Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/17

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LIST OF PUBLIC AUFS AND RESOLUTIONS. Xv`11 - hn. Aubu le. Ari tar r A,¤A¤tFord1e.p1u·ch¤•cofntr•et¤f1e¤d the nvuztd tagtet ,;.t·Aub¤m, Maine. May 19 1926- ....... E ........,.. 565 Fart Hull Indian Rc¤r¤atio lands. An Aet Extending tire provieiomof section 2465 - of thc.Unit•d States , viaed Bhtutee to codedlsnds of the Foro Hail Indian Rem-, vation. lhy19,*192|.;-.--.---....-4 ..... .4 ............. .- .... . .».....~..... M6 'Crow Indiana, Montana, children. VA11_AGt To allot lnnds .110 living children on the Crow

 M•$.lO,19¤-- ............ . .... .e--¢-..-.---=. ......... 666

Publwlemdn, Altus, Gln. ‘ Au Act. ranting cerbaingblielendstotbecivyot Abu, Okie.- homg, hr-reservoir ay 19, 1926--- ..... ---- .......... 566 Bridge, Rte Grande; A¤,Aot i consent of Congress to thencomtruotiou of a. bridge semeethe Bio Grande. 1 $19, 1928 ...... ----·.’--- --..-.- »-..-- ------..- 567 Five Civilizel Tribes, claim:. Joint Beeolutaon . Authorizing the Chuokce Indians, the

 I¤di•¤•,i°t1l;l0ree:·[éIndi•m, and the Choc§tl•nd6Chiek:a°j; Indiazhai to

roiecute china,-e ' ’ or · i¤·0¤eor‘m0x·e“ ons, seem uid an Baden: or tribes mei e;¤{7: May 1926 .---- ..... -.-.---.--.-- . --..---.--.... 568 Air Coeunerce Ac? 1988. Au Aet.To encourage and regulstethe use of Aircraft in com- _ cneree » ond another pu _ Mey’20, 1926-;-.. .-.----... - ..--.-...- - .--....- 568 Waahiswogvjlaaka Mil11t¤·%€$°;¤. ·An Act To authorise payment of expeneee of the uhingtonqlukg iiituy Cgbleand 'lbggsraph System out of receipts of meh _ eystemuonnopuating May 20, 1 ;.; ..--..-..-.-.....-..-...- - .--. 576 Black bass, regulations. ·An Ac To regulate the interstate transportation of black bees, and for other pdrporeg. Mty 20 1926 ....-..- ..4- -.......-............-.--.... 576 Railway Labor Act. An Act To pmvizle for theeprompt disposition of disputes between .osz·1·ier•n.ndtheh·empIoyeee nndfcrodsherpurgzaeen. `M•y20, 1926 ---- --- ....--- 577 American Legion Convmtiov;. An Xct'1"o authorise t panting of leave t·oex—ee1·vioe men and women to attend the annual convention of the American Legion in Paris, Fhnoe, K in HZ?. May 20, 1926-; ..-.-.-.-....- Ext.}; .-.. -7 .... -.{---; ..... ii;} 587 enneaaw aumain, dc., gin. ' . or an nepcction ’

