Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/98

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§ 8 T1 TLB G.——O1·`1~‘lC1AL_ AN · tu gappuint another agent in his place as hcreinbcforc prpscrilvccl, th uml uutil suultappuimmem, shall huvébeeu made, ur during lis nw al»‘s€·m2e of zarnyqugaunt of such company from such distript, `· pc service of prowess may be upon the clerk of the; court whéreiu su auth suit is bmught, ujith like eifuct as upon sm agent appointed by the mmpauy. The ofiicexr executing such progreés upon Suélt gg; t·3t?*·k_·sth;sl; i.Ill1Ht3dlRfi3l}’ usazssmit a copy thereof by mail to the Oi c<·zm•:1u;t·. and State meh fact in his return. A judgmcpt, dc- sie; crew. ur urdér 017 a court entered qt made dftcr service of process pg as ufofeszzih skull be as- valid and binding 0xi‘__sucl1`c0mpa11y su iis if servPd\$*ith xircceés in said districqt. (Aug. 13.1894, c. 2&2,_ wl § 2. 2% Sttit. 279.) t . U . _ Im 8. Samé; defmsit of copybf charter.¤——Evexfy cbmpm ;y,_beforc th< trzmsactiizg any. business zmdér sectioxiléb to `13 of this title. (A uisztil deplcsit with the Sécrétzxry citllq Trci1su.ry of the United `smtcs 2; copy at itsphatter or articles _0f inc0rp0§·ati011,·and= Q1 U; wstimenxem, sig11c~d—and sworxrto by its presidenband secretary, simsviug its attgéts and liabllities, If the [said ‘S»ecretary.0f 0;- tiw_'1`l*0:1stu‘y shall be gatisiied Jthatj such company has au- 35 ilmz·ity_1m<ler·tcr to do the_ busix1gss_pr0x*id0d for in seé- fm times G to 13, axmllthat it hhs a p.·1m·¤p capital bf act lesstlmu gg; $:250,000, ia: cash ér `itusQ»equ_ivale.nt, V»aml‘fs‘g1ble to kgép and per- 41;] ‘f¢>:~m its gontracts; he Shall grant authority iii writing tasuqh gf t·<u;• do business uudér sections 6 to 13. - (Au§. 13, 189-1; 323 c. 28*2, § 3.28 Stat.·279;~ Mér. 23, 1910,1:, 109; 36`Stat..241._) ., 1 { j U 9. Same; quartérly sta.tcg1ents.+——Ever'y suéh cmnptmyi shall, sti in the IH{>!1{hS_0f Jauimry, A§1ril,[July, am} _Oct0béi· of `¢a<;h· mg ycziar, tile with_t}1e said fSQC1’€€Q1°Y of the Tyeasury a statement, fof signed dizdlswcm `tcrby its”p1ie•i(l¢i1t urldrsecretary, shcwing itsl pe] aswts aud lialgiliticsy as ·iS‘I‘€(]l`li1’€d by section .8,` ;T1icQsai<l- bm Secretary ·0f\fl1e.‘Treasury shall have the power, and it shall my .lw·l;1s§d11ty, to mvéke the authority? uilany such company.-to Sm transact may névv businéss under sections 6` to 13.017 this.title~ au wheuevertin his §§1dgme·ut.sucl1 company is upt solvent 01* i‘s‘ bg] umy institute inquixty at any time into-ltlte solvencycf said- qw tmnpzmy and may·re·quire that additiqual *secu`rity_ be given Iat Su; uzay time by any p`x·incipa1 wlxcuhé deems such company pp ju 1¤»11gur~sut¥ici<:nt security, (Aug. 13, .1894, c. 282, § 4, 2S€.Stat.. Yup 279; Mar. 23,1910, c. 109, 36 Stzit.` 241.) “ . _ · · . Su; . 10. Same; juriséiction of suits •m?`b0nds.—Any··suréty` com- · réi {muy `§i1isiue:ss'undei• the prbvisidns of sections `Y6 to vi( ofmhis titlg may be sueilixm respect thereof in hny court of the po: United States which has or may have jurisdiction bf actions or. sm suits upunQ¢<u;·h mecgxgizauce,stipulation, béml, orhuudcrtnking, _ sul in UQ dxstnicte in which such récoguizziuce; stipulation. bond`, the or txxxtlertaking wais 11141419 or guarhnteetl, ‘0r in the diSti•it2f lu wil whivk tim principal uhice 'éf such company is—'l0cated§ For the bm

purpo~sgs of»_s1·ét10!1s G to 13 `·éu'ch· »l’f;C0gliiZ&ll(f€,_ étipulation, the

bmul, 111* um1¢;·rtgki¤ ;;.sl1;1l1 bc.t1scutcd`a$ made ()1°_gl`l@l‘8,I1[8£d; su; in the district in which thejuBk:c-is located, to which it iS.;1‘§3:· pen z11rm1l»lc., or in tvlxich it•i$*iile<.l,"0i· in the‘distrlu@3in which the bun

u·ixzg·i;ml in auth rt-zwguizzmce,Jstipulatiun, bond, ar undertaking In

xwitltzd wllcu it was made or guaranteed. (Aug. 13Q 1894, c..· wm .. T-$$*52. § 5Q_2f5w_§§jrt, 250.), " ., ·‘ i .' - “ tht ’" ll. Samcmwupaynucnt of judgmentwe-·If any suéh. compamy un}

