Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1137

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SIXTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Ons. 134-137. 1927. 1097 modifying in anyway the provisions of section 125 of the Act my '°“*¤¢°'·¤°* approved J 1me 3, 1916 (Thirty-ninth Statutes at Largeypags 216), mird¤1gé»Zp.21c. entitled “A.n Act making furt er and;mo1·e·eifectual Srovisnona for the national defense, an for other purposes? as amen ed by section 8 of the Act approved June 4,1920 ( orty-first Statutes at Large, v‘?1‘“""8°°‘ { pa§EI836_). . An money realized from the sale of articles of uniform D“°°"° °"°°° °°°‘ un this Act be covered into the Treasury to the credit of the appropriation out of which such articles were purchased. Approved, February 14, 1927. ' ‘ I _ — . _ February 14, 19*27. GHAP. 195.-—An Act Authoriziu the Secreta f he Na , in his discre- [H-_R- lmml tion, to deliver to the president of tlge Rotary Cl¥>,°ott(h·awsfYi·dsvil1e, Mont- —lE‘b“°> N°-617-] gomary County, Indiana, a bell of a battleship that is now, or may be,,in his <=¤¤ts><l>’·· r v. .... . . _ Be it by the"Sen¢te€ Mid Hduéb of Representatives-of the Ramesh, ben United »S’tz1tes,a;f Amzricd assembled, That the Secretary neu-mypw notary of the _Na‘vy;be· and'?he‘,is‘{liereby· authorizedyin discretion, to §’,}§P· °"""°"“““°· ggliver ofithe iitlgtagy {,31111;,. Inf ·Cl;·awfordsv1l1e, ont me ` " i' " '¥a‘*` *0 a attes ip t elvis now, or cm may inrzils , That noexfeuse shall be incurred iii) Government or- by eusiryeneq Sta“tes‘·thLi·ough`the deliveryo said bell. "°“°‘ Approied; Febuary 14.) 1.927 Q, , ” ‘ ` . , c , · Y Y` *2 Z ¤ ` . ·i ‘ . February14,192’I. cnn. 186.·v+iA¤ me tnppwmq ulesmaseees smile _ nam mi or _[........T.lH·R-°°*2·l "‘%S}€§°‘*‘ °'i‘i‘°“ “*{2§“§»,“‘*“‘°”°"’ *°‘“°¢i'§i.?rf'°‘*‘*°'&:gJA¢¥2°‘Z$."’8e§"2‘°”é I mm Nm` an evm e m s o an ursxnocer e aeo Oregon and€he'StEte of Ox§§§n`lTi§-o1lti$ii.tcJ'xiountability·the§refor. * * · ¥· Be it enacted by the Sc1wta<and&H0uae of Repreaentézti/vca·0f the United States of America in Congress assembled,. That the act1on 2{,‘f,‘,¥,;.,,, of im., of of the adjutant general of the State of· Oregon in directing the ;*_Px{g¤,{{*§g,°§_°¤m§o°*;_ issuance ofmilitary property secured from the reserve mores of the mucmmaasma, Armv at Fort Stevens, Oregon, of a value notexcssding $1 775.80, °'°“‘ for the relief of suiienexis from a·disastrous.5re i§·.ASlZ01‘lB,_ December, 1922, is approvedand credit for all such supplies so isn shall be allowed byT·tho··War Department in the settlement-of the _ acooxmts, and· the nited- States gtroperty and disbursing oilicer of m%{°gg’;b*;§&{,¢{;",é•Q the State of Oregon and the ate of Oregon relieved of the accountability for the REDS. ~ F · · " Approved, February *14, $1927. · CHAP. 137.-An Act Authorizing a survey` of`the'Caloosaba.tchee River F°bri1§T§4$11m` drainage area in Florida, and of Lake keechobee and certain territory bordering [Public. No- 619.] its shores in Florida. _ H 4. p Be it cmwted by the Scmzte amt House cf Representatives of tlw United States af America in Oonyreas assembled, That the Secretary B§:,f‘}§‘§_“““°"°° of War be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to cause a survey aww, _;Q¤§••al fg; of the·Calocsahatchee River drainage area l11f];`l01'ld8» and to deter- awa mma, as

 what control works are necessary for navxgation lll connection r

with ilood control and- thewst .th¤r¤<>f.» wd also ¤— Surreypt L¤k¤ ¤J&3*&$§3»’?“°“°’” Okeechobeejn Florida audcertain bordering its shqnss and from Lake.-Okeechobee to the Atlantic ceanto sterminq- hat measures are necessary for flood control; such as additional. and outlets, and‘further‘ lowering of the levels of Lake Okeechobee. y Sno. 2.. The sum of»$45,Q00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, ,,.,{,,“‘,$$,{‘,§ is hereby authorized to be expended out of any funds heretofore ¤l>¤*°P*i°**°¤··