Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/223

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESSr Sass. I. Cu. 44. 1926. 183 Restoration of Fort Mcldenry, Maryland:_I•`or the restoration of }',g*’*m,§,_°§,•$f¥g,’{,$é Fort McHenry, Maryland, mcludmg repairs, 1m rovements, changes, mmm or. and alterations in the grounds, hui dingzxor otlger ajsiurtenances to said neservation Laccordmg to detailed dp s which sh be Qproved ‘ by the.Secretaryof War, as authorize in the Act approved arch 3, V°‘· “· *’· “°’· 1925,-$28,522.35, to remain available until June 30, 1927, and to be paid from the proceeds of sales under such Act. — ‘ ’ Am sanvrcn, Amar `- ‘“’ °°"“"“ For continuation of the transfer of the testin and experimental ,,,,K°&.‘§°,l‘ “°‘°‘D"' plant of the Air Service now located at McCook Isield, Dayton, Ohio, m'§‘:,’;_‘°' °' P*°”‘· ‘° and the reestablishment thereof on a permanent site in the same vicinity, including the preparation of grounds, construction of build- iggnstallation of roadways and utilities, and all other expemes of w ver character connected with this‘pro'ect, $1,000,000, to remain hm available until June 30, 1927: Provided, ’l`hat such portion of the s.w¤°i` mmum funds herein appro riated for this project as may be determined by {QQ, ’§‘,‘;‘,§§f,§’“‘§’,}f the Secretary of Vgar to be just and equitable may be expended ¤>¤¤¤¤¤· under the direction of the authorities of Montgomery County, Ohio, for extending and connectin the county sewer system to the post sewer system, Wright Field, Dhio. oaommcn onrsnrunrzr mgill°`°°° D°""' Not exceeding $100,000 of the appropriation of $1,600,000 made by C§:,,,"2‘,,';f"‘ B'"' the Act entitled "An Act to pgrvide for the carrying out of the m§;_cv*:;¤¤_g{tg‘¤gg,¤:·ri{ award of the National War La r Board of July 81, 1918, in favor mmpmyea ar. of certain employees of the Bethlehem Steel Compan , Bethlehem, v°1‘°"" '°°°‘ Pennsylvania, ’ approved March 4, 1925, shall be avaihnble for such administrative purposes including oilice rent, supplies and equip- ment, printing, personal services, and traveling expenses, including mileage of Army oflicers while on such duty, as may be necessary to enalble the Secretary of War to carry into effect the purposes of suc Act. ' rmanca onramarnxr "”“‘°°D°°"‘m°““ Damage claims: To pay claims for damages to or losses of pri- d,PT,,§’§"’ °“”‘““°' vately owned property adjusted and determined by the War Depart- V°’·*’·¤· *°°*’~ ment under the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to provide ia method for the settlement of claims arising against the Government of the Um'ted States in sums not exceeding $1 000 in any one case,” a proved December 28, 1922 as fully set orth in House Document lfumbered 176, Sixty-ninth Congress, except claims Numbered 4 and 5 $2 499.95. ’ ’ amscnn suoans, snsnsua M"°°‘° B°°°”' For the continuation of the work on Dam Numbered 2, on the Ngiuriiiiliggsaliieil Tennessee River, and for thepurchase of transformers and acces- sories, $2,000,000. _ 0 H t For operatigg, maintaining, and keeping in repairthe works at w¤{:i¥ni°5i'N.IzY" Dam Numbe 2, Tennemee River, including t e hydroelectrical development $300,000, to remain available until June 30 1927, and to be expended under the direction of the Secrets. oi War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers: Provided, That this f':',,"°m;,,, ,,,, ,,,,0, appropriation shall also be available or the payment of an such ¤v¤¤•¤•· eipeuses incurred during. the Escal year 1926 prior to the cgste of t s appropriation.