Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1751

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INDEX. eelv Standard: Bureau Department of Com- 1’•¤•- Statement of Appro riatiom-—Continued. 1’¤¤¤- marco-·—C'ontinued. appropriations ?or preparing, second deficiency approtpadation for salaries- e 172 session Sixty-ninth Congress"- 1155 for sugar stan rdization .......... 172 Staten Island, Y., for equipment .................... 186 improvement of Great Kills, author- for genera! expenses ............... 186 ized ......................... 1011 for expenses, transferred from ...... 187 States, for in ustrial research .........._ 187, 192 deficiency appropriation fortopographic for master track scale and test-car surveys, cooperative Wlth ...... 175 depot ................._. ,.___ 853 airspace reservations may bc set apart for testing structural materials _____ 882 by; restrictions ............... 570 building, ctc., authorized for master authorizations of appropriations for aid track scale and test-car depot, to, for rural post roads in 1928, etc., bg; limit of cost ..._._... 725 1929 ........................ 760 contract ‘ aut orized for power plant forest roads and trails in 1928, 1929-- 760 building on site of -.--.- r ------ 773 continued apcproval oilprojectsin, whose sum transferred to for research. work, laws 0 not low use of their from Armhincidental expenses- 877 funds for road construction, ctc. ; Standards Bureau, `rector of, condition ----.---.-.-..-..... 760 to bo chairman of Commission for captured World War devices and Standardization of Screw trophies to be apportioned and Threads ..--...-..-.--...-.-- 297 distributed to ----..-.....-... 615 Standing Rock Agency, N. Dah., department of, weighing livestock at a appropriation for support, ctc., of stockyard may be registered as a Indians at ..-.- - ........... 474, 954 market agency tiiercf or etc ...- 397 Stannert, H. J., Harry Weis, and George designated agents of, to bc furnished W. Rockwell revenue stamps for sale for stock may bridge Susquciianna River at Sun- transfers --.---..-----------.- 101 bury, Pa .-.....-.-..--..--..- 414 exchanges of public lands with, for acquisition authorized of, after com- recreational parks, ctc -.-.. ---- 741 pletion, by Pennsylvania etc- - 414 grants to, in aid of common schools ex- time extended for bridging Sus uc- tended to mineral lands .--.- --- 1026 hanna River at Sunbury, (1%., lc¤.sing.etc.,0f coal and mincrallands- 1026 by .---. - ..-.---------------- 1269 proceeds for support of schools ..--- 1026 Star I nauranoe Company, option given, tezdpurchasc tracts no deficiency apprropria ion for payment longer us for military pur- to .-..---.---.-------...-.-- 869 poses; limitation, etc. -....--.. 206 Star Routes, Postal Service, provisions for turninicovcr to, émblic appropriation for mail transportation land records, a ., when nitod by in Alaska. -..-------..-. 158, 1048 States land oices, etc., therein, for mail transportation by, except in abolished .-... - .-..-..---...- 672 Alaska .--..- - -.--..-.-.-- 160, 1051 quarantine of, against dangerous giant deficiency appropriation for inland diseases, authorized until ad- transportation by, except eral, established -----.-.-...-. 250 Alaska .---.--.-...---.-.---- 863 cooperation of Secretary of Agricul- Starlings Creek, Va., ture in enforcing .-.--------..- 251 preliminaggr examination, etc., of, to be violations subject to State laws, etc- 251 m a --...-...-....-.-.....-. 1018 rcfund, etc., of taxes aid under Rev- Starr County Bridge Company enua Acts on sayarics of officials may bridge Rio Grande at {Roma, Tex- 1341 of- --.-.--...-..-----..--..-. 130 consent of Mexico required ----..-. 1341 sale of agricultural public school lands State Banks (see also National Banks), of, to boinvcsted in Federal, etc., consolidation of, with national banks, bonds -...- .. ..---- -e--; --.-..- 247 authorized- -..------------.-- 1225 by States having no bonds --------. 247 provisions for eifecting ---------.-- 1225 principal to remain a perpetual fund- 247 State Degartment (see Department of interest to be used solely for at tate). least one college, with speciiied State Homes for Disabled Soldiers and studies ..-.-..-..-.-.--..---- 248 Sailors, taxation by, of shares of national banks appropriation for aid to -....-..-. 294, 1145 therein, authorized ..--........ 223 State Laws, National Conference of Com- alternative forms 0f, allowed ----..- 223 missionera on Uniform, Statesville, N. C., appropriation for aid to ...-.--.-- 424, 1304 terms of court at ..........-....-...- 1340 State Legislation, I ndea; of, Stationery, House of Representatives, to be prepared bionnially, and reported appropriation for .-..-.-..-...... 544, 1154 to Conirew ----------.----.-- 1066 Stationery, Postal Service, amount aut orized annually for -... - 1066 appropriation for ---.-.......-... 159, 1050 State, War, and Navy Departments Build- Stationery, Senate ‘ ings, appropriation {or ................ 540, 1149 de’doiency appropriation for fuel, lights, Stationery, Treasury Department, etc ............_....,...._... 1256 appropriation for .... -. ........... 138, 1029 Statement of Appropriations, Statistical I natitute International, appropriation for pm aring, iirst ses- appropriation for annual contribu- sion, Sixty-nmtg Congress ..... 545 tion ...................... 340, 1190