Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/211

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srxrrmsrn couessss. ssa. 1. cu. 44. me. 171 For an additional amount to enable the Weather Bureau to extend *"°'—’**““"'°'°*"¤· its forest-fire weather-warning service, fiscal year 1926, $2,500. FOREST SERVICE Forest Service. General expenses: For an additional amount for fighting and pre- e,,§’¤’“*~“¤ ‘°‘°”’ ‘““· venting forest fires on or threatening the national forests and for the establishment and maintenance of a patrol to prevent trespass and to guard against and check fires on the lands revested in the United C$§§,$’{,§° R°,,§$,¥,§’,}“.{ States by t e Act approved June 9, 1916, and the lands known as the *¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤- Coos Bay Wagon ad lands involved in the case of the Southern v°l‘°°* "‘21°‘ Oregjon Company against the United States (numbered 2771), in the ircuit Court of Appeals of the Ninth Circuit, fiscal year 1926, $800 000. ’ DAMAGE CLAIMS Damagcsclalms. To paiy claims for damaies to or losses of privately owned property I’*`*Y‘¤°¤‘°‘· adjuste and determined y the Department of Agriculture, under _ the provisions of the Act entitled " Act to provide a method for "°]·‘2· p· lm the settlement of claims arising ` inst the Government of the United States in sums not exceedingagil,000 in any one case/’ approved December 28, 1922, as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 181, Sixty-ninth Congress, $636.46. ronnsr aoans asn maxns AfQf°"°"“ H"’""’ For carrying out the provisions of section 23 of the Federal Hig)h~ ,,,,},;°,j'f" “”° “"’*°“ l" way Act, approved November 9, 1921, $3,775,000, to remain availa le W-¤·r>¤-21¤·¤¤¤— until expen ed, being part of the sum of $7,500,000 authorized to be l°1·“· "·“8°· appropriated for the fiscal year 1926 by section 2 of the Act approved _ F e ruary 12, 1925, and authorized to be apportioned and prorated ‘“"’°’°‘°‘“"°“‘· among the States and obligated by contracts and otherwise by the V°l‘“’”‘m°‘ Act o March 4, 1925. rannaan am monwar srsrru For the construction of rural post roads under the provisions of §:l¤i•ii•;,i,¤ii¤ii¢i»°?(i°` the Act entitled "An Act to provide that the United States shall ,0, pj m;,§’v§]°PQ' 2,1; aid the States in the construction of rural post roads, and for other lm purposes," approved July 11, 1916, and all Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, to be expended in accordance with the provisions of such Act as amended, u1cludingDnot to exceed $16 Bmw in the Db or departmental personal services in the istrict of Columbia, trick- $22,900,000, to remain available until expended part of the' sum of $75,000,000 authorized to be gggropriated for t e fiscal year Vol. 42.11-060- 1925 by the Act approved June 19, 1 . DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE ,,,£§§""‘“°"‘°'°°"°' BUREAU or Lrournousss L‘“"“‘°“’°°B“"°°“· Retired pay: For retired pay of officers and employees engaged in ,,§°“""’ p“’· °‘“°°”· the field service or on vessels of the Lighthouse Service, except per- sons c§5ntinually employed in District oilices and shops, fiscal year 1926 5 000. " t Dzimagb claims: To pay the claim adjusted_ and determined by thc c,f,‘{f§'j“°“ "**‘”“‘" Department of Commerce under the provisions of section- 4: of VOL 3,,, ,,_ ,3, the Act approved June 17, 1910 §Thirty-sixth Statutes, page 537 ), on account of damages occasione to private property by collision with vessels of the Lighthouse Service and for which the vessels of