Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1723

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.Pk•ml• Diaabbd in In»~—hl, Reporter, Un£l•d13¢d•8.Supra»u Cmd,.1 »d4••¤y,.Voe¤o€¤a¤I .. .· .. appropriation for¤elsry,:»-~»,s1.,.-,;,844,,1\94 appropriation for promotion ct:;1....·310, 1074 cl; sllow¤¤c•¢ ntwrtstiouwy, » 2 or investigating placements,. ~ s ct¤..~.2-.‘--11. 577 -.,c£;1;;.1;i1m-;o1 .......h z- 310,1074 ciliee expense payable Rehoboth Beach Anglers Club, Q, , =£·ou)xt”$prop1istions3»-;,.-;t..,· . 678 wpier into Atlssntilxgi bui1t;by, 321 Reporting fngsén —. 1x

 iwithpu pe , p -.,---1 — approp `on or ouse Bopn•¤¤·.   .
 B6GCb, Dt]., ‘ · .1 if "58&V\8....;...-...;--J...·;..§a,a·- WS44,  

plieg·into~Atlontio Ocean at; legalized; 1 .1821 for Senate- ....... i- .... , -..-,.;.1; 540, 1150 Re ·0¢i;,,M¤;;,,_ ., ·. , ,1. Reports,ofD:>¥aor¢rncn¢•,c¢¢.,.. · · ···p budge authorised across Palmer Ever I ··`e !>1‘!¤U¤¢ 811111151, s ¤$¤·,· fb! =hQd¤ =.§ _ 1 in-Swansea a.nd_,-,.- .... l -......- 6 thereof, diso011ti¤\1¤d.-.._1¢·,-; 502-, 1161 '*°‘"’°" .1,,,.* i*"&"°“·,, 1 ,,0,, ct ,,,,,.,,22 6 °°"‘°° :,",,.°"""’“",,.,,Q,..,.,..1*°, "°1’“°"‘“‘3¤, im app O1! D! B11 B ··., u ·1 1 `•··•`~•·•-»v7\·¤+ 1 ~ i ’.=•r etc ......... E) ....... 1 .... 1 492,968 Ropresmgtioca in ongrcss, · > select males,,et¤-,---, ..... 4.. 492, 968 ep¥>roprlsti.on tor eompenaatioua;.-,549,.1150 · for improving, etc., industry ..... 520, 995 . or mil ----.1;.-.;·...1=.a.-.-.·.· ,-541, 1150 deiitcllgncy approprintiagifur .... 1.}..- , · 187_ d g0r -...&;;).;.£.;.1;.r...».g;544,:1153 con ‘ usnoe o.1nves' tion, e ., or e olcnoy. appro ` . or ¤¤!¤P¢¤* 1 ineresse of.,.-1--;--1_. ...... ;- a1455 . sstion,·19&,;l926.-;.-.,--..,.,-- 162 ‘Reliefand_P€;otect’1;§1n,;>£’4;nncrican Ssengcn, Reprodueing Surveys,. ‘ .1 1s` » 937 spprevpra non 1:,· oreign oountnce, : eppmpriahon r..;e;..-.:---.-;..-...` . , 1 etc ...................... 334, 1183, Roaear¢h·Coundl,1.Intc11•nticncl,- ; vp s . deficiency efpropriation for .... ;..1- 188, 1258 ’ appropriation for annual contribution Rdigioua,.·..E' ucatwnal, ctc., Entertain- ,'50glII»dAQO¥& Uniona..~.- 339, 1188 L»»= ments, _ _ · . - 1 for expanis, 1: avy~` D8Q!·!l\¢Dt ’ exempt from-admission tax--11-...--.. = W — delegates., ....... .;.....4r--=362, 1276 Rdiqious,i»Scién¢ij£c,ctc., Societies, 2 ·1 R¢seareh.I.aborato1·y,Na•al,’$ -1; ~- exempt from income ta,x.-..e .... -...,- 40 1approprintionterev{Exi:s¢a<!1.-11,;;. ;594, 1277 Emo Indian C'olmiy,·Ne•., 1 I . temporary ui scientists, elmo. T <leiicieneynp¥>ropriatlonfor‘pnxchaseof 1- w, ,—; .,°, ,a 1 » ·.; 1277 . »·· lends oradditlon to-.. ...... -..r 856 tselmieal,1etc;,iservi¤es,.»1-..-·§94;1278 ji amount authorised to provide water, No.248,D..C'. , 7 » = ·.·· . 1

 system fo:·--,-.-----1 ......... g. 1869 trsnstsn~ed11to¤ocntx·ol1.n*.Dl•trict,Coqn· w

