Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1492

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1452 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sm I1. Cx. sia. 1927. my $3:0 ·_ 5*;%;.% *°°i..t."°i¤°”ti..i.'“‘° L? Beit••eet•J;·bg&he:Senat•a•dH oftk• United Statue! Asnprseu in Uongrsav , i una i ¤• ¤¤·roucr° umn A Lltishereb declareditobethei licyofCo in %,:‘§".'l"..'§pxn¤;ati.y;g_tlaaeonaarvati'onofthenatiu—al relxurceeofdlggzto ¤••*¤•· provide erdna protection and development of forage plants and for

   for grazing by livestock under such

regulations as may considered neeesary and consistent with the Un purpoau and provisions of this Act. In eiectuatmg this poll? the

. useof theeelandsfor grazing shall be S\lb0'l'd1¤llBd·l)t0 the evel-
 of     resources, (b).to the protection, development,

and utalmatxon of their forests, (c) to the protection, development. and ntiliutten"o·f their water resources, (d) to their um tor 'culture, and (e) to the protection, development and utilization dgnsaeh other resources as may be of greater benefit to the public. nuxmrroxs Z‘,I_‘;‘;"°""" s»¤ttt1i¤tit1tAtt» _ __ _ ' ué1¤)tThe ter1ntf‘person" means individual, partnership, corpo- ~D¤,.,,,,_»· on oranou ion. WISE) ’The term·“di::fritc;" means any grazing district established ..8.,,,,,. th rovisinns ` Act. ..,·__..` gr Tliiepterm " Secretai;” means the Secretary of the Interior. . ii The term “ lessee " means the holder of any lease. Umm °“°*°°' oaazmo nrsriucrs 'rebeestablhbeden . . . . nun unt S.8.a'I'heSecretarymayestablish districtsun i$;i°?“.£.£ZiS.TE °°° anympublii iands outside of the Aleutian Islands Beservatibon, national forests, and other reservations administered by the Secretary of tgriculture and outside of national parks and monuments whi in his opinion, are valuble for the grazing of livestock. Such may include such areas of surveyed and unsnrveyteld landsifas he determine: og;1gemendyha‘%¤ered as a um even areas txguous r acent. ...°“...‘1'.t‘°"'“‘”"° (ii) rat Stmttty, site tht ttttbutiimttt tt t district, at authorized to lease the grazing privileges therein in accordance with the provisions of this title. ‘ ,f,"'°"”‘““‘"" aarnauox or oaaznm nzsraxcra i Mmmm ' Sncl;°4;1After_any disigglt ip the area embraced therein tend o owing wa :

  • °°°°°°°°‘ The ihay aadd to such any public lands

l cl M K ud. whicii,%_aixhia:»_opinion,a2$)ddbemadeapartofttEw;listnc§. {°° 9 e.secretary‘ jecttoenstmg" oany essee,may in exdaide from such district any lands w ` he determines are no longer valuable for grazing purposes or are more valuable for other m,;C•°,,,g’;”§§g}, '_;;°{‘§j pu(§) 'Ilhe Secretary may enter into cooperative agreementwith any ¤¤¤•¤·¤¤¤·•¤¤*•¤· non, in respect of the administration, as a_ part of a district, of Ends owned y such person which are contiguous or adjacent to such district or any part thereof.