Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1538

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xm INDEX. Chcroluo, N. C., P•r¤· Chicago, Ill.-Continued. P•t•. appropriation for Indian |ch001nt-,- 509, 949 may bridge Calumet River, at One Chcoapeukc and Delaware Inland Water- hundred and tixth Street ..... 976 mk building authorised for Detroit, bunch plum for pmvemnnt of, modiiied---- 1016 of FodemIeRc¤erve Bank of .... 253 Cheaagxuke Bay, granted all Government reveraionary bri go authorized across from Bn.1ti·- rights of public gxounds, ctc., in . more County to kent County, Fort Dearborn addition ....... 390 Md ............,............ 1100 Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Rail- preliminnry examination, etc., cf, water- way Company, · wa. from Taugier Sound, Md., lease extended of in Range Livestock togomnde- -‘-·--,-g .......... 1017 Experimnni- Station iu Mon- project for improving wnwrwn from ‘ tems. ........... {-· ............ 711 , Delaware River to, mod1g` ed---- 1016 time extendodfor bridgianig Mississippi Chesapeake Bay·Br£dgc Comgny, _ River, between 'nt Paul and may biggie Chesapeake _a.y between Minneapolis Minn., by. ....... 136 Mdthuoro and Kent Coiinties, 00 Chickanmpgak and Cvhattanoogc Military --, ........ ; ......... C -1-- 11 GT , ' acquisition authorised by Msryinnd, appropriation for continuing establish- etc.; alter c0mp1étiqn-_...,; ..... 1100 ment 0f---·- -1-. ...... .. .... 289, 1139 Chestnut Street NW., D._C'., · ’ ‘ memorials allowed Spanish War highvnz créasingof over tracks cr Ba1· veterans who were encamped _ imoro and Railroad, to be in .......... _ -.4 ....- ,-i .... 289, 1140 ‘ forever c1osed·n§;>on creation of sale of lots, authorized .......,--.-... W4 the Fern Street iaduct---; .... 1354 Chickasaw Indians, Choctaw and, . Chestnut Tfu Bark Disease, A ’ appropriation for per capita payments appropriation for investigating new to,frnmtx·ustfunds ..... ,--- 475, 954 C gethods of control, etc; ..... 509, 985 Chickasa¤:_:_Ig¤dians'i_·r€)l:c“g. (ace also Five ·’W n I P r`·· provisions relating to, in Revenue Act- 88 appropriation for expenses of sales Cheyenne and 'Arapahoe Indian Hospital, within 000.1 sndeesphslt nreaof-460, 941 ‘ Okla., ’ _ ` _‘ for tribal schools -.... - ---..-.. -.- 460, 948 appropriation for _maipteu•.nee, etc., for governor, attorney, etc ..-..... 460, 954 of .---.. ..J;..--;-;‘---;; .-... 472, 952 for common schools ...-.,.- -’ .... 471, 951 Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indimne, Mont., for equalization of allotments, etc., » » _ Nm-them, -_ ‘ from tribal funds; ....,-.... Q- 954 7 appropriation for -..-.....- ‘ .....-. 4 73, 952 suit of in Court nf C1s.ims,[ may be Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indiana, Okla., . brought singliv or separately on nppropxiangon for support, etc .-.... 474, 954 _ _ tonexiazhuzgge ciaaims; ......-.... Cheyenne iam, _ om y oc ws ............. time extended for Bling sagarate suits Ckicilcasha, Okla., _ in Court of Claims y, residing terms of court at- ......-..........-. 409 in Wyoming, Montana, and Chief J udice of the Supreme Caurt of the Oklahoma- .-.-.... - .-......-. ‘ 764 Umled States, Cheyenne River Algeney, S. Dak. appropriation for -..........-.-.. 344, 1194 appropriation or support, eéc., of In- salary of, increased ....-...-.... - ...- 919 dinns at ,,...--...-......-. 474, 954 Chief of Engineers, Army Cheyenne River Indian Reservation, S. appropriation for priniing and binding Dak., Bm _ t _b·l f ds f amder .... ;---é1..5éi.--e‘i-w255, 1107 rcspitnpaym fl un orcviliauparsohn, ceo, ar pe t•‘Indinne·¤f---;-; ........... 1389 Defartment- ...-.......... 274, 1124 Chicago and North Western Railway Com- control 0 District of Columbia pztrk pany, _ wtem glanced under Director of bridge _;cr0¤s Foxmmvésr in Aigggquin 1009 { blic uildings, etc., in place 835 ownnhnp ., y, egnhz .... o .-...-...-.............-.. - bridge authorized acme: Fox River, in made a member of National Capital Dundee Township, Ill., by ..... 6 Park etc. Commission; ....... 375 Chicago, Ill., named on of Commissioners of •,p}>ropx·intion for ogcnspcrt bureau- 331, 1179 the S0ldi81‘S, Home .-.......... 499 or post once, . repairs .....- 150, 1041 Chief of Finance, Army, for Confederate Mound, Oakwood appropriation for civilian personnel, Cemetery -.....-.....--.-- 288, 1139 Office of, War Department-- 260, 1111 deiiciency appropriation f0I'lD8l'iDBh0B· named on Board of Commissioners of pits] building; --.----- - -----.- 870 the‘S0ldiers' Home-, --.--...-- 499 for mnrinc hospital buildings, repairs, Chief of Staf, Army, _ _ etc ---- ; .------ ; ..---.-.---.- 873 apprcpriahon for civilian personnel, for site for post otiice building; limit · office of .--...---.--...--- 255, 1107 of cost increased; contracts au- Child Caring Institutions, D. C., thorized-; --.-.-----..----... 873 · appropriation for, under Board of ndditionnl buildings, mnrine hospital at, ~ · n‘ Public Welfare; ........... 442, 1323 authorized .,.............. _.;- 632 Child Hygiene Service, D. C., ~ bridge authorized across Inks Michi- _· appmpristion· for maintenance of wel- · , opgznitp Chieai?1 River bi · ‘ · fare stations, etc ........... 439, 1320 gilt}; rk and A neoln lsu Child Wdfarb, C · Commi¤iene¤._-T ........... 7 _ appropriation forrinvestigationa, etc- 372, 1223