Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1135

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SIXTY·NIN_TH CONGRESS. Sess. IL cas. 12s~1s2. 1927. 1095 tactics, in the United States Military Academy shall be entitled to public quarters, fuel, and light. Approved, February 14, 1927. ·i ·’ A ‘ · Februaryl4,l927. CHAP. 129:vAn Act To encourage breeding of riding h01’¤¤¤ f¤1‘ Amy P¤1`· -Tg-}m Be it enacted by the¢8enate and House of Representatives of the United.—Statee of America in Oongreae That the rSecre- ggyimm 0, dm, tary of War may, in··his discretion and undersuch ruleaand regu- tions gl nam, ac., latioms as he may prescribe, accept donations of animals for breeding f,‘§,f,§‘,‘§,‘§’{,’{,‘;§,,*f"°"“' and donations of mom; or other property to be used as prizes or awards at agricultural irs, horse shows, and similariexhibitions, in order to encourage the breeding of riding horses suitable for Army Approved, February 14, 1927. U For the promotion ritle practice throughout the Be it enacted by the 8ena¢e, »House of Ret tatioea of the UnitedStates of America in Oongreee aeeevnbleé That for the pur- §ju§·¤g,¤_g1¤,¤¤·, on pose of furnishings national trophy andimeda andother prizes sa- promotion oz, by to beprovided and contested for annuallyynmder such regulations §‘€§‘°"“ "°°*"'·*"*'*"~ as may be prescyribedby the Secretarywo »War, `said centestto be open to the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the‘Nati0na}`Guard or Orgiizedihiilitia of the several States, Territories, and~the`District of lumbiii, members of rifle clubs, and civi1ians*,*and·ior the cost of trophy, and medals herein provided·’!or;i¥ant1·*for‘the p promotion o riile practice throughout t e_Unlted, St§tes,’inc1ud°ig§ the reimbiusement of necwryxpeuse of members of the Nati ,°, °}’,,,••{g Board for the Promotion of iile Practice to `be eggiendethfor the P¤<>¤¤¤· purpose hereinbefore prescribed, under the dirsctionvof the Secre· · tary of War, the sum of $7,500 is hereby authorized to be appro- F priated annuall : Provided, Tiiitino competitor shall be entitl to Iimltatlou on wm- eommutation ofirations in excess of $1.50 per day, ¤¤d_M=be¤,¤>e¤i¤;'é§"“°“ °' "“‘”"· are greater expense than that sum per man per day P for the period the contest is 1n progress. App1·oyed,.Februa1·y"_l4, i "` = » 181.-—An Act rovide for maintaining, promoting, and theInternational{fradetExh&ition..t A ·‘ .· K . e; . ,~ pn; P“ °· °·°“"· Be-it enacted " thejSenate and_Houee of`Reg:rese¢2i%ltivea of the United · States o América an Uvngreee_,aeee*na; Zed,‘ at for the E,I§{§{§,?",,°',$,T3§,‘; pprpose of pro ' thecorporation known International ·¤g;j;,¤m,, , I for ade Exhi ition with funds for use in maintainin§,i‘promoting, ¤=$¤t•iui¤¢,etc. and advertising the permanent trade ,expositiou»·at~ sw Orleans, °"°"""°" Louisiana, inaugurated on September 15, 1925, there is hereby au- thorized to be appropriated a sum notiin excess of $150,000. Such sum when appropriated may ._be`expended such purposesbyithe corporation. i ·;. » » Approved, February 14, 1927, y __ OHL! 182 Act to accept on rlgigilgiégwl mai: askin umm sous sue. in feesimple to a bertain striplbyi me and the [Publis N0- ml construction a bridge across Archers Cree}; in South Carolina. Be it enacted by the Senateand House of Repveaeneativvee of the United State; of America in 6’0ngreae.aea0nibZed, That the»Secretary P"""’ I"“"°*°· °·