Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1345

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SIXTY·NINTH comanss;. sees. 11. ca. 271. 1927. 1305 S N orth$1:est: North Dakota Avenue, North Capitol Street to Third m§°,g*,*;,_”•*°*· 4** treet 800· Northwhst:’Sp1·ing Road, Tenth Street. to Thirteenth Street, mmzamsw. $2000· . · Northeast: Fifty-seventh Street, Blaine Avenue to Dix Street, N’£“¤¥·••*•¤¤¤ ¤¤•·¢ $5 000 · ' Northgéastz Fifty-fifth Street, Foote Street to Saint Catherine rmy-eaiiseume. Street, 00· I »

 Grant Street, Fiftieth Street to Kastle -Place, .$900; emzsmez Ns.

Northwest: Sixteenth Street, between Kalmia Road and District S"‘°°'“*’S“"°°NW· line, grading, $22,000; _ A . - In all, $1,94,100; to be disbursed and accounted for as " Street leeimaamtuem. imp1<ovements,” and for that purpose shell constitute one fund: ‘“”,$;,,,,,,_ Provided, That no part 'of such fund shall be used for the Mgegieted w mcs- improvement of any street or section thereof not herein specified. °'°°°m°°”‘ oasonuen rex Roan ann smear umn, sugoaggligammama For paving repavin gradini and otherwise improving streets r vinz, te, tree , avenues, subniban mags and sugiirban street? respectively, includ; $§,,2?§f‘,,‘}§,;:§‘,§‘,,§’?""3‘ ing personal services and the maintenance o motor vehicles used V°¤·¤· P- 1°¤- in this work, as follows, to be afraid from the special fnmd created s by section 1 of the Act entitl "An Act to provide for a tax on motor—vehicle fuels sold within the District of Columbia and for other purposes," approved April 23, 1924, and accretions by repay- ment of assessments: For repaving and resurfacing sheet asphalt and asphalt-block aepevlus me mur- pavements over thirty years old, $450,000; ',§§,§’§,f’1"’*"""“*‘*’°"°' For paving, repaving and surfacing, including curbing and gutters 8,f¤'*¤¤· ¤•¤¤v¤¤¤· where necessary, the following: ` $6Northwest: Alaska Avenue, Sixteenth Street to Georgia Avenue, mem Avenue Nw. 8 000· Northeast: Twelfth Street, Rhode Island Avenue to Monroe Twelfth sm: mt. Street, $62,000; Southeast: N ichols Avenue Fourth Street to Upsal Street, $16,000; memn Avenue Ns. Southeast: Thirtg-eighth Street, Alabama Avenue to Suitland Séfhhreishth Street Road, and Suitlan Road, Thirty-eighth Street to the District line, siuuene me sn. $13,200· "- ~ · Soutlieast: Minnesota Avenue, Good Hope Road to Eighteenth SéV¤¤¤ee¤t¤ Avenue Street, $28,000; · ` Northwest: D Street, Twenty-first Street to Twenty-th.ird_ Street, D_8¤ee=NW· $13 000· ‘ » J . — Southwest: Twelfth Street, E Street to Water Street, $3,600; Twelfth S¤eer SW- Northeast: B Street, Fifteenth Street tc Sixteenth Street, $5,500; B8¤¤•¢NB- Northeast: E Street, Thirteenth Street to Fifteenth Street,.$16,000; E Street NE- Southeast: Massaehusetts Avenue, Sixteenth Street to Eighteenth m£1:§§¤¤¤¤¤e¢¤ Ave Street, $18,000; _ _ . ' Northeast: West Virginia Avenue, Eighth Street to Florida néfgtcvkwe Ave Avenue, $13,000; _ ` $9Northeast: Fourteenth Place, North Carolina Avenue to D Street, N§¤¤¤*·¤¤¤*¤ Piece $7Southeast: A Street, Eighteenth Street to Nineteenth Street, xseeee sa. 000- Southeast: Admiral Barney Circle, Kentucky Avenue to Seven- xamirunumycu- teenth Street, $3,100; _ °l° SE Southeast: VD Street, Twelfth Street to Fourteenth Street, $16,200; n sma sn. $6Southeast: H Street, Sixteenth Street to Seventeenth Street, Hsu-eeesn. $ Southeast: Ives Place, Fourteenth Street to Fifteenth Street, Im P‘°°° SE- 5,000;