicable to ef. Distriet of Celumbia.—;·All4of· tlxe`prox·isions of this chapter are exteotleel ki employees of tliegevermiient of the District of ”C(}Il¥H1i_iltl se ter f as they rusty nheepplieoblc, exeept to those teemlrere of the police -i1Hd4i'll`& depertmexxtsfof the District of Coltmilixie swim are pensionedor pensitmeble ttnéler the prevleiolie ot me Distriet of Clolmnbia Appropriation Act approved S»(‘Bett‘cl1l}fl‘{?f 1, lim}. SllCil;CQlI1})€IlS1}tit)H os the commission mey ewerd to ezingiloyeeet of the ·gt>\·et·¤ment»_of the Distrietot (fol_u:r1lii»a. shell be peitl in the manner provided b)'é_lil·\’•’ for the eeyxiient of the greeerel expenses of the governxneint of the District of Colemlii;1. The COIllllliSSiOH9fS»(l¥ the I)iet_rict of Celtmthie §}lell sellmit me ooelly to Cengrese, threugli the Steeretery f the ‘l"re:miry, estigxmtee of ~{l[`l[¥I`ll[}PliTti()1*lS iwt·e·ee;zry for the Yfi;i·e;;:eieg pery ¤=os<—·s.e_ `(July I1,·1919, c. 7; § 11i 41 stat. 1t)1.”} — » e » · 795Q Cempeeeetioxn paid terempleyees of United States Shim ying Beercl Emergency Fleet ;€erperetielt.——The eompt·ii>eitiosi peitl by. the United States Shipping Hoetjd Emet·;:ee¢·y` l?‘le;»t Sorporetion to er.ou_a·eé°t2o:1et‘ef ernpyiyees fer disezhiiity or ieeth resultixig {rome personal iiijizries eeeteiixetl wliile to the glerformtaiixce of their duties. shell be in full ·setistz{estiiii1 of the eleiing of sucl1 employees er their legal I‘E;*{}l`t‘St’l*ll"2ltilt‘>¥ igeiust the United Steteej (Dee. 24,t191i),* ve. 17, ll Stat. 377.)