Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1211

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS: II: 169.M¤19i27. LWI cpinpieted -ope1*ation,r·an4i;·-s11chF- other infomation aswhe licensing authority may roqnuro. Such application shallu bo signod· by~¤heu¤pphea¤¢.uu:Q•r_e•ehiey¢siq¤egie¤;» wi or , .V»\q _ — .;,.§°i..e .°'” 22.*;% ".m.*""“ "·¤~


within;ths>timsI?ipii•`;aiwiiéd or withixgaenchiufuzthgrutime as the author1ty1mdy»· ,i1m1ca$ noti_undcr¤t.he g•gntm},,¤£d th6Vg;`:;1tG0·_· ’1’be#i·i litsi•m&o1*isuy·such¤po1·mit eheiignee ,,§··gggL§¤·=¤* ¤* *'¢¤*= assign mod_ Q A '6l°1l1,·00@ ah or corpo¤pt&on¥ éwithoutg ‘ _¢l.ioeiisixi§§;Sauthorit§:e $et€e.;;?{tm;mamhmirg;tea1?:ta!:nei¥§¢1izimr§`g° "’**}.·12.&€°”eeei .§’°.~.'““‘°ii.e.“i‘£ rolling stock,_o1·‘aircmfqJ e1ie»»eeg‘lii:§ietip¤i_ot my 'eretiqn for ..:·.%~iv.s·.:°*i;·*.:·i2·*%i.·.:.#+ {¤)1;gh00¤¤¢P&f·1Q:I1¤<(;P 4 ¢0DtlI;;1 _ ponstructii w·fE* img ¤9¤¤v¤•¤w*¢¤· it *1 ` ·u,p0u‘ " if . B ‘ _‘ . euthqriey·•ha¤ I1 ’¤en weeia tienga sem t reg in nie applicatisni and perdrgitgzgtve fully wmzc, gzdtbatzaesegame or cu·cumstancb·=ax-ising· {coming sto" ‘ leg ·oi!*th` iicensing authority since the of the wo d{in_thg J¤d€¥¤9lW‘9fYth€ Hccwng Qpthohtyi guakq ggzgeratienibf such stat onjagainstthcggblic mtorest, the hcsnsmga onty shall issue · a to ting]; lrul holder of sagd pe¤¤it‘§;· the operatiunuif sai ~ 'on. ai ioenss* ` con 0I'iI1€' oner y to the terms of

   : ‘ ·   §z;‘:» ;. ·‘,»r' ‘  ·

See. 22.·The··Heexiei¤g authority ‘ iauthuribeau ·~d " ate t · ¤=·¤¤¤·· ¤¤·¤¤• =¤ time ee ¤s;ee·m1ee¢eue¤i eee _eemi% eepieee ei··:ig¤°:14£>1·whig1i:· £‘;»‘t'.‘°·§?’e1"e..i...i.d°“ ‘”"‘“? in its mi ’ Mara liable to interfere with the ·oi·‘ ti ·e£??h·eti·ees eignnlrct ehipat-Suelr sta•ious·&re " i “°°""°"‘°°"‘°'· maize ii ‘ 1—r•.dio·bpe1*•wr in on thekwdve Io u s design ici- gEdd1$6fd1sti*o&‘and re e eemmuuiegfiene ·re1 ‘_g §‘i,';,§f‘;,;2;{,’$,‘Q*¥¤i ni H -Bmo;*28.¤. very raili station? on`*sl1aD‘bb °`uiu£ed’ to ”“"°'.,i,.m..,"""";,,.,.. transmit Tagioi oorhinutiiicgtioxid ‘oi¤—·gi£4.\g* df*dig¢;·gg_E;%’=t e1>ii>°°ee•iun•e1tiiiL.’ 2“°p.e°°’i2‘·i;‘*i,i§°%€?’ gi ***4...% *"**‘°gie"°’;+Z{F*: dieuiuee ofutgwet we !{¤ndz·ed¤iii`i€e¤·by da ‘oi'£%ht.‘ wieeeeeaiege radio ee ‘ ' dome signm uraieeieeeeisa ‘ oeemmudieationg

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mir ‘·=a~‘i ‘ L "bxfu ‘tve‘u_,» emX1¤}¤t’0£· in¤£*E!ei·eu’eei;él gh w ’uru¤‘Bé hm to

 1nd,i¢=¤e:•e1m, ‘ ui", ‘ 'mmaut i‘‘‘ étao‘fa‘I‘   ’ ,,,,

<$¤ ‘bQ¤rd ieee fj imag; eu; &y$g’#;P]·*#1;§té;:b{:·thé ',{$*;•“,,,,,*gg*•¤ bv 3”£°“F.iieSi"**me,i~i$"°e ‘— i ··?:x5i£e‘¥Zu*i.i1#‘eeeee;q`&?:1!i1lgeuiij¢iiéi¤i;?°;1¤i 2* °“°“"‘w.L,;i`."e.e.’ e"3°;"2.·$;¥§‘e‘:¥‘ii‘;i**‘t·`;*‘.§fi‘*¥.;i?;i*<‘.$"ii3.‘°:M° in ansvq2iin%·‘:ii§·6aiding g ship distress: refrain from

2·»»¤i g me ,i¤wg=¤¤¤»1yi?zzi v¤¢¤ii¤¤·i:¤¢r¤¤¤i»¤¤c · i '°°°’u ’°· i i t Sm: _’Eve:·y shbro Station open to genereidpublie service between ,,,,¥,§°,';°,;3,:;;, gg; thd eeasv=x¤d#w•eeeeI¤·at’¤ea» sha11··bo boon to circhange radio ¤=¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤··¤=¤=¤¤¤> communications or signals with an ship station without distinction i°n°°¤id'e•3`g¢1i•i°*L°b°°rd who radio systems orinstmmentsidepted b;%°¤ueh‘ etetiene, ireepee- tively, and= each station on shipboard- sha? ‘ bound to exchange radio communications or signals with anv o hor station on shipboard