Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/973

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QSQ} . TITLE 30`.·—~——MINERAL 1 SOI`. ‘ · 1% preposition of moneys received. . 8 1;,;% jqlymeut of royalties in oil or gas; sulexvf Such oil or $88. w;;_ mspoeition et deposits of coal, and so iorth, in Wyoming, • 8 19% Fees and commissions ofiregisterg, » I lj 2; cmu. V b .·.,;_ xmigien of land int0 lensing trac_ts;» offer/an d dward ct leases; r ’ pmspksctim: permits ; pétice of propoeed lease. ‘ U E5; mmmen carriers; limitations bf .`lea¤e`0r permit.__° " 1 gm;. inclusion ~e£ additional laude in lease. ‘ iw Sump; upun ahpwing probability of exhaustion. t

Ic;__ (`a»ns0!IQa_[i0S Qf leasvs. ’ - ‘ I

gm N.»ncentigi1ou¤ trects in single lease. _ 0 iq.; Royalties; annual rentals; term otléeaea; development and op·_ II eration, . _ _ F gem, xwrmits to take com for local domestic neces, , 0 . `I 8. _P1¢qs1•na·r1¤`§ 8 5:1, imtheritj fe have !¤¤d¤· ~ I ‘ ·_ 1*

12. Auiouzag of lehd Included in lease; surveys. . , S

gas:. m»ya1ti_es; annual rentals; term ct leases; gperation. “F 214. Vee dt surface of other lands. / _ I ‘ » e E 4. On. axv_ Gag V _ i.

1. Pmepecti¤8,,v€rmita; term and couditions; extension; location at `

‘ lends; marking land; noticeot applicuyiou tor; Dérmltg per·_ ,7 Nmigs in Alaska. _ ‘ V .- — _ . _ . , 2:2..-Same; extenslen of time for beginqihg drilling, a¤d‘so forth. #1*

2:. Leases: amount and survey obland; term ot lease; royalties and ~ S

au¤ua1··rc’¤tal. = . . _ . . I “A- ‘ * _ U

4, Payments fer qi! or gm taken prior`-to application for lease. . t

2:;. I*<mditIom;’of permit drrleaee; forfeiture for violhtiousx of. ima, Lease of unappmprlated ldpposlts ofqil or gas In proiiuciug oil U . or gas uid; royalties and enmgal rentals. · , . - 0

7. Leases to. persona reliuqaiishiag rights under prior claims on. I

» l withd;·awu_la¤da um1cr_ preexisting placempining law; ,c1aim¤ .8 · pn naval petroleum reacrveag fraud ot °claimauI;;~ adjustment ot — sulta. · ‘ r -. ·’ ‘ 0 E28.: Prospecting permits and leases to pcyacrgs ct Lands nof Mrk- 11 d1fI`!Il·; terms and conditions pt; fraud ot claimants. __ E

9. Preference right to permits pr leases ol claimants of lands bona t

Qde eqtemd ad agricultural lauq; térma and ,co¤ditions·“o!. . ge;. Permits er leases of certain lands his Oklahoma.; adjustment ot . equitable claims by Becrceary ot I¤terIor.. I · - _ t 331. Same; limitation-et time-`tcr applieagiona; grant to assigneea or y eucéeaaera in interest of original` locator: or claimants; con- _ · mating claims. . _ _ ‘ ` {SI1'. Same; limitation on auiount of land` granted. . ·. E

33. Semis; royalties. ~ · I . A" » - — ~ I
  1. 34. Same;. lava applicable; dtapcaitidn qt remaining lands; operation ·; 8

_ ot well; pending Qual disposition ot applications dor leases or W permits; dlspoaitiou pt reyaltlcszaud rentals. · ‘ __ 235. Same: lands lg ipcaaeasiou ot receivers appointed by Supreme t

 I I W { I · · .»‘ ,

236. Same; and rqulaqcua. ’. ‘ t I I On. =SnAr.¤ V` p - , , 8 2I1.·Auth0flty to make. lease: survey of land; term ct llesseg royalties i and annual regxtala; rmhI.a'*¤£‘exiati¤g glaimranta. vi ‘ · ’ . 0. Ausxa `01t.· Pmvmc I 2 231. Pmapectiug permit; or leaaa to clauhaulga of withdrawn lands; term., am éonditionreti fraud ot clalgants. ` - ‘ » _ .7. Soegcu I 261. Prcapeéting permits; lands iuiluded. · I _ x 215::, Leases to permitteea; survey at jands: royaltiéa amt rnnixal ` { `·-rentals. _· _ · · ; , ‘ _ l · ` 283. Permits to mepr lease ot ncnmineral lands for camp aitbs, and ae forth. ‘ I · · . ‘ · ‘ I _ ·_ CROSS BEFEXENCE _ ` Néaval petroleum reserves; me Tit!e`34,_nectie¤ 524. ji ENTRY ON COAL LANDS IINQGENERAL E Sectian 71,ICqal e¤iry.—-Every person gbeve the age I ef rtwentyame yeara, wh0._Ie a cigizen et the- United States, or c whehae declared Jziq intention to became nucl; br any asmcia·{ I tion of persons severally qualmed as ¤.b0i•@. shali, ¤l30§l applig I cation to the `rmyster ot the proper lam cme, havelthe right re I enter. by legal suhdyisions, any quantity et vaeagnt c0al·lsm1.s“ I of the United States, hot otherwise appropriated ex; reserved It . Q . » ,

