Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1525

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mmrx. nix D••rdqfTa:Ap{••!• P¤••· Bead fTaxA P•••- aprmpslation or- eipenses ........ 807, 1072 rezwlsw bly coup ofappeslaot decisions or printing and binding- for ..... 308, 1072 o ; it dehoiene dltalkwed and deiicier:gd appropriation fer- salaries 163 ;1·;>;;tgti;>tr;d1e<i,aiaounttoiaere- 0 expenses; ................ n -;. ...... · ---; ....... 11 for Jpinlinsand bingliagfor ........ 164 other court’undertaklngs authorised- 110 Board jigsaw Jada, X, Revenue venuteioolf, for individuals; corpora-. no I .... a-----a;-·....-;.-a-....-- ‘-' Board continued ’ as an independent for corporations without agencies · xndeg ln Executive branch of 105 b in the Unittcdtatates- ..... ..-;.-- 110 vermnent ....,......... y agreeme A tween l composition; limitation not appli- sinner and taxpayer ...... - .... 110 cableto present members ...... 106 exclusive jurisdiction- of courts of appointment by the President, with _ appeals ·to review decisions of-- 110 consent the Senate, based yudgment final, subject to eertiorari solely o¤_Htnees-. ..... — ........ 1 06 by Supreme·Court.. ..---s ...... 110 removal! restnchgmtgagrlxgiya-3 :1;;.1. 106 to eonfirltr, modify, or de- no

 mc; ..... 4 ................ I 106 to impose damages `````'` 3} `‘`` GBKEAQEQ
 `takingioice hereafter; for delay ....... -lf?-..--A .... * 110

· Rlllrkviéarreiee. ........... 4,-.. 106 fees authorised ..... · ........ ·---r-- 110 removed not permitted to 106 dates can Jvhich decisions of, become lic PIIO 00 CYL. ..........---. D --'.. ...... -...; ..... ai; .... ;-' designaotélimln of Chairman; adoption of 106 if moaiiiletd or rezarréd by Supreme In

.......... - ............. ll O! O0!) Spptalls---..

jurisdiction ol, over income and estate if rehearing ordered by V Supreme A

 ..... -._ ............ 106 Court, or cour-tec!-appeals----- 111

fee authomed for petrtrons and hear- »·Court of Appeals of Dutrict of Colum- ings; quorum. ................ 106 ‘ bin included in term "Cirenit diviaiorérofi and aadgnment of mem- 106 term ;‘Coun; o£,A°gp°;|g”__;_, _______ determination' of_ “-nt-“_i;y:::: 106 Board of Vunior` ` s, ‘· `H--funn finality of decisions of division; appr·o%ristion for Military Academy- 281, 1131 subgectto reviewal by Board--- 106 _ or· eval Academy -..-.--.- --- 610, 1292 decision_ and oiréder dsii- 107 Boards ojin (ses also Railway ¤¤¢¤¤Y P6 ¤¤- Y- , ” , ‘ A date dctenirined of· entry of-. ----.. 107 provisions for, to dlivgres be- no deficiene3gfi{iI:>11o£*1·ectio¤ barred by 107 triveen railroads and t ' em- 578 statute ' tions -..----. ..- 0 ees .--.-.-......-.-...- -- prior decisions prima facie evidence Boards of and Conciliation, of facts therein stated .---.--- .. 107 pro ons for,»repealed-..- -----.-. --- 587 notice and to be given tax- Boards of Trade, , V payer and ..-- --- 107 exempt from income tax ..-.-- - .---.. 40 bearings to be public; reporting; pro- Boards of Trade, Produce, V eedurs- .---...-----...-.-.--- 107 provisions for- preventing discrimina- serviceof process, etc., by mail .---- 107 tions by, against farmers' co- reports or Endings and decisions to be 107 B be operative associations, etc- --.- - 1423 p in .---..-..-- - ---..-- o ate, ‘ " evidenegrdpen to public inspection-- 107 appropriation for methods for °'2%Li‘.?.§.r.'i"’°”·~ *° *"’c “` 107 Boca ····*=··· "°· ****5 publication; eéectTaseyideiroe;:::; 108 V sale of abandon , authorized;  » pr·rncipalt1:>il1iceél1;°Dilstrict ot Columbia; 108 _ Fon- .-...... -2-.4;-a. ....--- 4--- 204

ingblic   etc ---.-- - 108 appropriation for assay office at---- 149, 1040

authority , to attendance of 108 part ofwpgglgcfyding 703 f taki i d L 108 lands from,cit in exchange-----5; 703 fg;-a ' cena for Commis- _Boi·sc Irrigation P1%eet,‘Ida1•c, V M · V sioner forothers, -..- - -.---..- 108 appropriationformaintenance,etc.,of- 480, 958 dbetive) Ll‘dne‘2; 193;. .-.... 108 stores? faellitiesfor Canyon 480 pemes allo m . .awa ----; --.--.- ---.4-;-----r cx from designa&t?s‘i.a!T=iions-;----7 108 unexpended· balances reappropri- authority of, for personal services, ex- 4 ated ..... 1 ................... 958 ' " pensesfetmi -.--. J- ....--.-.. pdeiiciengy ap d:or· construe- 856 _a1 v_ers _,.__,.-----.- · 'one. 'v_ ......

‘toqbe;;::ru·ded for frivolous 109 lot in   gait, aetapart for 890

ap ,, ,....._..... -;,· ...- _ ""&¤ YP ..... ;--.'L--- review of_ Appeals of deci- 109 suspension of speriiiied construction 637 · c ___; __,____________,__ , charges .--.. ;;-J.‘--»..;;;-.;=-·-,1- . oed0ti·re-L: ..-. ;--rf?. Pgs:- 109 0ci>vri1t?lbr1tion· authorlied for- monumenti no stay cgi collections unless tax- " 109 B l_ _ to, in city of- Panama- ---. r .-.. 1423 .__..-...-.-- o vw, b0g§y1?;quier;;??f?g __,__._-,.___ 109 atppropriation for minister to __..-. 331, 1180*