Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1487

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS., Smes..II.; Cu. 510. 1927.. 1447 epidemic, pestilence, or ptgher calamitous visitation. or disaster, if such reduced rates hav , first been authorized by order of the commission (witlh or witgouga hearing); but any such order the commissi n shall define section and shal Vspecifg the period during wihich such reduc I rates are sto remain in effep ’? ‘ That _ax‘a.grapI;e ,(2)Z of section _3,pf jthe Interstate Commerce Act,} ,dY°‘·*‘·’·‘"·““‘°”"‘ as amengégl; is amended to rear} as follows: . _ "lS2) §7¤ carrier by ruiirqéd s·g¥>;e<=¢ ¤¤ th¤_p¤<>viSi<>¤S of this Act ¤..‘ig‘§’“¤¥1‘€?¤‘°é’¤f.“»Y.2'» sha d iirér or reliyiuish poséessionat destination of any freight. wd- transported by un 'a11 tariff xiatesand pharges ll;ereon_have been aid, except under suph 1'].1IQ$18Dd`I8g\11Bt10}18_ as the commission may goin time to tune-Erescribe tongovern the settlement of all such hom rates and charges ima __o prevent ,imjust.d1scr1m1nat.1,on: Praqgided, mam mr rmqex. That th0;Pl'QV1§i?I18__0f this paragraph shall not be construed to E,‘§,",§g§’§Y"“°°°°""“’ prohibit any carmér from extandix? credit m eonnection with rates and charges _on,·f1teight Lransporte for the United Stapesxffor any _ department, buréaué or _ fcy thereof or for any State or erntory or political subdiv1sion·}§@reof,',or for the _Districi:._of Columbia,. N uu mm I Where carriers by iailroa are instrueted by a shipper or eonsignorv ¤ig¤S°,§°my’.$’.g`ZY]’Z§ to deliver property transported by; such carriers to a eonmgnee }’g_“r§§,pP_*;§?””°‘ *° other ythan the _sh1?pe17 or consignor, such consigneo shall not be “ legallg liableitfor ransportatxon charges in respect of the qans- port.a_`on of such pmpertrl gegond those lnlled against lnm at the time of delivery f01'_W i_ e is otherwise liable) which may be found to bekltie after the property has been delivered to him, if the consignee (ah is an agent only andlias no beneficial title in the propqrgy, and ( )_ prior tqdelivery of the property hasnotifiod the delivering- carrier inwriting of the fact of such agency: and absence of beneiicml t;it1e,'and, in the case oi a shipment 1;,.,,,,,,1;,,,,; ,1,;,,. or diverted to a point; other than that_spec1£e<l in theorigiual bill "°°“· · of lading has also notified the delivering carrier in writingiof the name ami address of the `benzaiicial owner of the property, In ,,,1;,l‘,°*u§.‘{,°’°§i",,}% such cases the shiggwer or oonsi Q r, or, in the case ofa shi ment F'°¤*” °'**'•°°· °*°· so reconsigned up varied, thq,g;e5c1al owner, shall be liable for such additional gharies, irrespective of any provisions to the contrary in the b111`o lading" or in the fcgntract under which the shipmgitbvgas matlemAn1;ncti0n_g· thaend gcement of sucl£liEn\;i1it); may gunwit.`nte,per1 rovie in a _ 3 io. v¤1.4a,p.¢m section lt;} or before theuexpiration 0;;;: ralonths agmr judgmueinlti a§mnst` t e carrier in an action a i ` dconsignoe begun wi t e period provided in paragraph gg) of section 16. If the consi ec ugsiazsig-r°¤°Z»li¤Zbi¥’¤¤g has given to the carrier erroneous information as tg who the beneggial '“'“' '° °‘“i°" ogner is,·such himself be liable 02 xch additional c r s notwit _ ' "t e, oregoing rovisionso A iséparagra . An ugsziian for this enforcement of such liability inay be bei? witgin MLHEE °‘ um" M the period progided inparagraph (13) of section lg} or _ fore the expiration of six months after _§na judgment. against, the carriers in an action against the beneficial owner named by the consignee begun within t eperiodiprovided in garagrapbb (3) ofisection 16." mc.· 2. Para ph (7) of section 1 pf the Interstate Commeme _dV¤1-4¤·¤-4¤¤·¤=¤•¤<1- Act, as améndeiia 18 amended to read as follows: n 4 _ 3 ' “(7) Whenever there. shall be HIed_with the commission any ug_g*;{_g*¤·¤’¤¤*¤¤¤· schedule stating anew individual or joint rate, fare, or charge or Coinmisslon to as- any new individual or joint classification, or any new individual °°'””“°’“`"“l“°“ °" or joint regulation or practice affecting any rate, fare, or charge, the oommisgiou shall have, and it is hereby given, authority, either upon corny aintior rayon its own initiative without comp aint? at Gnce, and 1f it so 0 ers without answer or other formal plea ing by the interested earner or carriers, but upon reasonable notice, to enter upon a hearing concerning the lawfulness of such rate, fare,