Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1276

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1236 SIXTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cns. 193-195. 1927. Army in the United States or its possessions, the total cost of which, including heating and plumbing apparatus, wiring and fixtures, shall exceed in the case ofyan omcer a ve the rank of captain, $14,500, and of an ofticer of and below the_ rank of captain, $12,500. r * NY S 2Th Secretary fW uthorzedto nsfrutbarracks ¤¤..y,.. mc. . e o arisa 1 co . c

,2f"‘°"' ‘°’ ‘°°°°" at Fort. Jay, Governors Island, New York, for a regiment of

Infantg, less one battalion, at a cost not exceeding $1,086,000. ’ "§•“•“*,{'b,'§,'*•,;, . Sno. . That in order to make further pirovision for the military r¤¤•¤:$i·¤¢¤¤¢b•r post construction cfund established by t e Act approved · Marc

°°‘°°°°l°°'°' Q2, 1926,,tht<;1Se_;z?rreta1E°of War is autgiorized, tohcause to  

_,t0 0* ar partment sujecttoteaprov o e President, all- real property; heietofore transferred: or any part

smceb.;anuaryb1, 19}§é.froméhet_Warflt¥pE1:ment— to ptheé

epa ents, reaus ranc orac vueso e> vernmen an no longer actually and necessaxélfy required for their use, respectively, andu the retransfer to the ar Department of any such propertg the of War shall report’~the same to the Congress wit recommends ions as to its sale and the deggnt ofethe proceeds to the credit of the military post construction di Approved, February 25, 1927. hbri1h71?&1i.m` CHAP. 194.-—An Act To authorize the United States Veterans’ Bureau to

 accept a title to lands required for a hospital site in Rapides Parish, Louisiana.

B it enacted 6 the Senate and Home of Re csentattvcs of the

mL$ Unigcd States gf   in Oemgreas a.s·scmbZc£T’l'hat the Director

},’0'·;:;,§_}',§_' B‘“'°°“ of the United tates Veterans’ Bureau be, and he is hereby, author- ized, in the of any lands reguired for a hospital s1te in Rapides Parish Louisiana, _to accefpt tit e to such lands sub]ect to a reservation of the mineral rights o the State 0f=L0\l1S18l18». Approved, February 25, 1927. F¤l¤¤¤'Y mm"- GHAP..195.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act granting the

n.1z. i4ggy___ I . .

¤P¤=·¤·=· No-ml .§‘;°°“¤.t.;°. d*§;Z’L$0ll‘1‘§Z°3ri’5‘i‘%¥$¤?¥f2.i°§`£§L%‘L‘§‘$i’H‘.f’<§’E£?*‘Zp§.Z2$i23 Y r ‘ . ‘ Bei it enactedby the Senate and House of Igzéiresenmhwes of the giigglumsau at United States of America in Congress assemb’ , Tb.at_ section of “'j*,§°:;,m:i,§’“°,¤·, , “An Act granting the consent o Congress the Weirton Bridge °"° I i ;‘¤£§1cli.`Z'°`1*€"“°°"* °°‘§£“bZ f?t$”?>§??Z2‘§EZ%2d°ir1}°?di32E‘¥’°bS2 o wer near u nv

 W M. ·¤$.ié *:¤·a‘:‘; tam ·i :9“··W§= hi, ·..   . ... 7.. { ...

°·°’ . ecom eiono suc r1 eas e mm e gcivwéummm Secretary of War, eithgr the State of the State of §Vest Virginia, any litical subdivision of either of such States,,w1thm or adjoining wlliich any part of such bridgeis located, or any two or moreeof thelm jointly, mayégtbang timedacquire__a.nd {lake ovgr all ' A title an interestinsu ri can Litsapproac es an any {Ill%;1l`t§t;.lIl’l1`%8l property necessaréi tlizrefor, by_ plurchase oi· by con- demnation accordance pritlr e laws pit erbpfysuch Statics

·!’Il.l.1lg· ` `ex uisitiono rivate pro e » _ or u _1c purposes y

qf,‘;"f"°,},"‘l,,2,?’, ”,,§,,?' ggxidemnation. fcgi at tiiiie after tdie expiration _of twenty-five M, =¤v*·¢i|¤¤ ¤v ¤¤¤· years after the completion of such bridge t_ ei same is acquired by condemnation, the amount of damages or compensation to be allows _ shall not include will, gomglvalue, or prospective revenues or L”““““°°· profits, but shall limited to t e sum of (1) the actual cost of constructing such bridge and its approaches, less al reasonable