Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1737

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INDEX. wxh SME: Monica¢,`·¢€‘qI€{»;¤—Contiuued. ~ 1’•¤•. Snake, Radroad Track, a¢c.,"·n hui dciiciuncy apprzrlution for Volunhcr a.p on for tcatingj cbé-i--- 358, 1209 4 B0ldiau?· oma-;..l. 18%:101, 880, 1260 Echo `-Barracks, Hawaii, _ Santa Ymbd India dif., appropriation for hospital, from Mih- da{i¢in¤cyap¥•r0pri•tion£o1~purch•ac of - tary Post Construction Fu¤d--- 264 1 lands oraddltlon U¤`§·¤1;c ..... - 856 amount authorized for ccustructigg purchase of lands-to bbvaddod to; . hospital- ................ - 5,1390 - susan; authoxind foz...-.--.. 690 construction of noncommiasioncd citi- Samtec Sioux Ind¢¤i¢•"(»c»8$0n1x Indians, · ccx·s’ quarters from Military Dilorcnt Tribes). · · 1 c * n Post Construction Fund ....... 396 Sanlelmann, William H. l Schools, D. C'. (nee Public Schools, D. C.), appointment of baud iosdcr, as captain Schools, etc., _ on Marina Cm retired list, appropriation. for Arm{nu?11;¢;s, ctc., upon hlsappli ¤-;-;-...-;- ,1383 · to military, ot or ` with service limitation of pay not appli- units of Reserve, 0Hiccrn’ Tram- cablc ...... * .................. 1384 ing Conga ................. 285, 1135 all active service countcd for lon- Schurz Canyon, ev., _ gevity. ......... .. ............ 1384 _ mconuaissancg as_t0 feasibility of dam Santiago, Chile, , n for irnigltxon purposes, u1, on payment of checks drum by mllitaxjy Walker vcr .... ....-- ......... — 779 attaché at, in excess of credit Schuylkill Riva', Pa., 4 i balance,-and cashed abroad .... 876 preliminary examination ctc., of, for crodit for checks hamtofom, paid by , removing 0Q\1_d\lI£_ p01luti0n---· 1017 him ............ ; .... L. ....... 876 Scientijic Litqaturq, International Cata- ganto Sm Republic). logieie cf} tl anla méngo ` na, . az., appropria on or expenses, prepare. 'on reconnaissance directed of lands of, » of., ...................... 316, 1080 susceptible of irrigation, ctc .... 1098 Scott Circle NW., D. C'. ` Saranac Lake, N. Y., · deficiency appropdaiion for paving, contracts authorised for continued hos- _ ctc.; from gasoline-tax fund .... 167 ggtalisation of Vctamni Bumau Scoit Ccunly, Minn., nctlciariea at ............... 1410 bridge authorised across Minnesota Saracom Bay, Fla., River, in Hennepin County and- 1008 prclimtmiga examination, ctc., to bo Saou Field, Ill., Army, m , o! cliahncl from Gulf of deficiency appropriation for purchase of Mexico into; ................. 1019 right of way";- .............. 878 “S¤ratoga," Battle Cruiror, ‘ .,amount authorised for constructing Emu; of cost increased for cemvarting, barracks .,... ;;, ..... - ....... 1391

 into airplane carrier ........... 1343 Saou, John R., and Qthen, `

Satilla Riv•r;’Gu., ‘ ` ·’ — may bridge Mississippi Rlvcr at Saint pm cxm1iu¢tion,lato., of, tobc Louis, Mo-..._.,, ...... _..--_ ..,., 1240 A: : , for connecting canal, ctc- 1019 _ acquisition authorizbd of after com- Savannah, Ga.; I · ' _ i _p1ctio1i,by Missouri, atc- 1240 deiicicucy ·· u for marins Bcottaliorp, Ala., ‘ - ’ hoqpi b ...... ¤ ....... 871 bridge authorized across Tennessee marine hospital, cIHc¤·n’ quarters at, _ , River ucar _.,,,__,_______ ;,,_ 215 authorised ..... ,. ............ 632 Scout Cruisers, ‘ improvement of harbor, authorinodn- 1012 apprcpriatio1*ffor$ocn¤tr¤ction·of thm; terms ot court at ........... l .... 1-- 672 _ p immediately avaiIab*l¤.·;-; ..... 1295 Savannah Muon¢c‘LodY):',.l1757, Pa., · _· L Q_' I A, minutobookof in Li y of Congress tnrmsof court a1:..‘;;..·L ..... ;-;--.;;..-' 325 ic be delivered bo 8o10mo¤’¤ Screw Threads, _ ‘ l' ·A — Lodge, Savannah; Gs-; ....... 237 wppropriation for cocpcradvs stand- Saqannah River, f -‘ ‘ ¤’ ‘ 1 · andisation, etc, of.;1 ....... 358, 1208 0 bridge authorized across, at Burtons Screw T}»*é¤da,°Cdmm€sa{c%•¢0Standardi2e, _ _ For?- ..... 1 ................ ; 893 creation composition, and duties cfg,- 297 `F Furs? orry 8. C., and Ga .-.... 1273 Sea Post $riia, ' · V ‘ , Iva, . C., to lilbcrton; Ga --...-... 2 appropriation lot mdntenanco, atc., of , Baidnnah, Toms., 1 on obointhlmahipn ...... ...-159, 1049 biidgo auchurizod across Tennessee Seacoast Cannon, Army, ' ’ J 1 i River at---, --.---..--. 1 .-..- 412 ap}:mpriat.i¤u for purchase, aw ---- 276, 1126 Savings Bdsike, Mulual, or a1tcring,¤tc ---- 1 .---.----.- 276, 1127 oiemptafrom income tax -.-..---..- ‘-- 40 for altering, atc., insular 1 posses- Savinga‘Dspq•ita, ~ sions -.----.--..---------- 276, 1127 allowed natiouakbauks; rata of interest f01i;31z¤huo,qtc., Panama Canal- 277, 1127 ~ mitrictod --...- l. --..-...-.-.. 1233 for tcring, etc., Panama Canal- 277, 1127 Sayre, Pa., · Q - Seacoast Dejmsea (au Fortiiicatiom). limiuof cost increased, public building Sqal Fishenn, Alaska, Y · $$.;;-1-.--;;---;--.. .----..- 872 appropriation for agents, ctc., Pribilof public, building authorization for ..... 632 Is1ands-- ..... ;-;..-; ...... 364, ,1216 Scabica in Sheep and Cuttlby ‘ 1 · for `protecting; 3 food to nativcs, · czgpregzriation fc: eradicating, eto--- 505, 982 ctc .......... - ............ 364, 1216 S , _ usloms, · Seamen, American, _ appropriation for automatic weighing, appropriation for relief and protection ‘ , ctc ...........;....... ..--- 141, 1032 of, in foreign countries, etc-- 334, 1183 43892°——27——-107