Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/231

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. sw. 1. . .011. 44. mee. 191 BF0rchN;.;·i%1al » Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Pacino rm ’ O . V 4 ii For construction and repair Bureau of Construction and Repair (Navy transfer to War, Act llday 21, 1920), $4.13. For ordnance and ordnance stores, Bureau of Ordnance (Navy transfer to War, Act May 21, 1920), 23 cents. rosr ormcn nnraurusrrr-1-rosran snavxcn Out of the Postal Revenues For balances due foreign countries, $5,999.39. Pm omm Depart For city delivery carriers, $762.57. a ”‘°"‘· For clerks, contract stations, $20.14. For clerks,;.tirst and second class post oilices, $2,722.17. ger clerks, third·class post oiiices, $150. or compensation to , $329.19. For electric and cable car service, $260.93. For foreign mail transportation, $14,228.86. For indemnities, domestic mail, $10,478.14. For indemnities, international registered mail, $1,963.89. For labor—saving devices, $13.50. For mail messenger service, $388. " For miscellaneous items,£irst and second class post omees, $707.57. For person and property damage claims, $98.%. For post odice equipment and su(pplies, $13.76. For railroad transportation, $3 ,646.51. For rent, light, an fuel, $2,156.12. For Rural elivery Service, $17 6.61. For separating mails, $313.19. For special de ivery fees, $33.84. For temporary city delive carriers, $738.7 8. For temporary clerk hire,?2,742.04. For unusual conditions at post otlices, $200. For village delivery service, $70.81. · For vehic e service, $777 .28. Add,,,m_, ,0 mu, Total, audited claims, section 2, $1,212,033.67, together with such g1¢¤·•¤•¤¢¤¤¤•¤¤r¤- additional sum due to increases in rates of exchange, as may be °°°°' necessary to pay claims in the foreign currency as specified in ggain of the certificates of settlement of the General ccounting ce. · — 1 For ayment of the claim in favor of the Pitt River Power Gem- Oc§:;m§**·* ¥’¤··¤r pany, Sin Francisco, California, allowed by the Comptroller General ` under the authority of the Act of February 2, 1925 (Private Act v°l"°‘”‘“°°· Nllllllibelilod 118), $1,76fii d ` h b d a 'l bl f th t N "Y¤·¤¤*°¤* d e a nsion n is ereymaevaxaeor e aymen { OM- of the claigrsfsmountingp to $349.86, allowed by the General Xccount— mggnmt { (wm ing Oiiice in accordance withthe provisions of the Act of March ‘°°‘°‘"°‘ 29, 1918 Sgortieth Statutes, page 499), as set forth in House Document umbered 229, Sixty-ninth ngress. Aumrnn cnams t *°°"·" °’·’m*· ‘ ` Pa t ol eddi- Snc. 3. That for the payment of the following claims, certified **°¤**l}m to be due by the General Accounting Oiiice under apslropriations the balances of which have been exhausted or carried to _ e surplus fund under the provisions of section 5 of the Act of June 20, 1874, and v°"1°""“°‘ under appropriations heretofore treated as permanent, being for the services of the fiscal ear 1928 and prior years unlem otherwise stated, and which have been certified to Congress under section 2 "°‘~”-¥’·’”‘·