Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1756

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colx INDEX. T· ?¤¢¤· Tangier Light, Morocco, _ PNN T ,3;,,,; NE_, ])_ (}_, appropriation for annual contributionu 335 d 6 ’ riat' f ' 1184 ° °‘°“E£{.c§i‘£.“i»‘33’sd 3§’%3d 333833; use raw. umm, for paving, etc., Ninth to Fourteenth ¤PP¥’0P¤¤·1¤¤¤ {OF ¤·8€¤1P wd consul Streets; from gaso1ine·tax fund- 167 ssusrsi at ............... -- 331, 1180 Table; of Comgang, dm, [,,;,,,,,,,;;,,,,,,1 for alterations, etc., Government- Commission rm, _ owned buildings at _.__ , __,,_,_ 1181

  • appropriation for annual contribution Ta’*9*·€*” {Sound, Vw,

to _____ _ __________________ 337, 1187 prellmlnarg examination, etc., of, to be Tabulating Machines Census Bureau mo 6 ............. - .......... 1018 appropriation rm- Zmssmstmg, sai- 354,1205 Tank Svhqvlq, Arms, _ Tacony. 5;,,,,,,,, Bridge Company? appropriation for incidental expenses-, 578é may bridge Delaware River, almyra _ 2 N. J., to Tacony, Philadelphia; Tonk Service, Army, _ Pa __________________________ 1024 appropriation for civilian employees, acquisition of after completion au- • sts .............. s. ........ 278,1128 thgrizgd Ly New Jersey, §gnn- T Igor ixpenses of tank schools ..... 278, 1128 1 ‘ tc. ............... -- 1025 an 8 rmy, Tawny, ]§i,’,;;`:;[;gu;,$;a pa_, appropriation for purchase etc., of, and bridge guthorizgé across Delaware othermotorarmored vehicles- 275, 1125 . River, between Palmyra N. J., T¤*`€’**¤m» Pa-, md _________________________ 1924 limit oiilcost increased, public build- T lt, Okla. ` 8 at ..... - .................. 872 aggizgamtgl ’ ,1;%,- Sequgggh Indian Tpughgdbinldgzg authorization for .... 632 ' ' l t-- 470 949 an 0 for puighasre of Tdldligonalilinclis and ’ domestic ¤¤t1?16’ ¤t1`¤Y1¤8 etc-. ¤<>¤‘0¤¤ erecting dormitory, from tribal bouridsgg before May 1, 1926, fundB_ _______________________ 47g admitt , with offspring, free of Ta;,0;a;, Agency, Wa,;,_, duty, if returned before Decem- appropriation for support, etc., of _ bef 31. 1926 ..--------......-- 629 Indian; at ________ ___ ______ 475, 954 duties paid on returned after Decem- Taholch, Wash., _ ber 30, 1925, to be refunded .... 629 deficiency appropriation for water sup- T<m1f._(7h¤·M8¤ CV·6i0{¤8,

 for, on   Bggcrvg. d€liC1BDCy BppI`OFl`l8t1OD fOI' GXlg3DBOS,

tion _____________ _ ______ . _____ 355 revision o ; balance avsf ble,- 866 amount from Quinaielt Reservation Tarijf Commission, Incgans. funds,,, authorized for 303 appropriation for salaries and expenses, 317, wa r sup a .... i ......... 1081 Tahquitz National gyrus Preserve, (2211%, for printing and binding for ..... 317, 1081 created within San Bernardino a- deficiency appropriation for printing _ticna.l ,Forest-:---: ........... 889 and binding ...............,.. 845 lands inguded; existing rights protect- 889 for expenses ................. . .... 1256

— -——-----—-——-—~—--——-— ' Inicrnatbnal B ` -

Federal pwsemnip mqmmg, com- T“"f°' ,,0,, ,,,» §·u_,,,,,,,_,“"“” I"' P"bz'“' ..ism‘?i%23;%“p?,,‘3.32‘§3:3¤ii¤i.‘4°4t“·· 333 33333333333*33·33333*33¤·333s- 333 *135 unauthorised hunting etc. on a mis; T°um?”-R°°"’ M°`?`°" - d,,m°u,0,_"___•____ jul"---- 889 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be 10,7 ' hme f ................... 9 ° ‘‘‘’‘"'‘'"‘'‘’'‘'‘'‘'‘'‘ ».diiiiIrii%i·st$s rglgulations to be made; 38 TM A1>z¤9,g¤;? ,},9,3;%; (M ¤1¤<> Bosrd of tro ' redato `mals--- 889 . . private tllandgvmrgaly be argcgpxted, and ¤PP!'°P¤¤·1?w¤ {OF ¢i¥P¢¤8¢¤ 01, l1¤d€¤‘ other lands or timber given in R°V°¤u° Ast -—-——--------- 308» 1072 exchange .._. - .......,........ 889 Tax Liens, Internal Revenue, Tallahatchie River, Miss., bill in chancery authorized to enforce, investigation directed of possible re- on real estate for unpaid taxes-, 123 claiming of swamp, etc., lands persons claiming interest, etc., in along ........................ 901 property made parties ......... 123 Tamaqua, Pa., merits to be determined by court-, 123 limit of cost increased public building 87 sale and dis;1·i%uti,<;ré oétgiroceedé at- ,......................... 2 caim o ini tes es - public building authorisation for ...... 632 lished ........ .. .............. 124 Tampa Bay, Fla., persons having interest, etc., in such pre examination, etc., to be real _estate may request Com- e, of channel from Clear- missioner to file bill ........... 124 water Harbor to ...... ` ........ 1 019 may petition leave of court to file Tampa, Fla., bill determine claims, etc., 4 army tents, etc., loaned to reunion of _ on failure of Qommissioner ..... 12 United Confederate Veterans at- 1249 if granted, _Umted States, etc., screen wagon postal contract at, may made parties ................. 124 be canceled ..........,....... 751 service on United States ......... 124 Tangen, Bernard, adjudication by court; tax con- deficiency appropriation for .......... 173 clusively presumed valid, etc.-- 124