Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/260

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220 SIXTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Snss. I. Ons. 78-80. 1926. regulate the construction of brid es over navigable, waters," _*,[';,¥"*’°,;,,, 0, tmc approved 28, 1906,: Pj·0#vided,gI’hat such bridge shall not be audi; mmm. constructed `orcommenoed until the plans and specifications thereof shallhave been submitted to and ap roved by the Secretary of War: mdetho Chief of Engineers as being also satisfactory rom the standpiointof the volume and weight of the trailic which will pass over.; · r . i V _ e "m°°°m°°*' Sno.: 2..-That the right to alter, amend, or repealthis Act is hereby expxeSsly~reserved. .. , Approved, March .22, 1926.

 CHAP. 79.-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the highway
 S§“&’$”€§§t%’¤“i€£i?E°.§'g€l$”?»'§t“J.T;.”$f?§£ 2¤%"‘€§fO3'°&?u€l‘§£°2i“tsI}.'$Z’

Commw Bje it enacted by the {Senate and House 0f,1§:5¢·esentati·vea of the Ahmmamgbddg, Unzted States 0{I Amemea an Oongrese assemb , That the consent §g°,f,,‘g8°°(g*0u(Q,‘;§‘cf,°¤ *****1 of Congress is ereby ranted to the highway department of the ` State of Alalbama am? %)tsdsu<><1eSi10rs and chassiguxis, to construizlt, maintain, an operate a ri ge an a ma es ereto across t e Coosa River at a dpoint suitable to the igtgrests of navigation, on the C mu Clanton-Rockfor road between Chilton and Coosa Counties, in the v§R'§,,,p_§l1_' Stataogf jtggbaina, in acoordancgh with the provisicinsb og the Act enti ct to regu ate e construction o ri over .i){»°;ii$°¢¤1 ot mms navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906: Provided, Ti; such °“p°°"’ '°q“""“· bridge shall not be constructed or commenced until the plans and specifications theirepé shallgigle bgiln §ub;niited_to and aplpgjoved {sy teSecreta oe aran e 18 o ngineersas 1ng aso satisfactoryrllrom the standpoint of the volume and weight of the trailic which will pass over it. · s ·*m°”""‘°°‘· Sno. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 22, 1926. A

 CHAP. 80.-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the highway

<=. o. . de ment of the State of Alabama to construct a brad across Tennessee {ive: near Gunursville on the Gunteraville-Huntsville roadlii Marshall County, T°'”‘°”°° R"’°’· Be it enacted by the Senate and H owe 0 Re eeentatévea 0 the Alabsmama bri . ¤•·¤ G¤¤*¤¤*'i*··m’ United States 0{A America in Oongress aesefztbledr That the codsent gf ii ereby to the highgvay department of the tate o a ama an its successors an assi ns to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches Siereto across the Tennessee River at a Hoint suitable to the interests of navigation at or near Guntersvi e on the Guntersville-Huntsville road in gcnm-¤c¤,,,,_ Marshall County, in the State of Alabama, in accordance with the V°‘·“·P·“· provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to, regulate the construction ‘p·m4.., of bridges over navigable waters,” approved March 23, 1906: m·g’§§§“6{,u‘{§edf““° Provid , That such bri? shall not be constructed or commenced until the plans and speci cations thereof shall have been submitted to and approved by the Secretary of War and the Chief of Engineers as being also satisfactoigl from the standpoint of the volume and weight of the trailic whi will pass over it. ·*”‘°°d'“°"*• Sac. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. ‘ Approved, March 22, 1926.