Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1369

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cn. 271. 1927. 1329 onmmu. urnxsns, rvamo ranxs *’¤N*°v•*¤· General expenses: For general expenses in connection with the M•*¤*•¤*¤°•· Tg maintenance care, improvement, furnishing of heat, light, and xmm md X power of public parks, grounds, fountains, and reservations, pro a- gating and greenhouses nmder the iurisdiction of the Oigce of Pu B ` dings and Public Parks 0 the National Capital, including $5,000 for the maintenance of the tpurists’ camp on its ,,°'{°°§_*j_{¤,Lg,;¤v·¤¤ present site in_East Potomac Park, and mcludurg personal services of seasonal or intermittent employees at per 1em rates of pay approved by the director, not exceedix current rates of pay for similar emp oyment in the District of lumbia; the hire of draft animals with or without drivers at local rates approved by the director; contingent expenses; city directories· communication serv- ice- car fare; travelipggxpenses; prdfessxomlhscientinc, technical, and law books; peri ` reference boo ; blank books and forms; photographs; dictionaries and maps; leather and rubber articles for the protection of employees and property· the maintenance repair, exchange, and operation of not to exceed four motor-propelled passengencarrying vehicles _and all necessary bicycles, motor cycles, and selfgpropelled machinery; the purchase, maintenance, an repair of equipment and fixtures and so forth, · $358,000, together with_ the sum of $77,000, of the unobligated ,,,-:_‘}d*,Q,g,¤{,•l Mm balance of the approplr1at1on,“ Street Improvements, District of lm ¤•g»¤~x>ri•••d. Columbia, 1925,” whic ishereby reaplpropnatedz Provéled, That `1C$1o}¢•&?`1m4' not exceeding $30,000 of {3110 QIDOQDQ 62*6111 fpprofgriated may be °“’°°°"¥’°"”· expended for placing and mamtammg portions o the parks in condition for outdoor sports ;_ the operation, care, repair, land p¤Y{¤*;_°¤ “°·*’°¤ maintenance of the pumps Evluch operate éche founpains in Union B d ms Station Plaza- expenses inci ent to t e con ucting o band concerts Rm, ,,°°¤,, · in the parks; hot. exceeding $35,000 for the improvement and main- ¢i•P•rk· °°’ Lum tenance as recreation parks of Sections C_an D, Anacostia Park between Pennsylvania Avenue and AJ1ac0st1a Bridge; not exceeding ,_,$,,£’;;’;;¤° *’° $50,000 for the improvement of the Rock Creek and Potomac con· heating parkwag; not exceeding $05,000 for the improvement of m{·i¤¤¤¤¤¤ Hm Pvk. Meridian Hill ark, including continuation of construction of the wall and main entrance on Sixteenth Street, the wall on Fifteenth Street, and commencement of construction of the_wall` on W Street, from Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth’Street, toglethér with entrances to the ark, and grading, all in accordance wit plans to be approved by Sie Fine Arts Commission; and not exceedin $12,500 or the erection of minoriauxiliary structures: Provided gurther, That not marwiww. aw-. to exceed $5,000 may be expended by contract or otherwise for °°°` architectural or other rofessional services without reference to the Classification Act of 1§23 or civil-service rules, as approved by the director. ‘ ~ , ` ’ For the construction of twobathing V [ls in ursnénce of the §%_2,‘{,°,{“·,,,,,,,,_ Act entitled “An Act for the estabhshmenigxf artifigial bathing pools d1j¤,g¤v·;1&¤1¥- or beachesin the District of Columbia "` approved May 4, 1926 ’°‘ ‘ (Forty-fourth Statutes, page 394), to available immediately, $150,000: Provided, That not to exceed $2,500 may be expended by Prwwgmng e _ contract or otherwise for consulting engineering and other profes- m;,e¤a,»m¤ea sional services without reference to the ‘ lassiiication Actfof. 1923 or civil-service rules, at rates approved by the director. 2 ‘ For repairing and continuing the construction of a sea wall in the ,§§°,;",_{L° *’**- Potomac River between the north boundary line of Potomac Park and the north building line of G Street, $25,000. " ` 43892°—-27-84