Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1005

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS.:=?S¤ss2 KI. YC};. 27. 1927. 968 W`md’ Garvetrbliitionlag Perl? South Dakr%taé:,$For administration, "”’¤° °*"· 8*)**- rotecticn niaintenarf ,and‘ m rovcrnent, 1 ‘ 50;* - ‘ v P Yellowstone National {Park, §;y0ming:* For administration, proj Y°°°"*°'”’ W"' traction, and maintenance, inclu_1ng'not exceedin§¥’$6,600 forvthe purchase, maintenanceg operation, and r?air of orse-drawn and

 passetlgerl-carrying vehicles g or the use of the rin-

seneentmnd Weysaria connectiofr with general park ww not excced:l:ng*`$8, for maintenance ofrtlieéroadein thai forest reserve lead!ing··&1t‘=oi'*·the’*park¤frem= the cwtdaoundary, nottexoeeding $$,600 for maintenance of the I‘0€de·iH`i’¢l!0‘ forest reserve leading out of the park from‘the· south boundaig, and including feed for buifalo and et r animals and-Ysalaries/o bnifalo keepers $370,000; for construction of physical‘impmvements,`$80,000, including not exceed- ing $9,500 for extension of sewers and sanitary systems and garbage- disposal facilities, not exceeding $10,000 for auto cam not exceeding @,800 for a garbage incinerator, andtnot exeeeam§2e,*r00 fogthe construction of uildmgs; in all, $400,000. ‘ V Yom, Cm osemite National Park California: For administration, protec-a t°' tion, and maintenance, including not exceeding $2,500 for the pur- chase, maintenance, operation, and repair of horse-drawn and motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the supere intendent and employees in connection with general ark work not exceeding $3,200 or maintenance of that part of the‘ri?Vawona {toad in the Sierra National Forest between the park boundary two miles north of·Wawona and the park boundary near the Mariposa Grove of Big Trees, and not exceeding $2,000 for maintenance of the road an the Stanislaus, National Forest connecting the Tioga Road with the Hetch Hatch? Roadnear Mather Station, $256,000; for construc- tion of Eihiysica improvements, $45,000, of which not exceeding $35,000 s be available for a hospital and for completion of eguip- ment of same in Yosemite Valley, $2,000 for a detention buil ing, $2,000 for a public comfort station. and $6,000 for two employees ¢°*·t@g€S§ iii ¤1»$301»000· V` ` A A zioauzaa. Zion National Park, Utah: For administration, protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $800 for the purchase, main# tenance, operation, andrepair of motor·driven passengencarrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees inconnec- tion with general ‘p)a)rk work, $22,500; for construction ofphysical improvements, $8 ; includin not exceeding $6,500 for the con- struction of buildings, of whidi $2,000 sliall be available for an equipmgant shelter, and $3,000 for a residence for the superintendent; in a 0 900. 1 ` National monuments: For administration, protection, maintenance, m§,€§’°“‘1 M°“°' preservation, and improvement of the national monuments, including not exceeding $400 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, an repair of motor—driven passengencarrying vehicles for the use of the custodians and em loyees in connection with general monument work and including disco for the construction o a shelter cabin, and tsoo for the construction of a telephone line partl¥ outside the boundary of Pinnacles National Monument; $25,000, o which $600 shall be immediate] available. ,1 - C I b d C N Carlsbad Cave Nhtional Monument, New Mexico: For adminis· Muir ° ° "°’ ‘ tration, ‘ protection, maintenance, preservation, and improvement, including $2,500 for the construction of a bunk house for laborers, $30,m0·, ,4 ` A., ; ..4, ,‘ To enable the Secre- ‘ of the Interior'to’ at out the provisions M¤¤¤=¤¢¤ Gwa- of the Act entitled "AnmZct for the securing ofrlznds in the southern §i$Z°°i!id°dil$T§iriii°Zi Ap alachian Mountains and in the.Mammoth Cave regions of Keni P§",§’,;,,,,,,S.,,,,,,,l,].,;,. tucgy for perpetual preservation as nationals parks ". approved ***13] 43 958 February 21, 1925, the Act entitled “An Act to provide fbr the estab- °‘ ’ °’ `