Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1365

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SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Smse. II. CH. 271. .1927; 1325 $$1%,03nd for maintenance of nonpassengencarrying motor vehicles, ’ O mmrcar. cruarrms p ·f “°‘“°'*°"“‘*“°* For care and treatment of indi nt patients wider contracts to °“‘·°*°·°‘,,,*°°‘”“*,,,,,,,, be made bg the Board of Public Vghlfare with the following insti- $:1;* d CHCEIODS an golxi not et.? W the following amounts, respectively: en ` i xy 500.· ‘ 1 » e Columbia Hofsipsifalfor Women and Lying-in Asylum, $17,000. Childrexfs $220G); l · s - Providence Hosp¤ta§·$17,000. " i Garfield Memorial $17,000. r r Central Dispemsary Emer r; Hospital, $23,000. Eastern Diapensanyand Casujgl ospital, $10,000. Washington Home for Incurables, $10,000. i _ :· Georgetown Hospital' $8,000. r ~ · . George Washington niversity llospital, $8,000. oonmnzu uosrrrn. nm 1.r·mo·m asrnmr °°‘°”’b‘° H°'°“**· · For general repairs and for additional; construction, including B°°°”’°°°` labor and material, and for of heat, light, and power NE? www- required in and about the operation of the hospital there is hereby v,,,_,,_,,_,,,,,_ reappropriated the sum of $l5,000 of the unobligated balance bf the appropriation “Support of Convicts, Districtof Columbia, 1925," to be-expended in the discretion and under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol. ‘

 uosrrrn. m_’i`¤¥··¤=¤*¤¤’¤ H¤¤¤*·

Salaries: For personal services in accordance with the Classiiica- °“‘”"" tion Act of 1923, $55,300. ~ For provisions, fuel, forage, harness and vehicles and repairs to °<>¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤v•¤•¤¤~ SSJDG, gas, ice, shoes, clothinlg,b%§y _goods,_tailorin%é and medi- cal supplies, furniture an ding, kitchen u nsils, books and periodicals not to exceed $50, temporary services not to exceed $1,000, mamtenance of motor truck, and other necessary items, $57,500. For 1·epairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, includ— R°°°""°°" ing roads and sidewalks, and not exceeding $10,000 for inclomng porches, $16,000. J g ` ,. Ganmnemz Mumcxran Hosrrrax. _ l "*““”’€°' H"‘¤‘“*· Salaries: For personal services in accordance with the Classifica- Salaries. tion Act of 1923, $185,000. Md For maintenance, maintenance usf horses and horse-drawn vehicles, » °°°°°°°°’ books of reference and periodi : not to exceed,$50, gf nonpassenger-carrying vehicles, and all other necessary expenses, 140000. . . r . .4 ~,,,' Fdr repairs to buildings, $5,000, ` . . . i R°*‘°‘”· Purchase of books, musical instruments and music, expense of “‘°""’““’ °’*’°“’°'· commencement exercises, entertainments and other incidental expenses of the training school for nurses, ésoo. ‘ ·‘ ‘ or the purchase radium, $10,000. .-» i, ~· R¤d*¤*¤ www- ·. TRAINING sonoor. .,,4 Sc’§§°‘ T"““’*“ k For, personal services in accordance with the P°”°°°‘°°"*°°* of1923,,$35,000. . . v . _` Q For maintenance and other necessary expenses, including the M·*¤°°¤¤¤°¤~ maintenance of nongsassengencarrying motor vehicles, the purchase and maintenance 0 horses and wagons, and not to exceed $2 700 for the purchase and equipment of one two-ton motor truck, $56,700.