Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1424

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1384 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 351-353. 1927. °{ ¤*, IY Band, f retirement fter thirty- ` rs’ service,rth Pres`dent is

 authoridgg, pt? apHo;nt·himuaocapt'dx1,;11(;yi1E·g;‘thp   States 1Marin§

Corps an ace ' r·eti ' o e ine wit mmemeap the pay and of that rank: Pro·vigied?°T£:t ’“$§{‘3_p_,,,_ 1of·theA.ct oflune 10,1922,relatrvetocount1ng lm wd service for purposes of pay for odicers appointed on and after_July 1, mma ewnaepl uf} 1992, shall not resided further, That all active service as a W- muaicianinsorv era of the United States Marine Band shall be counted in computing length of service for longevity pay purposes. Approved, March 3, 1927.

 , 0KAP.` 852.-L-An Act Authorizing the sale of the new subtreaaury building

°· '“· and site ln San Francisco, California. { ‘ Be it enacted ` the Senate and Home of Representatives of the §,'Z§‘,,*{§;2{.'$ United States ofbimerica in Congress assembled, That the Secretary 52** ·¢· ¤•¥ ¤• of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and emplowered in ` his discretion to sel] the new subtreasury building an site, San Francisco, California, at such time and upon such terms as he may deemtobetothebestmterestsof theUmted States, andtp convey such property to the purchaser thereof by the usual qurtclarm deed; D"’°‘“°""°°""· the roceeds of sai sale to be covered into the Treasury as mrsc£l` ancous receipts. Approved, March 3, 1927. ” ‘“" i’¤}LY!' cnn. ess.-an Act Gum the consent or congress to cus recom ¤— construct, tain and operate a bridge across the Ohio Be enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the w}jE,· Cm, United States pf America in Congress assembled, That the consent y my rye. •= of Congress is hereby granted to the Indiana Brrdge Company its www me. · - · 7 successors and assigns, to and operate a bridge m_approach? the htrlo Riser gui a pointlgurltanble to uiterestsonavrgatw aorncar ecr o v diana, °°°°°°°°°°` as accordance with the _of the ict entitled "&n Act to V°‘·“·°·“· regulate, the construction of bridge over navigable waters," approved 23,_ and su ject to the conditions and ¤> p _ is y con upon ana m- mm -w-· 1*"5•".2."§’.“1~»..l..°°““*°°'1¤..»c‘“ °‘*“ ‘i°*“.ma th. no snags Co °$?p$$*$°¤a °°` p•ny,~its successors and assigns, all such rights and powers to enter upon lands and to acquire, condemn occupy possess, and use estate and other property needed for the location, constructrorii operation, and maintenance of such bridge and its approaches an terminals, as are pomessed by railroad corporations for railroad pur- poses or lg bridge corporations for brrdgepurpoees 1H the State in which su estate or other property is situated, upon making just compensation therefor, to be ascertained and paid according to ,,,,d,°°°°'“°‘°°°,·,_ ""* the laws of such State, and the proceedings therefor shall be the same as rn the condemnation and exgrogrration of property in such State. ”¥`¤¤···¤¤¤*¤•¤— Sno. 3. The said Indiana ri ge Company, its successors and assigns, is hereby authorized to Bx and charige tolls for transit over va K u such bridge, and the rates of toll so Hxedsha be the legal rates until ‘ " ‘ charfed {v the Secretary of War under the authority contained m Mqumm mmm the ct o March 23,1906. _ _ _ use, after wmpncee, Sno. 4. After the completion of such bridge, as determined by the §’,§“’“""‘• Kf°""*’· Secretary of War either the State of Indiana, the State of Kentucky, any political subdivision of either of such States, within or adjoin-