Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/163

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. CH. 27. 1926. 123 - lieu of surety or sureties required by law shall have the same force “”*“ *°*°’”¤ and effect as individual or corporate sureties, or certified checks, bank dra;:,hpost·o&ce moneiyhorderzsor cash, for the penalty or amount of penal bond. e bon or notes deposited hereunder and Depcdmma. such other United States bonds or notes as mayebe subdxituted there- for hom time totime as such security, may deposited with the s•p¤aiTms%ii1i;1;»ha¤s:°`U§¤Idt°d.aaSf*t°ii’n Z F°d°"l'sr°°°iw °’;°§“§if ' * ` _or·a“urpose te ry, i shall isue receipt erefor, dwcribgg such bonds or notes so de- posited. As soon as security for the performance of such penal bond Bm"' °° °""’°‘· is no longer necessary, such bonds or notes so deposited shall be returned to the depositor: Promded,Thatincaseaperson or persons rmaa. supplying a contractor with labor or material as rérovided by the Act ,,*§,§‘,,‘§§,‘§§,°}j,,‘§,“u*;,*{’,,§ of ngress, approved February 24, 1905 (33 tat. 811), entitled rg:-uy 81 1 "An Act to amend an Act ap roved August thirteenth, eighteen vu.zs,gZmZ hundred and ninety-four, entitled ‘An Act for the protection of persons furnishing materials and labor for the construction of public w0rks,’ " shall tile with the ·ol;‘ligee, at any time after a default in the performance of any contract ject to said Act? the application and ,,,§§,?“,,,°},€*2§‘,_“ “'* allidavit therein provided, the obligee shall not eliver to the obligor ' the deposited bonds or notes nor any surplus proceeds thereof until the expiration of the time limited b said Acts for the institution of suit by such person or rsons, ami, in case suit shall be instituted within such time, shall hhld said bonds or notes or proceeds subject to the order of the court having jurisdiction thereof: Provided S,§‘j,°",_f,{ ,§§,,,E,‘f"°" further, That nothing herein contained shall affect or impair the priority of the claim of the United States against the bonds or notes deposited or any right or remed fgranted by said Acts or by this section to the United States for de ault upon any obligation of said penal bond: Provided further, That all laws inconsistent with this ,,,§§,°§:Q*'°"'“ 1°"’ section are hereby so modified as to conform to the provisions hereof: And provided fwrtlwr, That nothing contained herein shall alfect the ,m{"§§§;Zjd_’“'h°'i" authority of courts over the security where such bonds are taken as securit in judicial roceedings, or the authority of any administra- tive oigcer of the liiiited States to receive United States bonds for Rub V securit in cases authorized by existing laws. The Secretary may .d_ °°°°°”°°"b` prescribe rules and regulations necessary and proper for carrying this section into edect. mrroncrmmr or mx mime ,,°§,‘f‘°"°°°‘°°‘ °‘ W Sec. 1127. Section 3207 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, is ,';${_'{§f,';f’*g§;’f· reenacted without change, as follows: " Sac. 3207. (a) In any case where there has been a refusal or ,,,{’,§,§},,;{,’ §,f’°,'{,$g,'g neglect to pay any tax and it has become necessary to seize and ly ¤5¤&·:_¤¤¤¤¤¤ or sel real estate to satisf the same, the Commissioner of Internal s., sec: asn, p. Revenue may direct a bih in chancery to be filed, in a district court °"‘· of the United States, to enforce the lien of the United States for tax upon any real estate, or to subject any real estate owned by the delinquent,f0r whichAl;e has any iight, tftle, or interest, to the P I i X a ment o suc tax. l rsons aving iens u n or c aimin °”°“' ° “’“ “g isn; interest in the real estalta? sought to be subjectl:l as aforesai<£ [mw mm Wim shall be made parties to such proceedings, and be brought into _ court as provided in other suits in chancery therein. And the said m2,$,§°{,’;‘§,'§,{,§§?° "' court shall, at the term next after the parties have been duly notified of the roceedings, unless otherwise ordered lg; the court, proceed to adjudiicate all matters involved therein, and nally deter- mine the merits of all claims to and liens upon the real estate in