Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1010

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@70 ,SIX'i`¥>·NIN'I`H‘CQN£iBE8S4:‘;Sme H4 "Ge. 27.1 i 1927. »H"°‘u" r;-EE’?<r»r ’.?’·* *5:;; un. md.·“ Governor, $10,000; sepretary, $5,400; in all, $15,400. u For contingent expenses, to be ex ded by_the governor, for sta- » Cm ”'°°‘°‘*’°°“` ¢i¤¤¤ry, andiianidentanln, pnrat•,·eem·et•ry.,¢e ure 8”°N¤l0¤, 33,. 5; governor while abrwt theeacnmxtrlzen ¤¤imiLhup¤¤¤¤S,.850Q; in ·¤J1·.@$4=,500- 4 s·,mm,“b°th·H"_ , mis Reiki;. I _, ri`; 1 V/Qgj?. -, r · ¢ < ¢?:¤·s»j ";.T.·£'i‘}* ·. ·. , if. " i , V Maintenummetc. · *· ~ · . —··· . . . . ‘.1?0r pmt d0tlu&and·trea¤nent in Saint Ehnabeths Heepatal

   r Army, Num M¤ri¤¤ Gorge, Gout Gugwd,

,i¤mat¤sZ;ef· oatmeal-.H0me tor Diee.}»led.· V0 l1l1t69£»S0ld.1im S ,¤her¤¤§ rwitbeemee¤victed·ef;cr1mes ·

Wh¤g§§9ii·¤§¤¤_ QH   who there  
 ¤¤diB%Fslese2'woe.0f iZl1¤0*Uh1lZQd States,
   service of tbearmy, persons traps-

v_,M__m_ __ g Zone who,baye,been adnaatted tn the hosgyxtal andmhc me indigenteand beneficiaries of the United Smee et- eramf Bureanyinciudmg tg: ¤d¤·¤§¤», . s ~· iwmpur can , opera l0l1»;0 me rr rope,

   fox? the use of the euperin¢en£nt, yr.

chwins mee h<>spita1;busme¤¤,,¤${3Q4,000, _1ne1¤$reg mainknanoe; and 0P6l‘¤·l3l0¤~ of IR08888 V fmihtme for feeding f!f¤¤L¤ha1lJ‘¤u¤bAtr¤¤»thev•PPr0pt1¢¤1¤¤ for-the institution; and not exceeding Slxeqfithis sum mayrbe exgended in ther removal of patients te, _ millet exceeding 1,500»l;1i1chthe purchtgse of

 _' i§M$YBP•· ers, 0 ,.w_ paymeu may

be made iuadvance, sang? be the purpoeeeofrythe hcspihl and for the medi 1ib1·a¤’Y» and not exceeding $1,500”for "’°#··»··, °°“‘“1?.?"€».Z`°°°°”re.;.r;‘?I1 °¥"°"”§.?£“°“·E$i‘“pmma5°”‘h° 1* in r i‘“£ ¤return, ·,'_0yea>a a` :1 ' asomu gun. ysgsxu of as maybe rewiugred be available fdr all necessary gxpeusemiu t of inmates who arenot or

 be proper y nhargeable to Federal maintenance in the

inttitutienandiin to mich places of residence: Prey-

ec"]'°'?,Z the fiscal year 1928 t11e.District,of

°°¤°· Col ia, or anpbranch 0 the·Go¥ernment Eliza- beths tomreégr which aretfrslponeible, A ipa~ - to ieanperintenan upon ` mn uest, either uaneeevor at endrof eachtlmontlx, allecr partrzi the eetimatedr9r~actualcost»"of?auch,mai1ztenani sasdae case ma%be, and bills renderedeby the Su rintendent 0?Sa.intE1izabethe os- pital in 8bd)1'd&I1¢6’]$l'BWllih $11 not be subiect to audit or certilica- tiou in advauceof payment; proper adjust.mentsvon~the basis of the aetualcow of the care or patients paid for in advanoeshall be made monthly or quarterly, as mapébe agreed upon between the Superin- iml gm www tendent of Eagnt Elazabeths and the District of glogumbia ,,,,,,,,,, md, ,, vernmen epartmen or esta ` ents ounce ` sums ¤•*¤¤¤¤=¤• •¤¤¤¤¤¤ gid to the_ Superintendent of Saint Eliaabethe =H0spita1 for the careqof atients. that he is authorized by law to receive shall be , depositeafto the credit on the booksof Treasury Department of the made for the cam and maintenance of the patientsiat Hospital for the year in which the npport, clothxzngy tm&e¤t is provided and be subject to requisition by e disbiusing agent 0 Saint ’Elizabeths Hospital, upon the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. ,,?,§,§L‘"“" ‘“° $ For general repairs improvements to buildings and grounds, 125,000.