Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1195

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass, II. os. ies. ism. 1155 .» JOINTACOMMITTEE ON PRINTING . ~P;',‘},‘§§,f°“‘“*”°° °“ For clerk, $4 000· ins ector, under sectionY20 of the Act ap proved » ¤¤¤·k.·w¤. January, 12, ‘18f95, $2,49%; assistant clerk and steno ra her, £2_,100'; V°l`28'°`°°B` for expenses of compiling, preparing, and indexing tge Congressional m¤<>¤zr¤¤¤i<>¤¤1 Direc- Directory, $1,600; in al ,.$10,190, one half to be" disbursed by the ry' Secretary of the Senate and thei other half to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House. p , ` ' ” S ` ,, OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL C§§,l,f_’,?,_°‘ L°'*°“""'° For salaries and er enses of maintenance of the office of Legisla- S¤*~*¤¤·¤*¢~ _ , tive Counsel, as autlligrized by sectiou·1303. of the Revenue Act of 4a,Viii`2:iiT p`1w’ W` 1918 as amended b section 1101 of the Revenue Act of 1924, $7 5,000, of which;$37,500 iallbe disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate and $37,500 by the Clerk of the House of Representatives. STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS p,§gg*gnr;¤¤* rf ¤¤¤r<r For preparation, under the directioniof the Committees on Appror F;>{g‘~vg;g§·j;;g!gg priations of the Senate and House of Representatives, of the state- %¤¤k Y ments for the second session Yof the Sixtyyninth Congress, showing appropriations . made, indefinite appropriations, and contracts authorized,. together with a chr0n0logi.`cal,_histoi·y of the regular alppropriation bills as 1·equired_ by w,, $4,000, to be paid to V¤1.25.p.¤87. t e designated by the chairmen of said committees to do the wor » A · ‘ o ‘ ~ ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL , ,0;f'°*"°°°‘°""°C“*"‘ orrrcn ornrcmrncr QF_THE`CAPI’1`OL . __ , Salaries: Architect of theflapitol, $6,000; chief clerk, $3,150; civil ,,,$’°"“"°°· °’“°‘°'°"‘· en ineer, $2,770; two clerks, at $1,840 each; compensation to digbursing clerk, $1000; `lal$orers4——one[ at $1,104 two at $1,010 each, two at $950 each; forewoman of charwoni¤!1,'S760; twenty·one charwomen, at $412.80 each; in all, $31,052.80. · ‘ A For forty-eightrelevator conductors, including fourteen for the m¤v¤w¤¤¤¤¤¤¤e¤¤. Senate Oiiice Buildixgg and fourteen for_the House’Oiiioe Building, at $1,520 each,‘$72,9 . ` I rr t ` · ‘ l H carrron nmnoinos Ami onotmos V; . · ,¤§‘§;§,‘;§,d},’_“*‘“*”'“ C itol Buildings: For necessary expenditures for the Capitol ,,,,‘},‘§,'{,,°;§{ '°’°’” "° Bui§ng under thejurisdiction 0 the Architect of the Capitol, t including minor in».srovem¢nts,;mainteuance,»repair equipment, sup- plies, material, an, appurtenances;;personaL·an<l otheryservioes; cleaningend repairing works of art; or exchangapmsinv tenarrce, and drrving of metoggnvpe ed, .pass¢¤gerw-carr ngiotlice vehicles; and-not exceeding, $2 , rfor ,therpurchuse_pf,;tecl`iixicel and necessary- reference books, and cg-y directory; $100,735.80, of _ which $23,200 shall be immediately av `guble. -, . ·· ,1 { ,» L  »- Apprgpriations herein made imder the control of the Architect '*""°* °“°'*°°°•· of t e apitol shall be available. for expowsessof travel on otlicial bpgness not to exceed in the aggregate under all funds the sum Capitol Grounds: For care and improvement ofgroundg surrounds mmm smunds. { ing _e Capitol, Senate and House Office Buildings; personaliand ot er services; care of trees; .pla.nting;;, fertilizers;. repairs to zpawe- ments, walks, and roadways; ' rpurc ase of rwate roof wearing apparel; and for snow removal. y hire of men anxdp equi ment or ¤¤¤w removal- under contract without com liance with sections 3709 and) 3744 of R;%·g§¤·37°°»37**· the Revised Statutes of the [lhited States; $74,792.20. pp' ’ `