Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/985

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)71 _ U 3Q~·-XIHRBAL `L grant, the entryman. or putentee, or where nssigninent b mg made 91*191* to _Ja¤r¤¤r§ 1,1918, it the entry has been Q igmntcd with the finixiernl .reserv¢dQ `nhall be entitled to I E lmgtevencafright tv ‘¤- peljmifv and to gmane; as hprein pro- [ him, my césé df disccyerjy; {md within nn area nn; greatgr 4 gm n townshin snchkntryman and ptnntees, or nggigng u mI<Iin§ restricted pntgnts ‘Bi8Y;—C0mbi§1€-`théif holdingé, mf to 3 `qg (X,-we `twn tknusami. Eve ·~humIr¢d° and sixty acrgn fo1‘_ the rg gmww _0fn;&king(j0i1it nppticaticn. iexecuted under L my section and embracing only- lands so entered shall proving u .»»;· the pnynzent of a 'myalty ct rmt lléns `than~12% per, centgm S ns in such greens. within the sperxnit as may [not be included 2 .·ith`iu the disqovery icase .t0 Elwhiéhwthé permittec.`is_·ent£g1ed‘l;

i;de1·'s0<;ti01l 223 of thin titlei (Feb; 25; 1920, c; 85,· 20, p

1 $<mt.~145.) " ‘ ‘ y · » . , ;_ , ‘ is g · 230. Permits nr lenbps of certain landsin Gklahomnadiust-- =‘¤ mi; nf equitable claims by"·Secreta1*y of -Inferior.-—Tl1e g my nf the Interior is nuthoxized in adjust {md dencxjmiuej the c quitable claims of citizens bf the United Staten; nncl domestic 5 mpnmtfons .to· lands and .011 and gas kléposits beI0xigiLng_ itc _5 h€#U!1it&d Stntcs and situated south of the medial line ot the p min channel of "Bcd River, Oklahipmu, which linda were ‘; l:aim0d‘&11d p0ss飓in good tnlth by such cltizéns 01··c01··· _ iimtions, or their ‘predccessci·n appointerest, pi·i0r to ·,F¢b rum·y· 0 3, 1926, and upon which. landsiexpenditures nweré made in |. mu- fziith and with- —-measqnablg diligence- in amcflort to dis- g nvegor dévelop oil or gas, by issudnée of permits br leases toy tg rinse found equitably. entitled theretof (Man 4, -1923, c. 249, 2 1,42Stat.1448.) _ f j· ‘l·° -· ,a -231. Same; Hnitnticn of time for gppliutions; grant to use- u ignees nr gmcccssois in interest aforiginal locator; or claim- ·¤ nts; condiptinz daims.·-Ap{>1_gc~x1§ious for jpermits and lenses; p mder cscctiqns @0 to 236 pt dats titlnnhali be madn to. the 1; éecretary bi the Interior, and shall `bé niadc within and not q ,1‘t<;i· sixty days from nm} nfté1—..March 4, 1923. Leases and 1 wznits nnder mid may be' granted ter the assignces n ·r snccesnors in 0; fzhe briginnl lncgtqrs on the orig-; 2 narclaimgntn in all cam where the criglnnl lbcators or orig- g nn! claimnts hqvg maimed or transferred their rights, but 0 when leasm or betmits aré Kfnnted to .the asnigmés or suc- g essors in interest nf the ofjginul loéators mv orimal cLaim· 8 mm the mid Lenses and permits shall M subnet t0.al1 cou- 0 racts, not. contrary to hwy nr publié `policy, Between the orig- D nm; locators or original claimants and their sucéeemxi in 8 nterent.,_ · _— ,».q In case of conlltgting claimants far perxniu or léases under; t mid nqétions @0 to %8._0£ this title, the Secretary ot the In- I- vrior is authorised to gl‘£ll1t.·])G1‘il1itS qi lensnsto —0q¤__0r more F bt them as be Jud. A, 1923, c. 249, Q 2, 0 l2Stnt.1448.)’ n ;“ ‘ ~ V -232. Sun; limitgtién nn manu ¤fln¤d—¢ra"tcd.··-—··N0t mbm *1 than une bundmdxgnd sixiy agree shall be grnntadby lenses-· 1- or permits under sections R0·tn @6 Gt this title to any one 1; person nr cnrporitinn, whwe two mi mom, 1; location; or dhims hgve bam hwkvd in one person ox corpo- Y ration, and in mms nm; more than six hundred and forty ( acres shall be 'by ilegm cz permits to any one person — or corpcnunn. (Mu, 4, 19%, c. 2Q, | 3, A2 Bti;. 1448.) l 5 233; Sane; mi*aMu.·—··mm Jensen shall be required to phy as ns‘roya.lty go-the United States an gpmt to we vnlue E at the time bt wednction 013,H% p¤.·—c¤‘htnm of xl! oil and r gan prndncqd hy him wlnr in at th; lease, except in ¤@ ¤;r gn: mea on thQ·Bl‘@§8lf£! to: p1-0&1c§m or a unayoidably loot; nm sha}! `be, to my fo th·a ‘ United s Statesarbyamntmtlcswanliyypercéntumnlnuoii4 and as 9wd% by hm am1•;&z~imnmc¤ ot Qhpaso, exeent a ot1mdm¤¤aad#¤¤¢naprmmui¤r p¤»m¤@nm·v@ori wqrcidahly Ot °ths procewap ot th oil ud Ins that have e

