Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/970

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31 TI_TLE 80.-g1LIER4L claim, to commehcc proceediugs in s court of competent juris¥ 1 ·’ diction, to determine the question of the right of possession, and prosecute the same with ressoxiable diligence to m1arjudgmeut; aodi a failure so toiidovshall be is waiver of his adverse" lcleim. After such _ judgment shall have been reudered; the party entitled to the ‘P9SS®io¤ of the claim, or any portion thereof, mey, vvlthout 8iYi¤K_iurther notice, me e rcertided copy cr ,_ the fiudgmeut roll, With the register of the land cme, together with the ccrtidcate of the United States supervisor of surveys that the requisite amount of labor hes been .expeuded» or improvements made thereon, and me description _ required iu other cases, aud shall pay to tlre register $5 per here i for; his cleim, together iwitli the proper fees, whereupon the wholek proceedings sud the judgment roll shell be certified by tlie register gm the C0u1iuissidueH·‘0f"the Geuerzlf mma cpm,. and s patent shall issue thereon for the claim" or such Yportiotg thereof ss the applicant shall a`ppesr,’f1=0m the decision of , they M court, to rightly if it appears from the decision of time ’ court otliat several, parties are entitled, ,_t0 separate aud'} diierentt portionsof the claim, each party may-my fo1‘ his portion of the claim, vvith the ‘proper! fees, sndiiile the certificate and description by the United ..Ststes supervisor of ‘ surveys, whereupon the register shlall certify the, proceedings had judgmentroll to the Commissioner °of the General Land es in the precedingcase, and patents shall issue t0_‘tl1eseve'ral_ parties according td their respective rights. Nothing herein contained shall be cg"nst1¤ued' to prevent? the al‘ie_ua,ti;on of the title conveyed by epeteut for. a mining yclaixu to [any person. whateverj (R. S. § 2326; Mar. 3,,1925, c. 462, 43 Stat.— 1144;

  • 31. Same; yoath of claimant.—The adverse clélm required
section 30 ofjtliis title muy be verfiled by t1rle·_0ath··0f any »

duly authorized agent or attorney in fact of the= adverse . claimant cognizant of the facts stated ;— Aaml the adverse, claimé l aut, if residing or ot the time-belug beyond-the limits of thef district wherein the claim is situated, may make 'oath to the adverse claim before the clerk of any court of record "of·the United Stetcscr of the State or Territory where the adverse , qlaimaut may then be, or beforeduiy notary public'. of such State or Territory. (Apr, 26, 1882,,c. 106; § 1, .22 Stat. ·$9.) ` 32. Same; iudings By jury; costs.-——If, in- eny action brought , pursuant to` section 30 of this title, title to the ground in controversy shall not be established; by either . "party, the Juiry shell so find, and judgment shall be éx1tered.acc0rdlng to the , verdict. In` such; case costs shall not be allowed to eitber{ patty, - and the claimant shall not proceed in theyland cmce v or be entitled to s, patent for the ground lxrc0utr0v£·rsy until ; he shall have perfected his title: (Mor. 3, 1881, c., 140, 21d Stat.w5.),. . ` ·. 33. Peudiég applicatiemtexistlug rights.—App1lcations forx patents tormiuing claims uudcr laws existing prior, tc May; 10, 1872, and pending 0:1 that date may be prosecutédto a iluel ” xdecisioo in the General Imnd O@cé‘; but in such ceses where 'sdverse rights are not effected thereby, patents _ may . issue in l ._ pursuance of thevprovisionstpf this clzaptergisxnd all patents for o mining claims upon veins or lodes issued} prior to May 10,.1872, l shall éooveyaall the rights and privileges conferred by this l chapter where no adverse rights existed on _ the 10th day of l May, 1872. (R., B./§ %28.) . I { , _ ‘ 34. Description of vein claims ou surveyed and uxtsurvcyed lands; monuments eu ground to govern condictlngs calls.-—-The dwcriptiou of vein or lode claims upon surveyed lends shell designate the location of the claims with reference to, the lines t of the public survey, but need not conform therewitln ;‘ but where patents have been or shall be issued for claims upon. uusurveyed lands, the . United States supervisor ·of surveys in extending ytlie public survey, shall adjust the sam to» the boundaries of Qseid patented claims so as in no mae to tutes-:

