Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/191

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~ SIXTY-*NINTH·CONGRESS.~ Sess. I. ‘ Cr:. 43. 1926. 151 ·; ·; ‘ ‘ ¤I-l V V QUéRAR.n1QEsTAm‘0N·‘ Q;·,Q Boston, Massachusetts; Quarantine Station: For e repairs sto B°¤*·¤¤·M¤¤· wharf, hiofsyand so”'ferth, $8,000. _- ~ ‘iv· * i `t ·. * T Cliur1eswi1g’South’;C&I‘Ol1I1B.,· Quarantine Stationr Forlimproving cnuiaum. s. c. existing f¢gi1tiesi“$8§Q00,. ‘ ‘ ·, "‘ S ‘ ‘ "Marcus· ook,-y nsgfania, Quarantine Station: For additional M¤rc¤¤H¤¤k.P¤. wharf `on of new boiler,"and miscellaneous mates rialslor ` airs, $18,500. ‘ l e ‘ ‘ . e » · someones _ abania,'Quarantine Station: Forcompletion, $100,000I M¤¤¤¤·M¤· New" (’)rleans,~’Louislana, Quarantine Station: For improving existing fabilities"$2,000Q at ‘ _: ‘ D ’ "" ’ ` 'Nsw [York, <1·few=Y¤rk; Quarnntinei Stktionz For improving New 'Y¤¤=· Y·

   ·· · M

A P°¥`l?T°Whé°?!€ll ]w¤¤bi%4>¤, Quuhutiné Station.: `For improv.: Wig '¤<>w¤¤¤¤¤ gte ·fo ‘ng‘wo1‘lr‘under marine Iiospitelsvend uarantine sta- vhgggtgggggtsuwr tions shall ‘ perfumed under the supervision and direction of the ` Supervising Architect of the Treasury. ‘ _’ ’ ·. rome ismmmos, muunis, ·nquu>umz·r, aim ·sni~u·:nn. xxrmnsus ·*·· .r5°"“”* °"““"“°‘“’ Repairs and preservation: yFors·re irs and preservation of all u<iiipmmdm“m* comp etedeand joccigpxed l1bu0*·b\1l1<fI:g8 and t e grounds thereof under the control 0 the for.wire.p•rti· tions and ily screens therefor; Government wharves and piers under the control of the Treasury Department, together iwiththe necessary dredr§ing:ndjaoent.thereto; careeofwacant sites under the controlof the . Department, such as necessary fences, filling danger; ous'holes, gras ~•nd»weeds, but: not for any»» rmanent improvementsithereon; repairs and preservation of .buiEngs not

 by vendors on sites under the control ofthe. Treasury

DTIYt!1IODt‘ll1]Hlf6d* for, public buildings 0r.·the,en1a:‘·gement of ggiulic buildings, the expenditures on ‘th1s·accolm¢~»for. e current 1 year not to exceed 15 per centum of the annual, rentals of such buildings: Provided, That of the sum herein • propriated not §’f§§°,j·_ ,m,,,d_ exceeding $115 000 may be used ionthe repair preservation of ¤¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤=·¢¤¤¤·.¤¢cZ marine hosgditals, the national leprosarium, and quarantine stations including arcus Hook) and con311eted,an¤d>occupied—outb\1ildings including wire partitions and M y screens for and not m2§°§,§,‘}(§}'¤g§?°°“"‘ exceeding,$24,500 for .theaTre•sury, Treasury Annex LQ rty, Loans Butler,·and -Auditors’ Buildin ·lD the District of é01umbia:.Pr0· 8¤l;é•gg;¤¤1¤¤vi¤¤ rc sided further, That this sum sgsellnot be available furthe payment ' of personal services except .£;-done by contract or for tempo- rar T job labor under exigency not exceeding at one time the sum of {IDD 8.*} 8.11] 0!18 $930,000.. · . _ » ` I Mechanical equip- -»Mechanical uipment: or installationnnd nepairof mechanical ‘“°”‘· equipment ina] completed and occupied public buildings under _ _ the control of the Treasury .De1;l;artn1ent,.including heating, hoist- ,,,§°“““‘· ““““““· ing, plumbing, gas piping, venti tingy vacuum cleaning, an refrig- erating apparatus, e1eotr1c—light plnnts, meters, interior,pneumetie· tube and intercoinmunicating;te ephone SySt8IDB,_¢0Ddl11t~, wiring call-bell and signal systems, and for ·maxnteuance and repair. ot tower clocks; for inuallation ,and§air of mechanical equipment, for any of the foregoing items, in·— dingsnot reserved by yendors on sites under the control of the Treasury LDepartment»acqu1rcd for publicbuildings. or the enlargements of publicbuildinp, the total expenditures on this account 4 or the current fiscal ear not to exceed haw 10 per oentum of the annual rentals of such buildings: .P·ro·v¤Zed, '