Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1077

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SIXTYQNINTH·GONGRESS; Sess; 58. 1927. 1087 den! "ill °&·eee'vei¤` bile ii du ·miece11¢ aneoue expeueee inehydi Lggb :z~cicIegs_i>p:·evegl=by £he·See1¤te·r_v;= ofitlie ¤%msgu·§¤s»begug ueeessery_*£q1§;¤¢he peeceeeweeqt Vmm of employees; » d'!o1·’pu1·éh£t9e;*»mAi1;heiaauce e@nd··dr¢mpg:et neces- sary ¤g0t0r—py0pelle;l_!`snd vehaclas, ??§§e§é‘,;Z'§&2§€;;.°*‘?l$‘§l‘.§1l,eée»,*h° e‘igess¤¥A °°’°°°¤-, ’ l

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