 and   and other bet?1£%de in the State of Georgia.,

a , .-.. 1 ......... - ...-....----..--.---.-..- -- ..-. · 4*----;---- -.-- --- 588 Bridge, Deiuvare River. An AM: Granting the consent of furthe oomtruuoion of e bridge scrossthe Delaware River at or nee: Burlington, ew Jersey. May¢I, 1926-- 588 Bridge, North Brooch ofo8uoquehasm¤ River. 6 An Act To extend the ttmefnr thdhbnmxuction of•b:idge•cro¤stheno¤thbranc]1oftheSusquehsnnsRiver¢r0mthecity olWi1kés· Bu1·et0theBorough0fDorn¤c•¢0n,"P•nney1vsnis. M•y21 1920 ---- ----- ----- 590 Public lands, canceled untrue. 6 Au Act;‘I`c.repe•l {he Act ayroved january 27, 1922, pm- viding for ohnnge of entry and for other purposes. ey 21, 1926.;------:-- ---.- 591 Public lands, An Aoi To provide fer=oon·veg•uoe of certain laude in the State oth/Iiehigano Stetepnk purposes. * May 21 1 26-.; .---- L---------- ----..-,,, 591 Appropriation, Navy Degurtnenl and naval amico. An Act Making appropriations forthe Navy Dcpartmen and the naval service tcrethe Bud yearending June 30, 1927, md for other purposes. M•y·21, 1928--- ..-. ---‘--..;--·------Q ..-.- -'.--'---;._ ---..--- 591 Pmnbm, Indian wars. An A¤t»To/amend the second eeotion of the Act e¤ti¢1ed‘“Au Act tggpensiou the eurjvivors of certain Indian were from Isnttairy 1,/1869, to Jmnuy, gl i;&1:1ueive, and for othe1·p¤1rpo•ee,”¥approved Much t, 1917, cdsmended. Mny 1..-, ....--....----.- ---..;---..-1 -..-- ; ---.-.- - .----. ---;---’ ---.-- ;-,- 614 Makah Reservation, Wash., lands added. An Aoi To rovide for the rmanent withdrawal of certain lends ndjoinln the Makah Iudim {innervation in $:shingt.on " 1 . r wor the use md owoy of the biniah sndlguiieute Indians, May 21, 1926 -.--.. 614 World Wm- trophies, diet ‘ ion. An Act 'Po me on Act entitled "An Act to provide . for the equitable dhtribution of captured war devices and trophies to the States and

 oft};   State; end to the District of Columbie," approved June

. May , ......--. .- ..-...-....-..-..............--... V ...-..... 615 Natumal Parka, Shenandoah, and Great Smok Mountain. An Act Tcégrovidefor the eeta,b·. lp, linbmentoftbe Shenandoah Nutionag Park in the State of ginia. andthe Greer V

 National Park in the States of North   and Tennessee, and

mk. }&°w.& “"’°°°“.....,...........‘ M" ”’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ r2.;w.;.v ‘‘‘‘ · ‘·‘‘·· { me ·········· “° oy 6 e 1 ' . ` oeu-ry n prow ° me convention between the·Uni¥ed States s¤dGre$t Britain tnregllhxwthe level of Lake of the Woods oonol ded onthc 241:11 day of FebruaZ;1925. y—22, 1926-- .--.-, · __,,________ 6 17 Dam, Cm To autho _ the Secretary of Agriculture to enquire and mainggn in the Mixmesoige National Forest needed for theeproper•dminietr¤» tion of the Government land sndjimber. ` ·May 22, 1926- .,......,._.___,_,___ ___ 618 Dame, Nadu: River, Tas. An Act Granting {thc consent of Gongreee for the construction of dam or-dams in Necbee River Texas. ·Ma. 22, 1926----‘ -...-..-- ‘ -.-__,_________ 618 Bridge, anthem branch of E1is¤b¤¢h,kive1-4 An Ag Grantixw the ¤¤¤¤¤¤s‘¤e Congres to O.

 F. F. Priest, W. P. Jordan, H; . West C. M., Jordon, and G.

Hubdfd Mase to eoushruct, maintain, and operate eebiiége demon the southern brunch of the River, at or near the cities of Nurfoii and Portnmuth, in the _ county of·_Nod¤1k, inthe Ststeof Vizfnis. Me 22;, H20--, .-.-. c .... ; ........-. 619 Iaterwr A.;1h°e$uthotr§ingthe€°|c;retsryc(t1:leIutem1crto · _ ·~ wer make porery an cm en 'Z§$°§..,.».'“°°’e M.',"‘£?, me .... 1 ................. c .............. - .... · 620 48&2'-27-11