Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/208

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1168 SIXTY•NIN'1`H CONGRESS. Srss. I. Cnr 1926. ing) of all ` hwa s that,may be ¤npro' ved under appropriations contained inhtiagsor Epreceding appropriation Acts. ·; °"°°"°¥’°‘”· •*°· A smmr oasomoyssn nxinnarox r °““°¤°'°‘*· of streets, avenuesjand alleys, incl u.1·fncing·and repairs to asphalt pavements with the same yorne notinferior and mcludmg the mainte- M°‘°' '°”*°‘°’· o£r_ncn vehicles -used· m this- work, mgnugmmnnmw fiscal year 1926, $150,000. f`Tlns appggpriation shall be availablle ‘ Y jorreaij J vementso street 'wa`Pwhen—necessa ste

 elrpended shall becolledede g>m*such¤r~ai1mzid bom-

V°*· “"· P· 1°°· panics as provided by 5»of**fAn:Ad pm.vidi11g‘a permanent — 01;:11 of government. for the District of Colnmbia;” approved June .11; 1878e rmdshall be depositedto the credit of <the·appropriation for the decal year in which they are collected. 2 ’ · _ “°"”°· i vi il szwms A m{';°,§§f°”° ml P" For assessment and permit work, fiscal year 1926, Mein empire. $ For main and pipe sewers and receivingbasins, fiscal year 1926, _,$§: g’§,,‘,§,'§f· L“'*‘° Flor payment of the award of the jury of condemnationfor right of. way .,0r the Luzon Avenue trunk sewer parcel 89/3, district court cause numbered 1526, $750. ` "

  • ’°*’“°°°"°°"- rmimo scnoons

Y,,‘;,°j,},·°{,{*,,§*,*§’,}·_,qu,,, r Buildings For the completion of the furnishing and ¤»¤¢- equipment, inelu mg necessary repairs and remodeling of furniture and equipment, of the Western High School, fiscal year1926, $22,000. {,_f_§,*f’“°,,*;,*§,,m_ . The sum of $125,000, contained in the District of Columbia Appro- v¤1.g°p.¤¤e. riation Act for the fiscal year 1925, for an athletic field for the

 Hgghlszcgiool is reappropriated and continued available

unt e . c M‘°‘°"“”d ·l““‘°' Forfiirldditidnal amount for the construction of a win to the mm Macfaarland Jnmior High School $55 000 s g ~ S,f§§_”d B“°"°””* i For additional _amount for tjhe cbnstruction of an eight·room budding. onythe site near Fifth and Buchanan Streets northwest, §,";;j;°,,,,m _u,,m_ $26,500: Preceded, That so much_as may be necessaryof th1s*appro· fungal G D ma pr1at1on_ and iany balance remaining unoblrgated of the $140,000 ' ’ ’ ` appropriated for smh buildingin the District of Columbia Appro- .r1ation Act for the fiscal year 1926 may be expended, liu the discretion of the commissioners, pursuant to the provisions of the existing contract for the construction of the building.- 8§}§,El‘N"€,$ °”°'“"“ - For .addit.ional._-amount for the constructions of? an eight·room extensiblebuildingron the site at Fifth and Sheridan Streets north- X-%"""‘*""‘““""°" “'°“’ mlgfi P.§3i’”fIi”’ Tt"i°c°ZJ““°h '*“·‘°" b°..r?ad" °€ iii? · app ra 1 a an remarmng un o e V°l’43' p` lm' $140l:0g(ll appropriated fbrsuch building in the Distri of Golumbia Appropriation Act for the iigcal year 1926 may be expended, in the discretion. of the cornmimroners, pursuant to the provisions of theexisting contract for the construction of the building. d,§;*_§¤**¤°¤ P¤*= •¤· adlipr. ad tigris; arrixounéxfolrg tliesiplnstirupstion oflpn eiéhbrriohom mint. 'tion to t e, rig tw ar oo 0000: ' at ,,Ef""°““" '“‘b°" so much as may be necessary of this apprbprioition and any blnlance V°*·”·P·m3~ remaining uno ligated of the $140,000 appropriated for such build- ing m the D1StY1CiZ of Co1umbia.,Ap‘plropr1ation Act for the fiscal year 1926 may be expended, in the 'scretion of the commissioners, pursuant to the provisions of the existing contract for the construction of the uilding.