LANDS AAFD M1NING’·• * , 956 tene with ol change the true location 01 such claims asethey are omcially established upon the ground, Where patents have · issued tor; mineral lands, th0s» lands cnly_ shall be, aegre*gate<z 1 8`Ild shall lic deemed to be patented which are bounded by the lines actually marked, déqlléd, and eyahliehed upon the greum by the monuments of the 0®c}a1 surrey upon. which the patent . `g1iant‘ls_bascd, and the United Statu supervisor of éarvcys in executing anibsequent patent surveys, whether upon etxrvéypq cr unéurvcycd lahds, shall he governed accordingly. The sgml ’@OIll1lIlBIl,lZS él1all‘”at all times constitute the highest antherig - what landlsa paten*tc¢l,~—a.n&l in mac of any ccnilct between the said monuments of auch patented- claims and the·Hes~cx·ip~ Ytiona 0t_..said claims in patents cleaned therefor the mem;- `ménts on the ground ahall gbvern, and erroneous cr inconsistent, descriptions _0r calls in the patent descriptions., shall give yay thereto. (R. _S. §” 2327 O; Apr. ·1904,~c.` 17%, 33 Stat. Mar. 3, ·_1925,‘ c, 462; 43 Stat}_1144·)_"` _ ‘ l » · .. * _ {35. ‘Plscet‘_ claims entry; to legal and ,eurveys ;. limitation of ‘claixns.¥-Claima usually called ".f1lacers," inchjgiing® all. forms. cf. deposit, eaccptlng veins of _ quartz, cr other 1·0ck» in {place, shall be subject to entry ani} patent, uh,Qcr' like ‘circmnstances and conditions, and upcn_ similar pr0ceed"ings,' as are provided for vein or lode claims; but where, the lands have been previously surveyed by , the United StgtcS,.the_ entry incite extcriorlimits shall c0ntezjm`tc the legal subdivisions of the public laude, 'And vkhere placer "cla'in1s.are upon aurveyed lands, and cenfcrme tc legal- subdlwlisions, nc Iurther surrey cr platahall he required, and all placcrémining claims lccatccfafter ei May, 1872, shall cénferm as near as practicable with: the United’ States system `of pulilicdand aurveys, and the rectangular sahilviaicas · of such surveys, and -·nc such location shall indude mere than twenty acres for each lhdivlklual claimant ;_.bat where pluer clalma can not he l conformed tc legal subdivisions, aarvcy and .p1at shall. be made as onhnsurveyed lands; and where by the · segregation ct mineral land ln. any lgal snbcllvlslcn a- quantity ct ligrlcultural land less ·thah £0rty°acrea· remains, mxch fractional portion of agricu1tura1_land may be entcreq by any party qnall_iled`by law, ter hewteacl purposes. (R. Q. ii %.29,

 Mar. 3, 1891,-c. 5§1, S 4, 28‘Stat. 1097.)" ‘ .

36. Samei subdivisions cf_ menu tracts; maximum ef place: l<jcatlcns.·—··Legul subdivisions ct fem; acres may be subdivided. inte- ten·acre tracts; and two` or more persons, or associations of persons, having contiguous claim;. of ani size, although, such clalnna may be lm than ten acre; meh, may; make joint entry) thereof; but no location of a placer claim, made afteigthe 9th day of July, 1870, shall exceedlonc hundred and sixty acres fer ani cnc peraon. or a&0ciaticn et persons, whl& lccatlcn éhall ccnfcrm to the United States eurecya; and nothing in this section contained shall defeat or impair any bona ade epreemqticu cr hornwtead claim, upon agricultural lands, or authorise the saleet. the lmprcvmeuts ot any bona tldecsettlertc any purchaser. (R. S, G 2330.) _ 7 , — ‘» I 37. Same"; preceedingi fer. patent.g···Where the aanie pen-‘ son, association, er °ccrpc£rat1en is in wwwa ot a ‘ placer claim, and also a rein cr lode included within the boundaries thereof, application shall be made tier a; patent for the placer J claim. with the statement that it lacludca such rein er lode, and in such case a patent shall mae for the place: claim, sub} . ject tc the" prcvisions fof this chapter, including Taiich. vein .0r · lcde, upon the payment ct $5 per acre fer auch vein er lodey claim, and twentysnve feet otaurfaceon each side therec!. The - reminder of the placer claim, or any placer claim net embracing anxveln or lodevclalm, shall he paidt for at the rate of @.50 1 per acre, together with all costa et proceedings: and pwhere .a ·` vém or me, emu as In aemméa mteecutmze tl um ana, is - khewn tc exist within the bcundarlw ct a place: claim, an qx- ' lplication {tor a patent for such place: claim whlch_ does not