Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1497

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A. P•••- Adjusted Bernice Catijcde gg hi _ roprhtlo { -- - 320. A Stred SB'. D._ C'., aggclency apmm for amounlto- 165 approprlaigion lor paving, Hihteenth to Adjusted Ser»€c•0er¤ffcates (eee alto World Nlncgnth Streets; rom peo- 1306 War Adjusted Compmitlonmi AbandanedZ;•,gorChhi·l9YE.:--_-_-—- loam on, by Veternnf Burma, from appropda for paymentto destitute, Govemuxsmt life fund, 1389 .41m4a»•e¤ ae., aj wv. or cnaam, rm¤e1¤me•£f[j§ZjQl]Z§*ZZZZj§§Q me D. Adjutant General, Amy, ‘ puuhhmentfoqmodined by omission of 715 namedtgn Board o(HCommh•io·n•r• of 499 ................... e60ldh:n’ ome. ........... supedntencjent of workh use in which Ad‘u.ant Genera? Department, A , perion eonined loop:] 50 cents zpproprlatlon {or e¤¤.tin ~ adaydurlngeervlcq ••¤1¤ence- 716 gzartenotmmterydepartxnente .4z>m;o.p;.{·A»c..¤;., cwqam, _ ..... ; .......---.-.-·-. 256, 1108 appro tion for researches for pre- A<YJ1¢*¤*¥ G*’•¢*¤l • 055% W6? D•?¤"‘· venting, eh, .,,,,.,,_,,____ 507, 983 N¢’¥» Amen National rm., uw. ·¤¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤ *g=g*(;¤g;vg{1•¤¤¤;g_1;b,§,§°· 11**8 lands added to, for preeervlng, etc., 656 ‘1gm°° ty 7-56 Hog 1 F"' “*""“'·· --—-——-·-·--·· · me mmm;-gu `````` QQ `'``````' Xdj¤1,ea` ` ' Accaklcnte Rad eu., Gamma- ppmm, appropriatlox?%r securing reports of, ttm an ctr" __ 1108 me eayuupcng .......... 313. 1071 for of Awww 01}:;:% G~r¤;‘<·~ G¤¤¤¤1 Ac- Uéxlon and Seurwmu Aman, 257 coun A - e ......... - ....... V .... - .... Accmente and Depoeih Ojice, Treasury De- d¢5¢l¢¤;¤Yu¤»PP1¤PTl¤*‘¤¤A‘é°¥ |·d¤l¤i•· rf V e ra ve expenses, ruled Com- appmppriition lor Commissioner, and _ _ P¤?¤1·i¤¤ $@3 Y¤¢PP¥¤P1`l§u°¤- 876 omce pereonneL ........... 139, 1030 Ad*MM**¤#1¢‘¤ GV 06***. e ` for books, periodicals etc ..,.... 139,1031 •¤Y·h0d¢Y stluy ek-; 0B¤illl ln. Amum Bureau , me mlm ummm:. _ reqmred n¤<1¤r Fedmi we ---- 830 4 approixriatlon foryrsoualeervices- 155, 1046 Ad’M1'¤! BW'{•¢7 cVd¢ SU;. D~ Aww mmm, N. ez., 4 spnwprlntwn for £•Vl¤8» ¢¤¤1=y appropriation foxilrrigatlcn system forlw 946 iggllw V1 V¤¤?;¤dtl1 $¤'6¤l$ 1305 ,160,,,,,-c,f°p&ym*n nf ```````'`` "" ' Agzgrqhv Cum. ham { nn}; agxopriation for applying Kgnciples °’°°;dYh?pP'°p b °' by K ohtomilitaryan uetrial mh °’d““‘¢" YP“ °"°"' M" u£·-_---·-__-__-_`-—_--- 358, Off0{mEVi£---,-- 4eew¢»,Bma¤y(.eenea»aaeA¢¤r.¤en °p"°'“‘ “°‘“ “‘°°‘*°°“‘°" °°“~ "°" fg allowed to circuit court; Actuary, (eee Government sppuk __________ ;___ _______ _ 233 . ****7 · , time hmit; notice by appellant, etc - 234 Ada Okla. ra of raeeemny; ,,,.,. - ......_ 234 wémeeieeurz es- .............. - .... we Admiugwns ZM: om, ru- ee, mu v, Adams John, and John Quincy Adams, Revenue Act of Mil, deticlency appropriationfor erection of repealed by Revenue Aetlcf 1926 ..... 126 · ' , at Quincy, Mass- 182 Admissions and Title V, Ado all Road W. D.C. R¤¢¤.¤• d 9 cozricmnation of land for w1dening.--- ew tu payable on admission} he theaters, amount authorised for expenses of- - 698 ew-— ·»~ ····-··-·-· »·-. —·—·--- 91 · · · exemption lf 75 cents or tes. ..... 91 Adam, Rwhard C., Delaware Induzn, sd of mm lx whe thm bc allowance to,eetateof,for•ervlcaalu °° Og dx 91 wumema qua cum at neu. at bg °*m°°°°g¢ ot P :°° Aw ¤é·¤e¤¤······. `*` ``` · ```` mg .dd-§‘°?.§i··‘;a"sera;2;"1; ‘"‘’‘‘ 3} sppcinizgnt en owen. N¤w._•¤*1=<>r· 764 »€‘;Z{}°vm§;¤., * 91 -·-¢ --·—--- r ·-·-·-----·-— no e p or y Adiuzcd Compensation rel1g¤o’ ' charitable tc. in- évilian employees in’field service under stitnifggs- -, .... ,--'. -?.-: .... 92 departments, etc., to be wpald, preventing cruelty to children, etc-, 92 · fromappmprlatlone forl --- 161 persona in United States Army or from appropriations for 1928 ..... ·-- 1051 N avy ....................... 92 43892°——27———92 i