LANDS AND MINING § 77 {y competent authority, not exceeding one hundred and sixty , mes to such individual person`, or three lmnd&·ed and twenty .cres_·to such association, upo·n payment to the fegister of not ess ·than—`$10 per acre for such lands, where the same shall »e situated, more than iltteen miles from any completed rai1· load, land not less, than $20 per acre for such lands as shall »e withluiltteen dmiles of such road. (R. S; § 2347; Mar. 3, 925, 0. 462, 43 State 1145.), ' . » _ _ 72; Shine; preference tight of entry.-·-Any person one associaion of persons severally qualified, as above provided, who have »pened` and improv*ed,,or shall open and improve, any coal. nine or mines uponf the public lands, ”and‘_ shall be in actual nossession of the same, shall be entitled to a preference right »t entry, under section 71 of this title, of the mines so opened md improved:'·Prot+idod,, That .when any‘£21ation of not ess than fours persons, severally `qualEed· as above provided; hall have expended not less than ’ $5,000 in isorklng and jmwoving any ,such*‘rnlne or zninés, such association may enter not exceeding six hundred and forty actes, including such ·mining mprovements. (R; S. 5 2348. )_ _ " , . 7 .7 3. Suns; presentation of ¢lai1ns.—Ali claims under section '2 of this title must be presented to the register ot the proper and district within sixty days after the 1 cate, of actual pos- o essiont and the commencement of nixnproyements on- the land, u} the. tiling of a declaratory statement therefor; but when he township plat is noton me at the date of such improvenent, filing mast be made S, within sixty days from-the receipt » »f such plat at the distiict office, (R. S. { 2349,) ~ ” V 74. Same; one entry only.-——-Sections 71 to 73 or this title =hall be held to authorize only one entry 'by the same person »r association ot persons; and no association of persons any nennber of which shall have taken the beneht ot such sections, Jther as on individual or as a member of any othet a@Laion, shall. enter or holds any other lands under the provisions a hereof; and no member og any association which shall have _ aken the beneilt not such sections shall enter. or hold, any other ands under their provisions; and all persons claiming- under section 72r’o£ this title shall be required to prove their re? lpectlve rights and phy for the Jands Hled upon within one rear {tom the time prescribed tot iillng theip ¤-especuve’c1s1m,¤; md gpon {allure to tile the proper notice, or topay for the land I within; the`req¤ired period, the some. shall be subject tojentry iy any otherqnallhed applicant. ‘·(R. S. 5 2350.) _» 7s·—“SImB}‘ oondictlng claims.-·-In case ot contllcting claims upon coal . lands where the improvements shall be commenced. utter the 3d day of March, 1873, priority otwpossession and ‘ mpnoveinent, followed by proper ming am continued good faith, shall determine the' preferenm right to purchase. And nlsowhere improvements hava=already heenmade prior; to the Fd day of Maroh, 1873, division of the land elaimedmay be nude by- legal subdivisions, to include, as near as may be, the raluable improvements `of the respective parties. The Comnissioner ot the Generalbaad Ofdoe is authorized to issue all' needful . rules and régolations for carrying into elect the.·p17o· rlsions ot sections 71 to. 75°of this title. (R. S. Q $51.) _ 76.; Sage; rights reserved.-—Nothi~ng ln sections 71"to 75 of

his ititle shall be construed to destroy or `impair any rights

which may have attachml pglor to the ·3d (day of March, 1873. nr to authorise the sale ot lands valuable tox·.?niines~ ot gold,

ilver,_0r copper. (R. S. {2352.} ·. o "

2 77. Goal land: `in Aloha:. opened to agticnlfunl entry.-—~ Unreserved paddle lands containing coal degsits ln the State xt Alabama whiéh on, Aprik 23, 1912, we hem; withheld . fiom homestead entx·§·unde1··`the ptovisions of section 171 ot

his title, 'may be entered, under the homestead laws ot the

United ,·States,sg1bj_ect to the provision.s,_·torms,··conditions; and imitations prescribed in sections S3` to 85, inclusive, of this

it1e. (Api·. 23, 1912, c.`87, 37 Stat. _90.) ‘ ‘_‘ ‘" '