Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1151

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SIXTY-NINTH coxonnse Smss. 11. Cn;187. mv. 1111 or may hereafteraccrue, from time to time, $6,000:,Prmvidcd, That ,%‘,’g_,t by Gm, settlomentof suclxcluma shall beumde b General Accounting •¤¤ A¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¢ <>¤¤» Omoo, upon the approvaleand of the-Secretary o Wanwwnere gthe amount of been ascertained by the War De0¥utuunti.»•ud_po entlt fiwilkbe accepted by the owners the p1·ope1·ty—m— {yall actisfactionotysuch damages.4 oumaeor nm znrvnsneror rm; Amr ron ,,2F;,"°‘{,;*$‘,‘;*“,,,;f§,$, » ’·DlUlRUU1‘!O§i—0§‘m¥R`BVATDl’B£}l5#!Y b_-» . ». ry  » •*·=- ' `· '.*r;r‘7 ` v"‘—,".'W"*H:` X ' "/2 Y .· 4 `:— For the paymeneot claims of ¤¤ieers,aeu1isted»¤¤en, and nurses ..‘°‘1§"‘¤;‘2$1.,.?"‘“" of the Army for private property lost, destroyed,»capt¤1red, ahem "’°*· *1- P- WL 601166,10}* §l¤¤¤Ag¢di¤rtheI¤iU$ary;~¤o¤vioo. fthe Umted=States, under ‘ ° the provisions otan Act approvcdlllicrchi, 1821, $60,000;-» .- ¤m¤¤¤u¤¤¤m¤¤_¤rrmi¤¤¤ r1£.°;*$'°;;°'C“°'°' sorties: For g:·¤em_wmw in me or- combat. in °*'”’·¤¤·*·°¤··°‘ aeoordanoegwith. Classification;-A»<:t.of;1928, $851,500. _

 .·   1 ¤.1».Q.¤»¤·r¤v.u»s¤¤:n;Conrs ‘°“°"°"“”“'°°""·

· Z' 1”·<·. .· .L~»= )_·fj ’ ‘· '>·' `:x"‘l-' 1; ·_·»I‘ ~,·1 » _ . . Subdstmcm Sunmmucn our mam Amex; Purchase of.subs1steuee;suppl1es:,;Eor r¤»e¤¤·¤:¤¤pp1n¤. issue use rations lto· troopsriuoludingy retired men when "‘“°°"°"°“" ordered iw = octave ; dugg, civil employee; f when thorgto, hoe pntoli M cents. for ywlinle j under observation, _ eprmsoners of wu the Army as pmone¤s,tb31t—£o¤,w*hos¤.es¤b¤¤Stce¢e· ·|PP!Z¤_Pl·¥§$$1°¤¤ ll not otherwise made), lndumslemployed Army _as,gu1dee and soouteynnd general, px:¤poncrs(•t·Jpost4s;;i , r- the.sub¤¤stouoo1no£ the masters, ofnome, isrowst and 2emFloy,¤e¤¤ of the . the,iArl?§ Trcnspog; Service;. hot coffee; or troope ;¢r¤weh¤§, awhw SBP? with ,_ ed,o1· tl`lV6l~I'$l0,1lS’.,WDlB.f9¥-·lB01‘Hlt·l.@;,y arties and _ egplicantsj for enlistment,-while under obseryutioxr yftdrrseles to “"“ °° °‘”°°"* °‘° o core, of the O5cere’Rc¤e1'ye· wlulenon actxve duty,,end enL1sted’menofetbe;Armfy: t the pum u,. of $12,00Qtm authorized to.beoexpende<1 lorsupp ying. meals.or;~fur— “°¤·*'“’° mm- nishingzcommnmtation of rations, emen.oi· , , Armyrwhile competitors in . {ure ‘e°.;;m¤&.e.3¤ It Hier, That-no competitor shell be .entitled~ to·oommut¤taon of rations MM- in e¤eceslo£,$1»50.p¤¤vdsy»¤nd.when meals are iumishodno. www expeneerthen t11st_sum.per> fon,the_pe1·ipd{.the contest is an shall. beincurrod. 2 For payments: .Qf»—tbe regulation ;”'°°°‘ d_ allowanoeq of,oommut¤tion»in,lieu of ¤•#10¤s:l¤¤ P¤¤¤»,0¤> row}: lough; enlisted men when stationediat placeq wheregatnons in kind can notbe eeonomica.l1yissu•d,in1:lud1ng—roiared w , ordered to active duty and; .onvdetao11 dutyw it is impraoticable to carry rations of anyqgindg men sclec to contest fornplaees. or prizes durdepadcment como getitions whenotraveliug to and from. o£=epntest,.apphcants or genemltpriponers w egtravelmgy under orders, For payment.of,the regulation allowances of commutation m hou of rations; for men, ;epf>licv.nts for enlistment; while held under obeeilycation, _empr:yeeq who awrz te; Subsistz enocatpu r ¤g>¤¤¤¤»¤¤ 8*>¤¤ prwo. here 'esi ini $$11 1 tobeupaidyto inncharge; adyertising·l £orop *‘“'°'"“”'· prizes to be estab by the Secretary of War {or enlisted men t,,,,I"2{,_?°’°'°°°°"‘“" of the Army who griduate f1`0II1.1thB,AI"1I1 schoolsfor bakers and

 the total amount of such- prizeeat the various schools not to

exceed $900 per annum; and for other necessary expenses incident