Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/951

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937 J · YITLB 88.——JliDl0lAL 4 {M mum wm wmnm my M ®¤¤¤¤!•¤  :. and it‘®¤il N ¢¤`d¤t! 0!»¤¤3 Peifwi N *Q_’·P9W*‘_ in apezi wart wld tc demos. i·¤fVl'*&, tv thlé which _ he-W.; the aud cmwnum}=•1: the um; ot. the — $m·;(·w:—m¤¤¤mwwént thetimvt swulvvw- Him; 4 jmkmnt my be e¤tére~d_`ta favor of the United S; l fm sm_,•dm!ttgd by puck tg be due ;o_ ,6 $,35 gomgrgmagin the manner ms if it_hnd;peen·due li Ulixea ·1~1¤.$¤dsmz*¤m11 be amazed mann my- guiwee util titer J¤®®t Jus been rendered- against — ¥l:»c·,@0rp01'¤Hi!R,d€f&!3d!¤t `to the said actixiu; nor juptilj thev sumlig wmck the; gu·i1ishee`°smu§1s_liiidébted lg actually due. {R: 93§l).» __ _ V , ._ ·, ‘· _ ` 749. him tendered an laid of hj¢bte¢\¤ess.·-—·When may person is `gamishcc in_ oper; c0urt lhgg in isc not, had-» was nat at the time` ct the service 0; the summmés, iudebtéd to such c0rp0rati0¤, an iésue may be tendéred lay the —Uia;ite‘d° Statés upon sud: dgmand, Sand if, upon thai . mil at that} n verdict is rendered qgginst the 'gdrnishee. judmem shallwmtercgl in Invmi 'of (Iéited States, pur- = want to such vexwctg with éoamrét suit; (3.38. Q 936.) l _‘ . 759. Sane; failing to •ppe•r.—¢I-11 my person smxm l mam ng ggmxsnée, u sxamaua, tum io ¤p;sm» n me germ l uf the pcurt ioywhich he is su®9md; they shq,l1~bg.`°snbjeCt to · mtashrizerai for contgmpt of the (B. S. § @7.) 751. Prnperty ‘hws;'bm.·—-Upon the] prgye:. `oi my, gzlaimgat to the co;xrt,ltligt any vessel, goods, l lwéreé, or séizgdland pibsecuted gudér any Jaw I K1‘l;‘S[lEC[i¤§· th; rejveuuh from imports ot tommgke, mi the 'registerm; and rqecwing, 61; the enrolling and .lic9nsing‘ of vessels, `

 ur a-nywpsrt tkcmct, should be delivered to him, thé cohrt shall

appoini thiée proper persons to ippnisc auch propert3?,¤wh0 shall be.·s#·0r¤·_ iuppeu 01‘—,b8fol‘C- a é0mmissioné1·,`ai;Q pointedlz the district c0m·t_`t0 administer OQCBS tp appraiserg; `1 fornthe lt.h£1;i_dischm·ge of theiy duty; and the gppmis<;u1eqt_ l shall br; made at the expense ot the party OQ whose praymj it 1 is grunted,. *¤If,_ dn tlxejjeturxg of the appmisément; the clg1im= j ·m:t,`} vqltja one or mcrq sureties; to the approved by the cburt, l shéll execute ai bond to -the`Un1tcd· States toi· the jmymgu; of l a sum to the sumllat whhcythe pgoperty prayed folbe J delivered- is nxiialned, and produce 4 certificate from the l cullector at tm dfstrkt~ wlxcrg the trial is hhd, and nt the nqvaal G&B1' thmjeci', ltahylthere ·be,_ that the duties on ·the{ semis, _,.. and merchgudisq 01- toqmage duty on the vessel swclnimd; l*l m ve been paid or secixredln like manner qs if the 1 mméihgd lmlly e¤tered,.€hc,»c¤urt shall,. by rule; orqlev 1 yuck; ycssel, géods, yum, or, merchandise to be ddivered to 1 such claimant; im! the mid bonolijshnll be? lodged with thél Apmper ct the Zlfjudgment- pasacs in favor `qf ;hc· j claimant,. the court shall cn¤5g tllifsaixi bond to ber canceled: buf lf judémét passes amidst the claimant, in to the whqlé or any part at meh wry}. g00d`s,l’wares,· or merchnndisé, and me claimant gibcs not within tweutrdays tbéreafter pay into the bx? to th? IFQDQQ o&cer_ thereof, the amount of the-1 apidrzisul 1alue.0f"such_vesbel, goods, wares, pr —mimjclmndisc Sq I no mined; with the casts. judgment ‘shs,l»l be granted *up61l 5 the bohd, on uiption ii: open court, wlghdut further deldy. (R. sdm.; ·_ . l  ; » ]752. Same; dale nftei eandemnatlané-e-All Wessgls; goods, wares, mi $_me}•chaudise which ahhll be condemned éb/y virtnie .0f may law respecting the re·ve11ue·trom tmiworts or t “m1age,°01· thlé riyistering amlnjecordiug, or gba eutolling and licensing of vessels m1d.f6r which bkmdeé shullljmt l1avé`b<·eu giéen hy the claimant, ellaall bé sold by the mnrs¤lm`l 6; 0thé1··proper qtllcen at {be courtln which mndvmuatlou shall be hail, tqthé highest blddef; at—pa1blic amrtlpn, by order ¤;_sm·h cqyrt, and at ziméh Place as the 00m·t_maay appoint, giving at least llffecn clays? notifse, (excqit in chsgs 0§`p<;·rishdble xperchamlise) in cub ,017


