Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1103

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SIXTYNINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. ss, se. um: 1063 at which election the question whether such bonds shall be issued shall be submitted td the qua.liHed eloctorsof said town of Fairbanks. Thirty days’ notice of any such election shall be give£nl‘?· publication thereof Min a tnewspaper»V¥1·inted_and Bgublishad ‘ of general circulation in said town be ore the day ed for such election. Sm. 3. That the registration for such election, the manner of °°‘“*“‘* °‘ "‘°°“°“· o0nd·uc*hing` the ”same,`and the canvass of the returns of said election shall be, as uoaergsas practicable, in accordance with the requirements of law m §en _A t or special elections in said municipality, and said bonds sha be issued onli upon the condition that a majority of sixt_y{—iive per centum of t e votes cast at suchelection in said town shnl be in favor of said bonds. a mud an nk Sno. 4. That the bonds above specihed, when authorized to be sec. ' issued as hereinbefore provided, shall boar interest at a rate not to exceed Bfperecentum per a;nnum,·payable semiaunually, and shall not be sold or less than their par value with accrued interest and shall be in such denominations as the commonoouncil of said town may mw designate, but not exceeding $1,000 each: Provided, however, That r¤¢m,¤€¤.,¤¢b¤¤o.». no issue of bonds or other instrmnentsof any such indebtedness shall be made, other than such bonds or other instruments of indebtedness in serial form maturing in substantially equal annual installments, the iirst installmentto ‘matiu·e not later than iive years from the date of the issue of such series, and the last installmentnot later than P,,m,,“p,,m,,,, thirty years from the date of such isue. Principal . and interest ¤¤di¤¢¤r¤¤- shall bgénayable in lawful money of the United States of America at the ce of the town treasurer, town of Fairbanks, Alaska, or at such other place as may be designated by the common council of the town of Fairbanks, the place of payment to be mentioned in said S,mm,,, md ,,,1 bonds: And pmmklcd further, That each and every such bond shall ¤¤¤i¤¤- have the written signature of the mayor and clerk of said town of Fairbanks and also bear the seal of saidntown. U, ,,, md, ,, Sm. 5. That no part of the funds arising from the sale of said ¤¤¤*•¤· bonds shall be used for any yiurpose other than that specified in this Act. Said bonds shall be so d only in such amounts as the common S°‘° °"’°“‘“" council shall direct and the froceeds thereof shall be disbursed by the treasurer of town un or the limitations hereinbafore imposed and under the direction of saidicommon council from time to time as the same may be required for tho purposes aforesaid, Approved, February 9, 1927. . February 9, mv. CHAP. 86.-An Act To authorize the inco rated town of Wrangell, [H·R·‘°°°‘·] Alaska, to issue bonds in ani sum not exceeding $$000 for th€Vpurpose of con- H EEE N°· “°°·! structing and equipping a pu lic-school building in the town of rangell, Alaska. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hausa of Repmrentatirvea dof the United States 0; Avncrzba in Congress assembled, That the incor- §§‘“}',§"{·,‘,g‘;‘i,*§,@·,,,, pomted town o Wrangell, Alaska, is hereby authorized and em- •¤¤¤·>?¤·¤¤¤*¤¢- powered to issue bonds in any sum not exceeding $50,000 for the purpose of constructing and equi;2;}g a ub1ic·school building in the town of Wrangell, Alaska: Pr ' ed, wr, That no issue of 1{Z_°•¤{*°&c dma bonds or other instruments of any such indebtedness shall be made ' " other than such bonds or other instrumentsof indebtedness in serial form maturing in substantially equal annual installments, the first installment to mature not later than five years from the date of the issue of such series, and the last installment not later than thirty years from the date of such issue. Sno. 2. That before said bonds shall be issued a special election w§ggg}§ ¤*•¤¤°¤ *° shall be ordered by the common council of the town of Wrangell, ` at. which election the question of whether such bonds shall be issued