Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1494

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1454 SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cu. 513. 1927. amignment be relieved from any liability in respect of such lease, accruing subsequent to the ed'ective date of such assignment. ”°°'°"“’°°“· runovmmivrs ¥~••·• ¤··,v¤"¤¤¤· Sno. 11. (a) The Secretary may authorize a lessee to construct

     and utilize upon any_ area included   the

provisions of his lease any fence, building, corral, reservoir, well, or other improvements needed for the exercise of the grazing ingress me an- rivileges of the lessee within such area; but any such fence shall °°""""'“°'°‘ he constructed as_to permit the ingress and of miners, prosgectprs for minerals, and other persons ent: ed to enter such or urgaees Neuanmmmu. nih) Th; ilegge all be given ninety days from the date of °'""'"““°° °°°°'° of his lease for any cause to remove from the area included within the provisions of his lease any fence, building, corral, or removable range improvement owned or controlled b h1m.' V . , V . m‘§f{:',g”;°,F‘;_,d {Q', c_) Ifauch lesee notifies the Secretary on or before the termination ¤g“¤¤¤¤·•<¤¤¢ ¤¤¤¤— of of his determination to leav; oputlgehland any imhprove- ' ts nstruction or maintenance 0 w 'c as been aut ' liymthe gegietary, no other person shall use or occupy under arg graamg lease, or entry under any ubl1c_ land law, the and on whi any such ` rovqnents are locateld until there has been paid tothe person thereto the value of such improvements as determined y the Secretary. HN wimmwmnm Sac. 12. Within one year from the date of the establishment of °°°bM1i:‘:i»il?i?°2 an district the Secretary shall give notice by ublication in one

 orjinore newspadpers of general circulation in each judicial division

in which such strict or any part thereof is located that after the date specified in such notice it shall be unlawful for any person to graze any class of livestock on lands in such district except under _ authority of a lease made or permission granted by the Secretary; P°"“°’°°" and any person who willfully grazes livestock on such lands after such date and without such authority shall, upon conviction, be punished by a line of not more than $500. snocx muvzwsrs aim rams oaumm luck ¤r¤••·•v¤ 1¤ Sno. 13 i (a)· The Secretary may establish and maintain, and “°"°°'°°°°Y°°°‘ regulate the use of, stock driveways in districts and may charge a fee {pr ge permit the free use of such drivewayscl d o¤¤;¤¤•¤¢.¤¤n · Secretary ma permit an rson in u ing prospectors '“‘““"'°'""“°°"‘ andbminers, to graze friie of chargg gesmall number of livestock upon arpkland included within ang grazing district. summa warm: (e) 5 Secretary may in his iscretion grant a~ permit or lease °""”“”'““‘°"“"‘ for at allotment without charge on unallotted public lands to ` or other native or half reed. Whenever such native or -br•eddgn.zes his livestock through cooperatxye agreement on allotment hel by other lessee or any grazing ees charged l for said allotment shall be reduced in proportion to the relative number of such native owned, livestock to the total number on said allotment. ' V . xhqrlnp md ap- ,1 , HEARING AND APPEALS ` I 1 Sm. 14. Any lessee of or a plicant for graz' privileges,

m°l° gg! including any person described iii mbdivisipn (c)_ud% section 13,

may procure a review of any action, pr decision of any olllcer or employee of the Interior Defpartment 1n respect of such privileges, by filing with the register 0 the local land oflice an application for