ANBB; we MLNIKQ. _ §·` 235 cen prodnced orthot may hereafter be )prodnced by the reeiverof said property, appointed by the Supreme Court of the Imited 12% per centun; as royalty shell be paid to the lnited Stgtes, and the residue after dedmting and paying the M

 et the Qlitimtion incurred. by the.United States and `

he expenses of the reeeivershipl.rFslioll_be paid to the person or erpontion to whom may be granted n lease of the°lnnd on t which enid oil and gas were produced. who Secretnrrof ’ the ntertor is authorized ond directed to tnke such `leml steps as gay be necessary and/proper to collect from any person or per-, ond who ehall not be awerded a perinit or lease under sections

 to 236¥ot this title an amomt equal to the value ot all oil

nd gee producedtby 'hig or them from any . of said lands »rior, to the '_ inclusion ot snid property in the receivership, ~‘ xcept oil or·°gas used on ‘t1re‘preperty for production purposes lr unasvoidubly I- lost and except {other reasonable and proper llownnces `for the expenseeot production;} Oi the ninountso ollected, 12% per ceutum shall be reserved to United ltntée as royalty end Qthe balance after deducting the expeztdc ‘ (collection shall be paid over to the berson or persons awarded »er1nite’or leases under said sections, as their interests may lppear. (M&r.Q4,`1923, 6.*249. {-4. 42 $tRtQ 1448-) I · 234. Some; laws.applicabIe§'éisposition of remaining lame; lpeg~atien» o£ wells pending §nal'dlg@tion‘of jgplications for zones or permitsrdisposition of royalties and re°§tals.——Except s otherwise provided herein the amllicnble provisions 'ot eeelons 181 to 194, 201. to 208, 211 to 214, 221,"223°toe.>229, 41, 251 end 261 to 263 otithis title shall applyto the leases nd ~permlts_ granted under °.sectio.ns_ 230 to 236 ot this itle, including the provisions ot sections-191" and. relating . o tlie disposition of royalties. ‘ After the adjudication hnd disosition o£_.al1”appllcations_undex said s tions 230 to eee_¤ny_, ands and deposits remainin nted nndgnndisposed »t ehnll, utter date tlxéd by order of the Secretary of the nterior, beudisfrosed of in accordance with the provisions of ections 181 to 194, 201 to 208, 211 `to 214,. 221, 223 to 229, 41, 251. and 261- to 263. The Secretary of tlne Interior is' uthorized. to takeover and- operate wells existing on any .13 such lands on` Mnrch_4,'1923,§>endlug the 'tlnal disposi: lon of nppllciations for leases an .permits, and to utilize .nd expend l11 connection with such ndxninlstration and perntion so much as may be nécemnry of inoneys impounded » tlxatdnteft frompast production or thereat'ter.prodnced, rnd upon dual dirpositionl of npplicatione for and the issuance ·£ leases and permits, greet deducting the expenses of adminisrntion ond operation_n1id· payment to the United — States ot the nya1ty._.n¢¤·ei¤ provided, to my the balance remaining to thenerson or company entitled thereto. Out of the 10 per centum ·t. money received from roynltles and rentals under the pro- ·isions__‘of sections %0 to 236 ·o£ this title nnd paid into the Preaeury ot the United States and credited to 'miscellaneous ecetpts, an provided by section 191,° the Secretary ot the ~ nterlor is authorised to use and expend such portion. as may . »e required to pay the expense. or administration and sniperrision over {leases. and permits andthe products. thereof. Mar. 4, 1923, c._249, §_ 5, 42 Stat. 1449.) I .. ~' _ 235. Same; lends in of receivers `ippointw by _ luweme Court.+;——N'otlrtug in section; 230 to 236 of this tltle lull. be construed to interfere with the possession ._by the luprenme Court ot the United Staten, througn its reeeivengor eeeivere, of any port of the lands described in section 0, ‘ lor to- nutlrorize the Secretary ot the Interior to dispose ot my of sold lldnds or 'oll or gas deposite involved in litigation lending in the Eupreme Court of the United States, on March l, $19%,. undl the Haul diepomtlou of mid proceeding. The nuthorlty herein granted to the .SecretaryVof the Interio:,' to ake over I¤d·onerate oil wells on said lands, shall not become l&ectlve until the ehid lands shall `be, by the Supreme Courtlot