purchese·.suthorized for lands to be ·&·miss{one1·—6or Zluniolpd pur- i ‘ : Rddtld t0B11`•8 of .... -..;-.4 ..... 496 ?0&H;-;.-;..#;;,-lL»..-».a..;-.»s.·-- R sx;>u·nt.¤auth0riae1d.f:>;· ........ -...-— Q 496 €fReae1&e,·’ b ` · . i; 1, to ono, a;or— one`. rm, ·_ use ,as l1.lIh6‘ ,64, monumenteuthorized on site of bsttle D ’ forbldden;.--.;--1,.--1.s-;,-1-- 628 of .Sioux Indians with forces of, T 1 exceptions; Government ·¤t•bl%h- ·· and B6¤$08¤-'..-.1 ....... 251, . ment, 0‘|l0-...;.u;.;.11;..;..».,..~..x:-.$..».».,.’ :628 Rent, D. C'., *»· . ” U i · >.i · Reserve Ojiocrs? Trainina Corps, Arty, appropriation for Treasury Depart- 3 sppmpristion foc· , nlp~ it

 ment..1;-· .........._..,... 137, 1028 ‘ 1: plies, etc., to tattoos lmrlgi

for Internal Revenue Service"-; 142, 1033 1 units ofi...--.;.1;.~;.1·;;.>.L1.-· 1134 ·s for Army· restriction .......... 265, 1116 for maintenance oftrslnlng camps for cam éewme c¤mmn,a¤¤--e-- ece, iova . ,,1,,,;---1.-..1-r1.11-n—,;.-1~ 284, 1134 for Interstate Commerce fox·tr•vel•ll0wan¤es;raRacs;:.-;-.—r284, 1134 sion ..... ;..--;..,--..i ....... ..312,1077 for psy of students .•tid!d£ng‘l»d- for Department of Justice ...... » 342, 1193, vsnced $$1-¤]¥;hl£38¤® oom- , for Department of Commeme..-- 350, 1199i m¤tation---11...-,.;1`z.--;..284,r1135 . · for Department of ¤I.•bor;1..-..-- 370, 1222. for medical treatment, ¤t&,!£=hJured for Department of Agricultureo-; 501, 978 ’ lined d¤ty-1---J..-.;.1-,.1--;. 284,11135 deficiency appropriation for for transpertingremalneet members ment Justice ....... .4 ..... 1753 -· dying ·_ ¤+,_».1¤¤uu,,uc¤. camps' _ for Department of Gommeree..-,....- 852. J = ;i§a¤engex~vchlclcs..--,..· .... 234, 1135 Ren¢,IAgAt,¤ndF•1el,Pos¢0_$c•a,·~. J1 orms,;et•.;£1·<¤n;A¤nys\1r;xlxxa 1. mpgropristion for .... 11..-.-,..;---iw 157, 1048 1 1 2 stocks--;~.;-1---;...,.-.--.;.;¤ 284, 1135 de ciency npproprlatio¤,1f0r.e--;---1r..,191 price eummtat .tim•_~ol issneto = — 1. - .,,. » , ; 1%,884,1260 ‘· —. vdmi yme¤tc1.;’;-.-e--- 284, 1135 Rent of Court Rooms, do., . . V » 1 .ad5?tlon•lp—meunted,1_ eto,,··=unlt• ~ ·. »spproBLiat.ion f0r--1---§. ........ ’ 346, 1196 · “fo¤·bidden;-1;—;-;;.-;.-;--.,-s284, 1135 Rentak oneness ;Army,- _ _1 · .nse¤foI:herfundsfo:·lclddon.--1.‘ 284, 1135 Appropriation tor, including quarters for transporting students to national

  • 4 if forenlisted men.---1 ..... ;.1~%8, 11091 - ride oo¤test¤--;,..-; ...... s. 285, 1135

B•ntalAlIowancu,Marinc Corps, ’ deiidency appropriation for quarters spp1¤?riation for omoem. ........ 610, 1292 J master sufplies, etc- --1. 1% 886, 1260 Rental u0‘\0G7l088,N’ , ·· .1 Rcscws Oje•1·s'·ra£n¢1ng·(}orps1.¤vy .1 appropriation for, ..;....-..-: 603, 1286 · · lace Naval. Reserve 6¤cers’ I (X', Nurse QOl'p8.-4...•,;..a---..;;;. ‘ · ·COTN). ’ ~· ` ' 1 Rental and ,Subsat¢nos1Al1a¤na1ner, Amy, Resident Commmwnqrs, · . · · =·credits allowed disbursingbmcsri for, appropriation for compensation of-.. 540, 1150 11 onaecountof dependentmother, foeexpenses of. .... 11--.·--..;.:-..-541, 1150

 . . prior to..`°1, 1923-- .... ,.-..- 654 -   for clerk him .... 1---.1;.-- ..... -; 544, 1153