 of the public newspapers of the apiece where such sale

shall be :` or it no paper (is published ln such place, in one or more ot the papers gubllshed in the nearest place thereto; for jrhich advertising, n sum net exceeding $5 shall be paid. And the muoupt of such sales; deduetlug all proper charges, mall be paid within terr days after such ‘ sale hy the nperson selling they mm eto the clerk or other proper emeer of the court; dl- Zrectlug. such sale, to be by him, after d¢dt1ci“Yng the allowed `by the court, paid to the A collector oi', the district in which such seizure or forfeiture has taken place, as hereinbefore directed. j (R. S. S U I 3% , F 753. Ballingvof property sched la. vacation.-=·<—;In any, cause-of admlralty and maritime Jurisdiction, »o; other case of seizure, depending lnyany court ot. the United States, any judge of the ?mid‘ court, na vacation; shall have the same authority to orders any vessel, or cargo,~.or other property to be ®fivered to the clalmants,-upon hail or bond; or to be sold vvhen necesarygaso 'the said court has in term time, and to amoint 'appiéaisers, and " exercise every other incidental power necessary to the complete execution of l the authority herein ; granted; and the recogizance of hail — o§,b¤¤d, under, such order; may be executed before the clerk pon the partyls producing the eertiilcate ar thef collector' of the dlstrict,' of the sameiency of the security offered; and the same proceedings shall be had in `case éftsaid order oficlellvery oret shle, as in like cases when ordered in term- time. Upon eyeryv suchaupiicattoa; either for an order ot delivery or of sale, the celleetor aud the attorney of the district shall v have reasonable 'notlce in cases ot the. United States, and the perry or couaxl in all other cases., (R. SL 5 949.)* · /_ - 754. ·-Delivery bond in admiralty proceedings; further sec¤r· ity; special bond.——When a warrant otarrest or ether precess I in I‘€H1,`iS`i8§l1€d_ in anyhcause of admlralty jurisdiétion,_e;cept in- cases ,0fS€l.Zl1l'€S`fo1T forfeiture underany claw of the United States, the °marshal shall stay the execution of such or discharge theproperty arrested it the has been levied, r on receiving from the claimant of the property a bond of stipu-’_h lation in double the `ainount claimed by thelibelant, with ` suillcientf suretywto .`approved_by·`the judge of the court wherethe cause is pending, O1'! in his absence; by the collectrhr of the fiort,. conditioned to answer, the decree bf the court in suxchi cause, Such bond or stipulation shall be returned to the courtQ and juiléthent thereon, against both thenprinclpal aud; sureties, may be_ recovered at the time of remle1;lng_ the decreeln the original cause. And the owner of any vessel guay cause to be executed and delivered to the marshal a bond or stlpula» t1¤;i;‘w1¢n_sumc1e1n surety, "to he approved by the judge =of the court in whfch he_ls·marshal, conditioned to answer theadecree of; said court in all or any cases that shall thereafter be hrought in said court against the saidmyessel, and thereupon the execution of all such process against said,vessel_ shall be stayed so long as theamount secured by'such bond or stipulation shall _ be at least double the aggregate amount claimed hy the libel- · ants in.such suits which. shall be begun and pending against l said vessel; and ‘llke!·judgments andrexzuedies maybe had on said bond or stipulation as it a special bond or stipulation l1‘atl § `been Bled in each ot said suits, ‘The_ court. may make such ` orders as may be necessary tgifrcarry this section into emect, and qpecially for the giving ohproper notice of any such suit.- Such bond or stipulation shall be indorsed by the clerk with a minute of the suits wherein process. is so stayed, and further security may at any time he required by the court. - If a spcc'ia1»

bon<l_ ori stipulation lzrthe, particular cause shall be given under

this section, the- liability as to said cause on the general hond "orgstlpulation shall cease. (R; S. § 9-11;'Mar.;3, 1899, c. 441, 30 Stat. 1354.) _ · ’ _ l _ ’ . _ _755. Special bail in suits for duticsand penalties.———·In all wsults or prosecutions for the recovery of duties orpecuniary .