—:lm1l· `u<:;;lut:t or refuse to pus any mm! judg*meut»0r decree am

u·ni4lez·cd agutiust it u·p·u.u any such ‘rec0gul24mce, stipulation; ·0bl Lungl, ut·"’uu<lt·rtukiug xnitdé or gumtautceil by it under the pm; the ,vi»i¤»ms of ·¤¤.·tlunns Ulm 13 of this title, {rum which —J1w‘_ égfpoult- 2?( wrlt ui cizmr; or ·supgersetleas has be餑·t;~1keu,fu: thirty duys in` after the rmzditicm of such judgment or decree, it Shall furfeit Jsai all riglgt to du lmsiucss under sgwatiuxas 6 tq 13. (Aug. 13, 1894. cut 4;. 252, § 6, 26 Stat. 2&U.) _ `_ _ . U · sbs

  • 12. Same; estoppel to deny corporate powers.-—-—·Auy company Sta

· which shall exocutc or g'uu°ru:1tee·urny rccqgnizunce, stlpulhtion, ret bond, or uxuluytatkixng umich the pruvisiéugs of sectional} to 13 of Un

’D PEXAL BONDS _ glo is title shall be estoppel} in ally proceeding to enf•m;·o me lbility which it shall`me¢l to incur, to deny its out--V rate power to eaecnxte or ·guarontee_ auch instrument or uame oooh liability. (Aug. 13, 1894, 0. 282Q § 7, 28 Stat, ;im_y 13. Same; failuretq comply with Sections 6_ to I3.··~—>;\uy 5 nipanydoing business tindex: the provisions ot Sgriziions G to 13 this title whiclxpsliall fail to comply with any of its provi-Q ms shall forfeit to the United States for every ouch failure lt less than $M nor more than $5,(®, to be reeofered lv; it in the name of the `United States .in_ the same courts in iich suit nmy he·_·bl·otight against such company iunleretlxe ovisions of sections GK to 13, and such failure shall not ol`l'i·l·t' e valiglity of;any contract entered into by smell ·cmop;xx»y. lug. 13, 1894, c. 282, $8, 28 Stat,286.) , . t 14. Rate of premium on bond; preniume not to be paid by iited Statca.¢——Until`otherwiae___provided by law no bond email tlceeptea from any surety or bonding company for guy otiil·4·;· employee of `the United States which shall cost more than ~perg'centnm_ in exeessrof the rate of premium clzn:·ge¤l r a like bond I ‘d¤ringZ theicalendar year 1908. The United sites shall not anyipart of the premiomor other eoet oi, rnishing oa bond required hy leo or otherwise of auy`ottii»·i·- employee of the United States- · (Aug. 5, 1909, 7, 36 Stor. 15;% Bonds or notes __of Uniteé Statesixr lim of recognizancc, pnlation, bond, gaarantyyor place ofjeposit; tnrni to depesiinr; éontractonf b¤¤&.~Qwne¤e»·`ei· by the ‘lzuv_s` the United States or`regtllatio1is· made pi;rsnai1tithereto.“aniy J rson is'_‘_reqnired*_to furnish. any recwnizance; stipulation, ud,. - gnara-nty,Yor Vundertakina, hereinafter Ycallegl °‘ penzil nd," with surety or suretigs, such Df·‘P$0§ may. in lieu of such iety or sureties,"deposi£‘a$ security ivithi_the_.»o§ieial .harin;: thority to approve lsnélirpeiial bond, •United"Sta.teo. Ll}l€l‘!)' nds or other bondsor notes of the United States in aisura iréditobe furnished, together an $ BI`&l}fthQl‘l2§lllg ch official to collect or sell such’-bonds or notes so tlepositell €i2lS8w0f any default in the perforrnai1ce·ot—aay of the e0adinsor stipulations of such jpenal bondl The acceptaiiee of 1 eh United States bondsor notes inlicn of surety¤or—‘snreties` inired- hy law shall have the same force and eHeot ae indi-. tual or ·corporate`»sureties§ or certified cl1eeks,_baak.<lmiQts, st&0HlceYm0ney·or<lers, or cash,~for ‘the`_penalty or amount of ch penal bond} The bonds or notes depoeited hereunder. end gh other United States bonds or notes as may be substituted - zrefor frorntime to time as_ such sec_nrity,- may heoepositeyl lh-,_the'_Treasilrer_ of the United·_St9tes;` a, Feoei·a1_ reserve nk, or other elepositarndoly deeignewrl for that- purpose by in Secretary, __Which shall issue. _`theref_or, elescribirisz gh bom=ls`~or. notes so deposited; As soon as security for the rformance of siich penal bond is no longer neeessaéry, smh ads` or notes so deposited shall the- returned to—` the éleposit¢I ease a person "or persons supplying aw eontraetor .wi'th lalior material osqiroritletl by section 2?9—ot Title 40 sl ell mewitu ` S obligee, at anytime after awlefanlt in·tl1c-.pei'¥vi¤;¤1l¢¢ GY ` F colltrzlct subject Ito said eeetion_·270__» the epplice ion and idavit therein provielod, the olglii-fee shall not deliver to. the Qlgorthe depositeq hongls or notes nor any;snrpIn$`procee=lS` rreof tintil the expiration of the tirne limited by said section > for the irltitintion of suit, by such person or persons,_—autl_,, ._ CQHSG gllllit shalilbo institnted wit-loin snob -tirne,··`shs1ll."h<»ld cl bonds or notes or proceeds subject to the ortlerof the; iff h¤‘VY¤K` :l¤1‘isdiétion_"Lhereot.. Nothing herein `eontailned illtaiect or inimir theipriority of the elaim of therlinited lm against the bonds or notes deposited or any right or ucd! xrantetl by saitloaeetilon 22'0 or gpyo mia section to the Jl ited SCEES for default Up0ll any olgligatiou of .,Stli(£jl)£i1iiI -— `T · ‘ c "